Accepted Galactic Science suggestion: add Extra Util glass to Oxygen sealer config

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Enoan, Nov 19, 2020.

  1. Enoan

    Enoan Well-Known Member

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    12:31 PM
    in the Galacticraft core config file, one of the options is "External Sealable IDs" this is a list of extra blocks that count as sealed for the Oxygen Sealer. By default only solid opaque blocks, as well as vanilla, enderIO, and chisel glass blocks, seal in oxygen. The extra decorative glass options from Extra Utilities do not seal oxygen. adding:
    to the "External Sealable IDs" config option would fix this.
  2. Pseudonycat

    Pseudonycat Well-Known Member

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    This would defeat the purpose of airlocks and break progression of the pack. Ethereal glass is not decorative and can't be placed in the same category as normal types of glass, since it also allows players to go trough it. Airlocks already fill that function, use them instead.

    Also, we do not modify modpacks, because it's not what the modpack maker intended. If you can convince Caithleen to update GS with that config, i'm sure we'd be happy to update.
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  3. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    This seems like a reasonable suggestion. Not really a pack change since it's purely for cosmetic reasons. I'll add those blocks to the configs.
    Enoan and Gabezetrainboy4 like this.
  4. vikingghost11

    vikingghost11 Well-Known Member

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    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  5. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    As for why I added the Ethereal blocks, as most are aware GS has memory leak issues. Air locks and sealed pipes are major culprits. Letting players use Ethereal instead of an airlock will hopefully bring a little more stability in that regard. Quest books can still be followed, and likely will be by most players, but if they can choose to use Ethereal instead that can help the server.
    gamewiz93 and LunaBlossoms like this.
  6. egons_ghost

    egons_ghost Build Team

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    I started this server 6 years ago and have played a lot of the packs just beat them or cross them off my list. I am now playing Galactic Science which would be an awesome pack if it didn't LAG so damn often. Is there anything that we can do to reduce or diminish the lag on this pack completly? I am litrally standing on my base breaking 6 ores in gravel form and although it shows it breaking and pieces flying all over and the sounds of it being picked up the blocks are coming right back so I can do it all over again.

    This pack is unplayable and unless we restart it every hour which is unheard of. The next server deletion we do I am voting this pack because clearly there isnt a solution to the SEVERE LAG.
  7. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    I did mention on Discord, it requires some investigation that, as far as I am aware, only Sirwill can do. So until such a time as he can track down the source of this problem, and patch it, the best thing to do is poke us on discord to ask for a restart when it gets laggy.

    One bit of advice, I know someone before had mentioned that it might be due to something with spawn, or something that gets loaded when spawn gets loaded, so if possible stay clear of spawn.
  8. egons_ghost

    egons_ghost Build Team

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    12:31 PM
    Yeah I am sorry Lirael, I posted here first before posting in Discord sorry for that. I have been playing Galactic Science for I think 7 days and even if it is just me the server is lagging but I've talked to several staff about the issue and it was stated that it is a memory leak, then it turned out to be the Old Tardis's now its the Armourers Workshop Armor. Im really NOT trying to bug the staff on the issue I promise. I thought if we make a ticket for this then its a trackable issue and maybe we can make tickets to narrow down what time of day the issue is happening and who is signed in who might be creating the problem accidentally. Thought I was doing some good unless proven different. But again if you feel this is a pestering of staff then please dont take it that way all I am trying to do is help.
  9. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    9:31 AM
    Oh, I didn't understand the original intent, but we would only need the message in 1 place, not 3.

    I would just like to assure you, we are aware of the issue, it is just not as easy to solve as other problems on servers.
    SovereignEternal likes this.

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