This Week on MYM #33

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ElectricLemonade, Jan 12, 2021.

  1. ElectricLemonade

    ElectricLemonade Well-Known Member

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    4:48 PM
    What's up everyone!?

    Did ya miss me? Yeah yeah I know, we missed last week. Whoopsie! Bad Lemonade! Then again, we should all know by now that real life takes precedence. So how has your first couple weeks of the New Year been? Wonderful I hope! Always refreshing to start a new year with new goals!

    Got a few things to catch up on so let's get down to business. Check out some of these threads!

    Vote Reward
    Favorite Modpacks

    Wanna know who top voters are? Who are we's the only reason you're here!

    Weekly Top Voters
    1st Place: @_WickedHunter_
    2nd Place: @Mooomsy
    3rd Place: @LordEreh
    4th Place: @Papers
    5th Place: @Kruzfarhen

    Monthly Top Voters:
    1st Place: @_WickedHunter_
    2nd Place: @LordEreh
    3rd Place: @Papers
    4th Place: @DarkKnight2107
    5th Place: @XYofLight

    Congrats all! Your rewards have been distributed! Keep up those votes. You could be on top next week!

    Our Management Team would like to give a big warm welcome and congratulations to our new Moderators! These folks have worked hard over the last few weeks to ensure they are fully ready to be of assistance to our community! Congrats guys! We know you'll do an awesome job!


    Admin Corner:


    SkyFactory 4:
    • Removed EMC from Wooden Crate and other items from Barrels, Drums, Storage & More mod to prevent not intended item dupes.
    MC Eternal:
    • Allowed Mowzie's Mobs in both Farmworlds
    • Removed Frostmaw boss quest due to issues with Frostmaw spawning.
    • Removed Atum fishing quests.
    • Expanded Atum world border to 10000 to allow players to reach temples.
    All the Mods 6:
    • Updated to 1.3.8
    • Updated to 1.3.9
    • Updated to 1.3.9b NOTE: Chocolate Fix comes with pack. No need to install manually.

    Ok guys you're all caught up. Here's to having another great week (and year) on MYM!

    _Cilo_, LordEreh, Mantwo and 2 others like this.
  2. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    1:48 PM
    Gabezetrainboy4 and LordEreh like this.
  3. alphaest

    alphaest Patron Tier 2

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    10:48 PM
    I vote on changing the title to "Community update" to end this mockery of the definition for the word week.
  4. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    9:48 PM
    WoW, but for Real its #34, lets make #33 the legendary lost episode. :p

    Since my thread was closed I add some explanations here.
    I never tried to impersonate Staff nor mock them with my Doge on MyM. More like i tried to provide constructive criticism and point out something that only long stand member could notice, I see whats happening around and I couldnt stand anymore the way MyM is/were(you choose) going so I took action because I care, instead leaving like many great community members did. I hope my message was send and I wish Our community will thrive and prosper even better than before.

    If anyone from Staff thinks i gone to far knew this i am sorry that you feel that Way, its wasnt just trolling and spreading false/bad news. Sometimes you need say bad things to point out problems to fix them later, that's what I mean by all that commotion i caused.

    Many apology
    Very sorry
    Much regrets
    Are we still WOW?
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2021
    Gabezetrainboy4, _Cilo_ and LadyRen13 like this.
  5. ElectricLemonade

    ElectricLemonade Well-Known Member

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    4:48 PM
    Pics or it didn't happen.
  6. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    8:48 PM
    I don't think anything,

    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  7. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    9:48 PM
    Blame bad counting, it wasnt the first Time it happens
  8. LadyRen13

    LadyRen13 Well-Known Member

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    @LordEreh I always find myself having a good giggle from some of your comments and troll-y moments. As a long standing person in the community, you know we love hearing from our players always. Though sometimes we must remind the community that staff are volunteers who in their spare time, outside of work and family and what have you, work hard to make this community run smoothly, and help make it a fun place to game with friends. We are always open to suggestions via the proper forum section. Many player and staff alike have used the talk to staff and suggestion sections of the forums to their fullest extent and were able to constructively help better the community. I suggest going forward you use those channels to vent your frustrations instead of further causing unnecessary ripples in the community via a satire thread. Also keep in mind people come and go from the MyM community when life calls more of their attention or when they feel they want a break from minecraft, as we all occasionally do. We are not going to bring attention to any staff or player taking a break or leaving unless they themselves post so their friends know how to be in contact.
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  9. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    8:48 PM
  10. vamptasy

    vamptasy Well-Known Member

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    8:48 PM
    does anyone have a spare friend pass for my son. I have used mine for my other son and my eldest would now like to play ATM6 with i will purchase a tier 3 next month should they both wish to continue.

    Thanks guys
  11. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    9:48 PM
    I hope my vote patron have friend pass, if Yes i would be happy to give my pass away. I am not interested in Atm6 So its kinda wasting rn.

    We can arrange something like that? I give away my friend pass?
  12. vamptasy

    vamptasy Well-Known Member

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    8:48 PM
    Hi how kind of you :) His minecraft ID is Lf02006

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