Let's build a town

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by LordFungi, Nov 4, 2020.

  1. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    5:01 AM
    hmmm less grindy town? I acceopt this idea bc idk if will be able play GTNH on my potato after we reach machines...
  2. Mrlonelj

    Mrlonelj Active Member

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    Local Time:
    5:01 AM
    i would love to help :D
  3. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    9:01 PM
    Honestly, I don't see why you would need a different Discord for this... I check out our MyM Discord all the time and it's rare to see anyone in it... Unlike when we had Teamspeak going... And making a different Discord disconnected from the MyM Discord would be sorta against the whole concept of this being a MyM Community project in the first place...

    Overall, it sounds like an interesting idea, but if you segregate this concept to a server that requires paying into the Patron system, that cuts out a good chunk of the MyM Community, as not everyone can afford constant payments just to have access...

    As to your concepts surrounding how it should be run, if you have a MyM Staff Member be the central hub for membership invites and so forth, first you need to get a staff member willing to add that to what may already be a full plate... Sure it sounds more secure in theory, but that is quite a bit of micro-managing, needing to be on at all times of the day for both invites and to police the members, etc... I think it would be better to just have several key members as the ones with the rights to invite and set rights for the members of the plot, as long as they agree to restrictions on their powers as dictated by the majority of participants, as a means of checks and balance...

    I think the concepts spoken about earlier in the discussion, with regards to assigning members their plots to do with as they please (within the general theme restrictions of the group) would be more prudent... While also having certain locations designated as public domain for the purposes of shared resources as well as shared utility, would also work out... As far as avoiding theft of private resources, the staff have the means to determine theft and grieffing when it occurs... As long as you let them know up front what is designated as public space and what is considered private space within the shared overall community plot overall... You can technically outline private space with a sign designating who is in charge of said space, and also document it here in the forums so it's public knowledge, in case staff needs to become involved in a possible griefing/theft dispute...

    Anyhooo... The concept overall sounds like fun... But I wouldn't wait for too long before designating what pack you want to get going with, as the longer you wait to get the ball rolling, the faster interest will fall to the wayside... You can make plans, but I wouldn't take too long to pull the trigger...


    p.s. - Just based on the timing of the last post in this thread... This concept may have already died? It's been over a month since the last post...
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2020
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  4. wtffidy

    wtffidy Patron Tier 1

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    Local Time:
    12:01 AM
    i.. would be interested in this im no the best builder, tho i enjoy the menial tasks

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