Info Regarding Minecraft to Microsoft Account Migration

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by SirWill, Oct 22, 2020.

  1. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Mojang announced yesterday that the Java Edition Minecraft Accounts will be forced to migrate to a Microsoft account starting in early 2021.

    Our launcher and others like MultiMC which handle the authentication of the Minecraft accounts will need to implement an authentication for Microsoft accounts to support this change.
    Download only launchers like the Twitch App and FTB App use the official launcher for authentication and launching, therefore they will support the account change as soon as Mojang releases the launcher update.

    We recommend to wait with the account migration as long as possible to prevent any authentication issues.

    Reference: Java Edition is moving house | Minecraft
  2. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    i wont recommend playing modded on the official launcher, use twitch or ftb, as for technic idk (meaning bteam, tekkit, and tekxit 3 maybe unplayable for a while)
  3. Hqcko

    Hqcko Ultimate Noob

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    The more you wait, the better the outcome; PS some small clarity error there bud ;)

    I would assume Technic will be a delayed thing because I don't think its an "official" launcher for minecraft? I'm not sure so don't quote me on this ;P
    InsaniumIV likes this.
  4. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    I plan to wait until they force me to change it. Stupid Microsoft. Why do they have to change something that works.
    BookerTheGeek and LunaBlossoms like this.
  5. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    I dont like being forced.
    -1 for Microsoft
    Not wow
    I dont wanna have Microsoft account
  6. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    Actually u will be able to play technic packs, but through the multimc launcher

    u just need to enable developer mode
  7. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    Trust Microsoft to create problems. They havent come out with a thing that wasnt buggy from release.
    Shizucc likes this.
  8. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    lol, all the microsoft trashtalkers coming out of the woodworks, so funny

    I think the whole thing makes sense.

    The one thing I find confusing is the sentence from their FAQ "You know you have a Legacy account if you log in with a username instead of an email address. It’s important for you to understand the difference between that type of account and Microsoft Accounts if you want to continue playing Minecraft Java."

    A bit confusing, I have been logging into MC with my email for years, I don't use a nickname anymore since ages, but I can log into MyM, so what they are doing here must be something else.

    edit: ok, i think their faq is confusing. I transitioned ages ago from using a nickname to logging into a mojang account, but that is not the same as a microsoft account. Unless they are somehow automatically converting mojang to microsoft accounts? that FAQ sentence makes no sense to me
    InsaniumIV likes this.
  9. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    tbh i don't hate ms just some of their actions lack an explanation.
    Plus sand i think you understood it wrong, the migration starts 2021
  10. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I understood the migration correctly, the confusing part is that FAQ. It says that I recognize having a legacy account if i log in with a username, which I am have not done forever.

    edit: nevermind, i am stupid. "Mojang Account or Legacy Account" and then they explain what a legacy account is
    I have a Mojang Account, but both need to be transitioned
    InsaniumIV likes this.
  11. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    mojang account is easier to migrate, but legacy transition requires you to add an email to it then migrate, which proves to be annoying if you didnt do it before, When you were told to!
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2020
  12. IsHayden

    IsHayden Well-Known Member

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    This migration is actually essential for Microsoft to put out for vanilla servers as it completely eliminates alt banks and stolen accounts.
  13. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    It will get ride of some, but their are plenty of alt Microsoft account.
  14. IsHayden

    IsHayden Well-Known Member

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    I'm talking out the like semi-access accounts that don't have a linked email etc and are sold in bulk.

    Regardless, ridding *some* helps against repetition cheaters/hacked clients and whatnot that use a ton of alt accounts and switch to a new one when they get banned.
  15. SparedPumpkins

    SparedPumpkins Senior Moderator

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    I may lose this account as the email associated with it is long gone.
  16. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    From what I am reading, your expired e-mail will suffice for as long as it is used even though there is no way for verification. As long as you continue to use that name it should be active forever if needed. You may need to re-op the email unless the e-mail proper has been removed(ex. Compuserve address).
    SparedPumpkins likes this.
  17. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    I think that I can talk about Microsoft, as I have had the dubious duty to have had NOTHING but Microsoft programming from DOS 0.8 to present. I have never had a complete programming system from Microsoft. All of the Microsoft programming has been very "buggy" because unfortunately Microsoft wants to be the 'First' in everything.
    I can only remember the lonestar update that they released to certain personnel which leaked it to the public. That program was more complete that any other and Microsoft killed it.
    More Money than sense?
    Can you explain the "millions" to purchase an independent company, (Minecraft)?
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2020
    InsaniumIV likes this.
  18. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    That happened years ago, they only took action to make them ms accounts now
  19. SparedPumpkins

    SparedPumpkins Senior Moderator

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    I can't re-use my email but it's good to see I might be able to use it anyway. I don't want to lose my name.


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