I know the reason mob cap limits are in place and im not entirely opposed against it, but would there be a way to make it so it'd prioritize named mobs over non-named normal mobs? like if say was a named pet or two it could detect that and exempt them and get rid of the non-named mobs that are present. We just lost another pet to *beetles* that were roaming on the surface. I know I can speak for several others too who have tried having a pet but lost them because the mob cap limit decides to poof the pet into oblivion
From my experience i can say "named" mobs are LAST to remove but system takes also the time of mob "life" so oldest mob will despawn 1st than "younger" one. Recently we had explaned how mob spawning mechanic works so how about MyM staff make special thread to mob cap/despawn mechanic that is implemented on servers
I just saw an instance where a player was riding around on their dog (mceternal has mod called dogy talents) and while they were riding it around it just dissapeared on them. whihc I guess meant the cap was already reached in that chunk and so it deleted the dog on them. I've seen so many people lose named pets of theirs to the cap limit, it gets bad with it especially on packs that add more peaceful mobs taking up that limit space. a player shouldn't only be able to use a mount in only dims like a compact cube without fearing whatever they have will dissapear
The name tagged mobs are already prioritized. The only way to prevent mobs from disappearing is using a safari net, golden lasso, etc. A possible fix for this would be to completely prevent mobs with nametags from DE-spawning, but that has inherent issues.
its 10-12 for a 3x3 chunk area actually. Overlapping with other chunks. But higher mobcaps mean TPS issues and i mean why would you even want animals? All they do is make annoying sounds, walk all over the place and some even lay eggs... I suggest we leave mobcaps as they are and if you want a pet, make sure you dont have any more mobs in the area so yours doesn't despawn.
Hehehe i just got a fun idea. Ill tame a wolf. Call the wolf LordDoge and then wait for it to despawn or taunt me forever. @LordEreh