Implemented GT:NH Plugin adjustment

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by BookerTheGeek, Dec 15, 2020.


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Poll closed Dec 22, 2020.
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  1. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Local Time:
    6:13 AM
    So, I've now spent hours flying/walking/standing around the nether waiting for a ghast/magma cube to spawn. And this is a problem as I've seen exactly none/zilch/zero/nada of them spawn. (Edit~ x1 Ghast and x3 Mgma cubes TOTAL since being in the nether) We need to kill 10 Ghasts and 20 Magma cubes (two different quests) for progression in the questbook.

    This has always been an issue on MyM due to the mob limiting spawner plugin we use that limits how many mobs in a specific area.

    My request is to implement one of the following:
    • Whitelist Ghast & Magma Cubes
    • Increase the limit for them(iirc this is not how the plugin works but I might be wrong)
    • Increase (by a lot) the allowed nether spawns
    • Whitelist the nether to allow unlimited spawns

    Some reasoning:
    • The nether is not generally loaded by players nearly as much as any other dimension. While it is loaded, it is usually for either brief expeditions or for a quarry.
    • Nether = Dangerous. So more mobs means more danger.
    • Spending multiple real world days unless extremely lucky for a quest which should (without the plugin) take a concededly less.
    Testing in SP these mobs spawn much more frequently and the quests are completable inside of 2 hours.

    Yes. Other might have better RNG luck, but the majority of players this will be an issue.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2020
    mrminesheeps and gamewiz93 like this.
  2. gamewiz93

    gamewiz93 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    4:13 AM
    So i agree with it for the ghasts i have spent a lot of time in the nether and i have on seen 1 ghasts. But for magma cubes i have some cursed earth placed done that spawns them quite a bit.
  3. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Local Time:
    6:13 AM
    Gotcha. That would work for Magma cubes but not Ghasts.
  4. alphaest

    alphaest Patron Tier 2

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    Local Time:
    1:13 PM
    Ghasts can be farmed in twilight dark forest towers which is already part of the twilight progression.

    Magmas can be spawned using cursed earth.
    Magmas are not needed for any progression.

    Both can be spawned using eio powered spawners.

    Nether is already a very dangerous place without flying and/or fire damage nullification. Especially those undying legendary blazes that may spawn.
  5. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Local Time:
    6:13 AM
    Already tried that, Mini-Ghasts do not count towards quest progression.

    Yep, mentioned that magma cubes can be spawned with cursed earth. Have not had a chance to edit the original post yet to reflect that.


  6. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    4:13 AM
    BookerTheGeek likes this.

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