Inscriber Automation with Steve's Factory Manager

Discussion in 'Tutorials, Tips and Tricks' started by Gabezetrainboy4, Nov 29, 2020.

  1. Gabezetrainboy4

    Gabezetrainboy4 Well-Known Member

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    Inscriber Automation

    I have devised a way to mass-produce ae2 processors with Steve's Factory Manager, a powerful inventory manipulation mod, and basic inscribers from ae2. This is intended for Infinity or similar packs, as this is somewhat obsolete with advanced inscribers in 1.12

    This is my setup for reference:

    This is capable of producing thousands of processors in minutes while being extremely server-friendly.

    Processor automation can be split into equal sub processes each including one silicon inscriber, one Gold/Diamond/Pure Certus inscriber, and one final inscriber to create the processor.

    So, the minimum amount of presses needed to create all 3 processors is 3 inscribers per processor x 3 unique processors = 9 inscribers. Of course, this can be manipulated to your desire, as Steve's Factory Manager has nigh-infinite capabilities. I'll be setting up a simple 3x3 in this tutorial.

    A set of 9 presses can create each unique processor once every 2-3 seconds. This is infinitely scaleable but you must setup the proper amount of inscribers in the correct way for this to work as intended.

    • Inscribers
      • Silicon
      • Gold/Diamond/Pure Certus
      • Redstone
      • Silicon Press, Logic Press, Engineering, and Calculation Press
    • Machine Inventory Managers
      • Inventory Cable
    • A chest+interface/E-Chest to supply the gold, diamond, pure Certus, Redstone, and silicon.
    As long as the Inventory Cable touches one side of the inscribers, the Machine Inventory managers can push/pull from all sides.

    Now, place the inscribers, machine inventory manager, and interface/e-chest like so:

    Next, insert the various presses in the inscribers like so:

    Now, place a stack of
    • Silicon
    • Gold/Diamond/Pure Certus
    • Redstone
    Into your chest for testing purposes.

    With all the blocks placed, we can now configure the Steve's Machine Inventory Manager.
    Right clicking on the Manager will give a big blank menu where all the controls will go.

    First, create a trigger, input, and output. Keep them disconnected until they are configured correctly or items may go to the wrong places.
    Press the arrow on the input tab and select inventories. This is where the items will come from, so select the chest.

    Select items, and white-list silicon. (There is a search function, you can also do .inv to search within your inventory, I usually have to do this with redstone)

    For the output, the inventories will be the silicon presses - in my case, the top 3.

    This time, the target is important. Inscribers will only accept silicon from one side. I am doing North, but you may choose any cardinal direction as long as it isn't the top or bottom. There is no need to set the item as we have already done so in the input.

    Now, if you connect the Trigger ➜ Input ➜ Output, the silicon should go from the chest to the top inscribers! You can also rename any of the blocks by clicking on the blue "T" next to the title. Easy, huh?

    Create another 3 pairs of inputs and outputs, inputs named Gold Input, Diamond Input, and Pure Certus Input.
    All three inputs are the chest.

    For the outputs, the Gold corresponds to the logic inscriber, the pure certus corresponds to the calculation inscriber, and the diamond corresponds to the engineering inscriber:

    Target set to North.
    From left to right, whitelisted items are Gold, Diamond, and Pure Certus, respectively.

    Oh no! How can I possibly connect the trigger to all these inputs and outputs?
    Simple, just create a flow control, the fifth option down from the top left.

    Select the arrow, and select Split - 5 outputs:

    Now, connect everything together like this:

    Nice. Silicon, Gold, Diamond, and Pure Certus should be working now.
    Silicon should be going to the top three, Gold should be going to the middle left, Diamond should be going to the center, and Pure Certus should be going to the middle right.

    The final step will be the bottom row of inscribers. If you're still here, thanks for reading! I know, it's hard to follow. :p

    We are nearly there! Another input and output. These will be for redstone. Input is the diamond chest, whitelisted to redstone. Output are the 3 bottom inscribers:

    For the output, make sure the target is North, and set whitelist to redstone for reliability.

    Create 3 pairs of inputs and outputs. Input will be the diamond chest, named Printed Gold (Logic), Printed Diamond (Engineering), Printed Certus (Calculation).

    Outputs will be the bottom left inscriber for printed gold, bottom middle inscriber for printed diamond, and bottom right inscriber for printed certus. All outputs will be targeted Down.

    Next, we need to insert the printed silicon. One more set of input and output, input set to diamond chest, output set to the bottom three inscribers, whitelist printed silicon, target Up.

    Now, if you insert all the printed circuits, printed silicon, and redstone, the bottom row of inscribers should fill up properly. One more step!

    Create one last pair of input and output, labeled "Return".
    The Input will be all of the inscribers, target being South. The output will be the chest - this returns all the outputs of the inscribers back into the chest.

    Remember, you can stack flows together. A completed configuration will look something like this:

    Now, simply provide power to your inscribers using an energy acceptor and you've just completed automating ae2 processors with Steve's Factory Manager! For automation with autocrafting, simply create a machine pattern like so:
    This pattern would be placed in an interface touching the chest for the setup.

    Thanks for reading! Let me know if you guys like these tutorials.
    TheeForgotten likes this.
  2. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    As soon as i read SFM, i went NOPE and didnt read any of it. SFM makes me quit packs lol. Its so damn complicated! But its nice you went out of your way to educate people.
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  3. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    I personally like the complexity. Well, not exactly complex but has a ton of configuration. While it is complex, it can do a ton of cool automation. It is also usually cheap to make and doesn't require power.

    I can definitely see it being not easy or off putting when you see it though.
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  4. AceOfBases

    AceOfBases CDO: OCD alphabetized as it ought to be.

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    Love SFM. Very powerful.
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  5. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Every time i hit SFM in a pack, i get rly strong inclinations to just shoot myself in the feet rather than actually trying to use it lol.
    Aidoneus likes this.

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