lag free server -> no players server -> no player server -> no point of having such one -> find new serwer for network ->new server hype -> -> many player -> very lag -> such work for staff -> much player complains about lags -> ... ->profit
I understand that English isn't your first language, but there isn't a lot to go on. You never specified what server you are referring to so I have to broad brush an answer. Eighteen player limit is to balance out the load on the server, because of legacy tiers etc it rarely is just 18/18 and if it was this is what we consider the sweet spot for 1.12+ packs. No mobs? Well there could be a lot of reasons either we hit the vanilla mob cap, yes there is one. Maybe you lit your area too well or not well enough as mobs spawn in caves after all. Maybe you hit the cap for your surrounding chunks? Remember this isn't single player so you might not see as many mobs around you, but that doesn't mean they aren't somewhere else.
yes, sorry. it was just a useless complaint after hours of searching for a gem and a full server on return. I did not find the option to delete the thread, otherwise I deleted it immediately.
I do understand it's been a bit, but if you're still wanting this thread deleted please let us know If not there's no worries! Have a lovely day~