This Week on MYM #32

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by CanadaBunny, Dec 29, 2020.

  1. CanadaBunny

    CanadaBunny Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    5:18 PM
    Hey everyone! Welcome to the 32nd This Week on MYM!

    How we all doing? I know I'm a day late. Things got very busy for us coordinators around the holiday times. Did everyone enjoy their holidays and get to spend time with family? Well that's enough about me and the holidays. Lets move onto the newsletter!

    A message from the Community coordinator team:

    You like building? Want to help out MyM and know what new servers are coming out as well as a special tag? Well then look no further! The MyM build is accepting applications! View below to see how to become our builders.

    Builder application

    From the management team they would like to announce a new addition to our Sr.Mod team!

    Everyone give a big congratulations to @Gabezetrainboy4!

    Make sure to give him all the work he can handle :p

    Now onto the real reason most of you are here. The top voters!

    First Place: @_WickedHunter_
    Second Place: @Papers
    Third Place: @LordEreh
    Fourth Place: @DarkKnight2107
    Fifth Place: @XYofLight

    Congrats to the winners! Your prizes will be handed out shortly :)

    Now onto the admin corner!

    Admin corner:


    • Updated the /menu to support the new title.
    SkyFactory 3:
    • Added 6 custom recipes to spawn
    All the Mods 6:
    • Updated to 1.3.7
    • Disabled extra hearts resetting on death

    That's it from the staff team! Hope everyone has a wonderful night and had a wonderful holidays!
    - Community Coordinator Team
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2020
    sp33draft and Gabezetrainboy4 like this.
  2. Gabezetrainboy4

    Gabezetrainboy4 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    2:18 PM
    Shhh Nobody tell bunny that it's actually #32
  3. CanadaBunny

    CanadaBunny Well-Known Member

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    5:18 PM
    Oops XD lemmie fix
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  4. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    2:18 PM
    I knew it :) Congrats Gabe!
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  5. Snackumzs

    Snackumzs Well-Known Member

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    5:18 PM
    Where is the info about the new servers for the next 4 weeks! Starting with "Anti-Matter Chemistry 1.2.32 is now online for the next week @ You'll need to use a non-MyM launcher."
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  6. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    9:18 PM
    You failed at counting again,

    learn how to count before you make another week on mym please

    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  7. CanadaBunny

    CanadaBunny Well-Known Member

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    5:18 PM
    Im a bit tired XD
    Haven't slept in over 47 hours
  8. Moettke

    Moettke Well-Known Member

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    12:18 AM
    Although I don't play anymore, I still go to read the news
  9. Moettke

    Moettke Well-Known Member

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    12:18 AM
    Attention to the first sentence
  10. CanadaBunny

    CanadaBunny Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
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    5:18 PM
    Fixed again. Thanks for catching that :p
  11. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:18 PM
    1.Worst Time of the year
    2. Political corectness - its Christmass not "Holiday" and save me from "not every one is religious or have different faith"
    3. My place again... I think voting On mobile dont count corretcly...
    4. Another year comes to end. Another year older and More grumpy
    5. High
    6. 66
    7. Deadly sins
    8. Looks like standing infinity symbol
    9. NEIN, NEIN, NEIN - famous meme quote
    10. When do i stop.
    11. WoW
    12. Its still going
    13. Much unlucky number
    14. Already running out of ideas
    15. I cant say some one was lazy So i dont Say that.
    16. Years ago my beloved dog passed away. R.I.P Rex
    17. I Will quit MC and mym for few days
    18. Yay, mature number!
    19. Ok i stop it i dont need help.
    20. I can quit when ever i want okay?
    21. I better charge my Phone it have 23% battery.
    22. Im lazy. I should grind some mobile game event but i skip it for 2nd day already.
    23. Fingers hurts.
    24. ...
    25. Profit
    26. I miss Raptorpea, he was Such good Teammate.
    27. For my late Christmass wish i want to be 1st voternof the month.
    28. The end.
    29. Or is it?
    30. Lets keep going! Woooooo!
    31. Many troll.
    32. Weeks we have this Kind of thread. After So long time i still dont think its good addition but without it we would have even less Staff-made stuff on forum beside changelogs or rare announcement of New server or even rarer events.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2020
    sp33draft and CanadaBunny like this.
  12. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    10:18 PM
    i almost forgot:
    33. I hope, coordinator that makes new TWoM will count correctly and post ON TIME FOR A CHANGE.
    34. Who am I kidding? At least dont forget we have NEW year, so post monthly rewards. Maybe special reward for top 3 of the year(at least from point MyM started counting?)
    35. Bad pun DOGE intensifies
    36. My hooman got injured in peekaboo accident. They took him to the ICU.
    sp33draft likes this.
  13. vamptasy

    vamptasy Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    9:18 PM
    hi guys i was looking to play ATM6 with my 2 boys so was looking to get Patrol 3. two questions, i can add both my boys on as friends pass with this tier to the ATM6 server and second when i put the tier 3 into my cart i cant find the ATM6 in the rpefered server drop down loist, i cant find it on the MYM launcher or the server stats on the website, is it completely hidden?
  14. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    10:18 PM
    @vamptasy you need 3rd party launcher for Any 1. 16 packs and about firendnpass - shop should have Such information but i believe p3 have friend pass but ask Staff on discord
  15. Gabezetrainboy4

    Gabezetrainboy4 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    2:18 PM
    Yes, you can get one account with patron 3 and gift the two friend passes to whomever. As lordereh said, we don’t host atm6 on the mym launcher, but multimc is a great choice.

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