Done Mob-Spawns and Droprates

Discussion in 'DDSS' started by Qintsal, Jun 21, 2020.

  1. Qintsal

    Qintsal Well-Known Member

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    10:09 AM
    1. Are there even Blizz on this modpack? (white blazes) apperantly noone ever saw one on the server. I tried spawning them with cursed earth, didnt work :(

    2. Lich´s from the mod Ice and Fire should appear in cold biomes. Cant find any, cursed earth doesnt spawn them too. They seem to be the only source of Gravemaster´s Key for the Mausoleum Dungeon. Maybe add a crafting recipte for it if spawn doesnt work? would love to explore that dungeon....

    3. Zombie chunks should have a droprate at 30%? i killed a lot of zombie with the soularium dagger (or what ever its called), got only 2 chunks so far.

    4. Do wither skele drop "drop of evil"? killed alot of them too, maybe im just unlucky? dont wanna farm them for hours if they cant drop it. would be great if staff could confirm that it can drop. there is a crafting option for that too. so wouldnt be terrible if it cant drop.

    thank you for your time :)
  2. Qintsal

    Qintsal Well-Known Member

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    10:09 AM
    5. blazing juggernaut are hiding too. cant find any.

    dont want to annoy anyone...just curious if its working as intend or not.
  3. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    well as for point 3... the 30% droprate could be just seriously bad luck. Statistically, you can get a lot less than 30% drops because RNGesus denies you drops 70% of the time. And it seems like RNGesus hates you lol.

    1 drop in 3-ish doesn't actually mean you SHOULD get 1 chunk per 1-3 kills. It means on average, over a larger number of kills, the amount is close to 30%. But its not a guaranteed 1 in 3 drops.

    For example, if you have a 50% chance to get heads or tails on a coinflip and you do 10 coinflips, its not guaranteed you get 5 heads and 5 tails. It could actually be only 2 heads or tails and 8 of the other, heck the coin could even land on its side in extremely rare cases. So it is actually still a matter of luck or RNG. And if your luck sucks... well then droprates will too.
  4. Qintsal

    Qintsal Well-Known Member

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    i get that deepcage :) as said in second post curious if its working as intend. doesnt feels like it does.... alot of spawns doesnt work too.

    never seen a support creeper, yesterday a blitz spawned right in front of me which should be impossible?

    around my base only horses spawn...only seen two pigs til today.

    but yes, rngesus hates me....that are old news :(
  5. Qintsal

    Qintsal Well-Known Member

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    no one cares? no support anymore for DDSS? :(
  6. Zyrade

    Zyrade Well-Known Member

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    I've not played DDSS so am unable to answer your questions in regards to that, but I might be able to lend some insight on your second issue.

    The Mausoleums are finicky with how spawns work on the server. I encountered issues with the mod over on Eternal, looking for the same mob/key. The Mausoleums have two different types of spawners inside- the mobs from the mod pack and pig spawners. And unfortunately, the pig spawners are much more frequent! I did the same thing, trying cursed earth, but it doesn't impact it. The only thing I can suggest in the meantime, is try moving around the outside of the Maus and waiting in a different section for a bit. Unless you have an item that tells you directly where the spawners are (then wait there!)
  7. Qintsal

    Qintsal Well-Known Member

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    from what i´ve read on the mod-page at feedthebeast the lich´s should just spawn in any cold biome.

    but i think the spawning is somehow broken on the server anyway. cursed earth is afflicted by day/night which shouldnt be the case? in night the spawn is normal, at day hardly any mob spawns on cursed earth.

    ofc i have no idea if that is how it should work or if its just broken.

    one player says around thier base spawn blizz, but other then that noone ever saw one. support creepers are needed for a quest but are no where to be found.

    this pack is awesome but the spawning? as said i dont know if its a server problem or modpack problem....
  8. Qintsal

    Qintsal Well-Known Member

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    pm´ed staff, got reply.

    sorry for being impatience.

    nothing game breaking here. please take your time! :)
  9. Dead_0nArrival

    Dead_0nArrival Well-Known Member

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    Sorry this is taking a little while to look into. We will continue to check things out as time allows us. For now, I can say that Blizz do indeed spawn. They spawn in cold biomes and they are very rare. The spawn rate on the server is pretty slow and depends on the number of mobs in the area, so if you have a lot of passive mobs around, you may not get a blizz to spawn. I would think that if you build a cursed earth farm in a cold biome, you may get bilzz to spawn, but I have not tested that as I don't play on this server. I will continue to look into your other questions and concerns.

    Qintsal likes this.
  10. Qintsal

    Qintsal Well-Known Member

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    thanks for looking into it.
    updated list:
    1. Solved---Blizz spawn, just not for me :D

    2. Lich´s from Fire and Ice cant be found. Probably modpack issue since this is quite new.`kinda game breaking since you cant enter the mausoleum without a key

    3. Solved--- Zombie Chunks probably just have worse spawnrate, but since u can enchant the dagger with looting no issue here.

    4. Solved----modpack changed to not let wither skele drop "drop of evil" anymore.

    5. Blazing Juggernaut are no where to be found.

    6. Support Creepers? never seen player claims to have killed one at one point :D

    7. I can only spawn 8 Sheeps in my farm? havent tested yet but other play say they have similar problems/ probably wanted by mod/server?
  11. Dead_0nArrival

    Dead_0nArrival Well-Known Member

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    I have confirmed number 5 as I spent a while searching for the blazing juggernaut. A ticket was also made so the admin team has been notified of the problem. The blazing juggernaut are apart of primitive mobs as are support creepers so if there is a problem, then it could be related.
  12. Dead_0nArrival

    Dead_0nArrival Well-Known Member

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    I have done some digging into the configs and it looks to have been updated for primitive mobs and also checked the spawn configurations for ice and fire and everything looks good. Most of the restrictions were removed for primitive mobs. As for the amount of spawns, that can very depending on how many other entities are in the chunks around you. There is a limit and reaching the limit will also cause entities to despawn.

    If this is still a problem, please let us know.
  13. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    2:09 AM
    I fixed the error in MultiMob.cfg and Blazing Juggernauts and other Primitive Mobs should spawn normally now.
    LunaBlossoms likes this.

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