Done Server Shutdown plans

Discussion in 'Other' started by JohnBonDovy, Nov 26, 2020.

  1. JohnBonDovy

    JohnBonDovy Well-Known Member

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    2:48 AM

    I would humbly like to ask if there is an easy way to find out which servers might be shut down anytime soon, in case some sort of list (maybe a tendency) or the like exists.

    thanks in advance
  2. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    2:48 AM
    Actually not a bad idea to have a list of servers that are more likely to be the next on the shutdown order. I mean you must have an idea way before you are actually shutting down servers amirite?
  3. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    haha, good luck

    i support this suggestion, but this has been asked sooooooooooo many times, so good luck


    Ok, two reasons why this was always shut down.

    a) Announcing the shutdown of a server makes people leave
    b) Servers are shut down depending on numbers. While there is often a tendency noticable in player numbers, there is less planning ahead as one might expect.

    I have suggested the idea of a red-yellow-green system before which indicates how much in danger a server is. Unfortunately this also affects player numbers again. Additionally the most important number is actually how many new players a server brings in, not necessary how many play on the actual server. And this is a number which isnt directly obvious to the playerbase.
    So if pack A brings in 50 new people a day that immediately move on to pack B, because A is overhyped and overrated and stays with 3 players all day, that might be actually more worth than a server that is consistent at 8 players, but does not produce any new people to the network.
    A proper system also requires staff to plan ahead and unfortunately there has never been something like a 6 month, 12 month etc gameplan and things are often decided on a "relatively" spontaneous basis.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2020
  4. TheeForgotten

    TheeForgotten Senior Moderator Build Team

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    9:48 PM
    Hello JohnBonDovy,

    Just to let you know that servers shutting down will always be in the announcements.. If you want to know when a announcement is made you can always be on the Mine Your Mind discord and it will let you know when one has been made.. Also you can always just check the forums as well.. But i find it personally easy to keep up with them on discord but the choice is yours

    Assisted by Mantwo
  5. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    While this is useful information and true, I think the question was more targeted longterm, so that players have an idea which packs are safe to start on. I updated my first post with a little bit more information on this topic.
  6. TheeForgotten

    TheeForgotten Senior Moderator Build Team

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    9:48 PM
    So this is for all but if you watch the Server Status Page as i was always told if it had less then 5 people over a period of time then odd are that it could be in the shut down list.. You will want to look for the servers that had more people on them.. This way you can make sure that you will be on a server that won't shut down likely..

    Assisted by Mantwo
  7. JohnBonDovy

    JohnBonDovy Well-Known Member

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    ok thanks well I just started out fresh on tekkit legends with a friend of mine.. looking at the numbers (cant really put up statistics by looking at it all day long though) this server probably has a tendency to be shut down.. is that correct?
    thanks again
  8. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    8:48 PM
    @JohnBonDovy Not staff but for a good idea, I can let you know that the servers most likely to stick around are:
    • 1.6
      • Crash Landing
      • B-Team
    • 1.7
      • Agrarian Skies
      • Infinity Normal
      • Infinity Expert
      • Greg-Tech: New Horizons
    I don't know enough for the other packs but I would bet good money on these packs being around for a while.

    What I think would be better and easier for the staff to do is commit to a LTS server which will be around for at least 18 months. Any thoughts on that Staff?
  9. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    One thing to add to my earlier post. The traffic light system that I suggested a while ago was more as a warning to players, mainly after the fanbase of Regrowth got super angry after it got shut down. The idea was to set a server to yellow or red which basically means "Guys, if u dont play there, we will shut it down".However, since I know know that new player acquisition plays a heavy factor, which is not influenced at all by that traffic light system, the effect of motivating people that are here to play on a server becomes less relevant.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2020
  10. Mantwo

    Mantwo Well-Known Member

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    You can still make a suggestion on the suggestion forum it can help us a lot to improve things !
  11. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Sandy did such a good job in explaining it. When there is even a rumor of a server shutting down people jump ship like they bought front row seats for the Titanic, if we actually announced it people would flee faster, weeks before a planned shutdown. It also adds to the pressure to add something new and shiny, believe it or not we do test packs internally for weeks to months before we release them and you might notice that we still fall behind the popularity curve at times. Saying we are going to shut down B-team for example would immediately result in players clamoring for something new that we might not have even had in the planing stages.

    We generally shut down servers when the numbers don't support a server. This could be obvious to a player on the server, they login to crickets constantly, and in some cases it might not appear to be as unpopular as you would think. We look towards new player logins as well as maintaining a healthy base as well. so it might be a decision we argue and mull over before it happens, and depending on the pack we might just do a fresh start rather than putting a bullet into it.
    JohnBonDovy and Gabezetrainboy4 like this.
  12. JohnBonDovy

    JohnBonDovy Well-Known Member

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    thanks for all the detailed replies to my question.
    I can understand both 'sides' here, I guess in the end there cannot really be an easy answer to that question.
    4give me if I stung into a bee's next (hive?) here somehow, that wasnt my intention. probly I shud have send a PM to the staff. even though this so far sounds like a valid and productive discussion, as far as I am concerned this topic can be marked as done.
    thanks again. stay save and healthy all

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