This Doge on MyM #2

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by LordEreh, Jan 11, 2021.

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  1. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    9:40 PM
    Welcome everyone in this new week and new issue of This Doge on MyM! Hope y'all have great week and even if this monday may be not so happy(i hope not) rest of the week will be great!

    I thought a little how I should make this thread and I suppose this should be more personal stuff than rip off of
    objective staff's This Week on MyM. On the other hand i think i should add some info what happened during week so it will look kinda like TWoM.

    Staff's stuff corner:
    Evereryone congatulate the @Jaytuple and @SovereignEternal their promotion to the Moderator!
    No more bulliyng from upper staff! Great work guys!

    On the other hand we had very sad moment because @CanadaBunny and @chaseB2 left Staff team.
    Lost of Community Coordinator and one of Administator was irreparable loss to the network.

    Other sad stuff - last This week on MyM was released 13 days ago so we can say for sure IT'S DEAD!
    We community members lost another touch with staff. We will be left with rare annoucements and changelogs also tickets when we encouter with bugs. Yeah, also we lost encouragement to vote because we could win rewards by doing so(I personally voted only because reawards).

    My VERY Doge corner!

    Here i will write my much personal stuff and thoughts!

    About the reisgn of Bunny and Chase. Both of them says they left bc personal matters but 2 staff members(high ranks in addition) leave staff THE VERY SAME DAY and it's not caused by issues inside staff?
    I dont think so but of course other staff members will deny that saying network is doing fine although anyone whos play on MyM for long time and is active in community knows better.

    Many sad day: @SkellyBelli dog died/was killed. Much mourning.

    I play on GTNH most right now... guys... its fun pack for anyone who wants pack to play for long time - you can beat it in 2-4 weeks like most of packs we currently have.

    What else i can say... It's cold in my place -5C degree.

    Ok i think thats whe most important stuff that happened during week. When you look at it its more sad tha happy week. Dont worry, be happy! After rain comes the rainbow! I wish for everyone player and staff member great week and send very big WOW filled with happines!
    -LordEreh, MyM's very Doge!

    If you have suggestion how to improve such thread dont be afraid to post it!
    p5k, mrminesheeps, sp33draft and 3 others like this.
  2. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  3. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    9:40 PM
    And thats why TWoM was better in kind of having verified information from Staff...
  4. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    1:40 PM
    Well you aren't wrong, but there's nothing I can do about it, sadly.
  5. SkellyBelli

    SkellyBelli New Member

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    3:40 PM
    much sad day :(
  6. LadyRen13

    LadyRen13 Well-Known Member

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    You are more then welcome to apply for staff and work up to the Community Coordinator rank to help out with the actual newsletter but this imposter news letter must come to an end. It is making a public mockery of someones actual work here as a staff member(s) and the public disrespect will please end now. I do love a good troll now and then, but we feel this is an issue falling under staff impersonation and spreading of false information to the community. I am asking nicely that this please stop.
    Thank you for your understanding and cooperation going forward.
    Management Team
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