Shady Practices (and why I'm leaving)

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by N_Spade, Jan 24, 2021.


Do you agree with MyM's practices?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Potato (You're welcome)

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  1. N_Spade

    N_Spade New Member

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    5:30 PM
    MyM is a very odd server network, the way it's run is very strange, and to be honest, pretty suspicious. Server basics that are included in even the most vanilla setups (like /back) are paid for, and people seem to be paying a lot of money to keep this network running.

    Meanwhile, it's very unclear what the money even goes to.

    According to the official website, money goes to "Donations to developers" with no real description or cap on how much gets "donated". Having Accountants and Tax Consultants on retainer is also a suspicious practice considering how small the servers are and the implication of how much money is flowing through this network.

    Of the whopping 26 servers of MyM, the average number of players is 4.5 (at time of writing - 4 PM GMT -5, a typical peak time for Minecraft players). 4 players and this network needs tax consultants, accountants, and teamspeak servers, among other costly upgrades.

    Meanwhile, while they may claim that the "starter kits" are just to reduce grinding and "save time", some of them give a massive and unfair advantage - for money. Industrial Craft Advanced's "starter pack" gives a Nanosuit, Extreme Reactors simply supplies all of the power one would need until very late game, Environmental Tech's "starter pack" gives infinite ore - including a massive amount of Diamond-based resources. These are very late game items and they are only a few examples.

    On top of all of this, please note the "Staffseen" column. The staff are rarely online, sometimes for close to a month on some servers.

    Instead, their limited resources are being devoted to a frankly superfluous launcher that seems to be taking up a lot of the hardworking staff's time and attention.


    Keep in mind that on Revelation (I cannot speak to other servers), players that are inactive for more than two weeks are subject to their claims being forfeit. It seems MyM doesn't expect many people to stick around.

    For these reasons, and alarmingly suspicious practices, I will not be spending any more time on MyM Network. It has been a fun week, but I cannot justify supporting a server network with such dubious management. I suggest players who are concerned with this likewise find another place to play.
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  2. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    10:30 PM
    You forgot the "Potato" option in poll, its tradition and tradition is sacred
  3. N_Spade

    N_Spade New Member

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    5:30 PM
    Ack, it seems I can't add it in. Oh well. You will forever be the potato of my heart.
    Sannukun likes this.
  4. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    I couldn't tell you much about this. I know that there is a business license tied to this network. This is also a German based network. I am not that familiar with exactly how that works as far as business regulations/rules are. @Founder could probably clarify that part.
    You are right on this. I have been actually thinking about this for a while. I am more than happy to adjust these kits.
    This one is tricky. Many of the higher staff, mostly admin+, do not clear that "staff seen" part on Watchdog." I don't speak for other higher staff, but I do spend a ton of time hidden on servers to fix things or look into player reports. The other times I am spending time on All of the Mods 6 which doesn't show up on the server list because of limited support for Minecraft 1.16. I also spend a bunch of time on hidden servers that are in development.
    Not sure what you mean by this exactly? Many, many modded Minecraft networks does this. As far as taking up time, only 2-3 people on the network actually work on this. This being developers & founders. Yes, there is a lot of work going on with this currently. This is to support newer versions of Minecraft versions and support Microsoft logins since the changes with
    I think you might have the wrong idea about this. We do this to clear up space on our servers. Not just on the map, which is generally 7200x block diameter from spawn, but disk space on our boxes. This also helps with server performance. Modded Minecraft takes a lot of resources to run. We run a lot of servers on the same box. Should your gameplay be affected by people loading in a huge base when that base is inactive? That is how I think of it at least. We also notice that newer players don't know that this happens to their base if they do not login after two weeks. We recently helped remedy this by adding a free base restoration to our shop.

    Did I miss anything?
  5. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    10:30 PM
    I'm not sure if you are trolling as you seem to take the time to look through everything on the website while trying to find a bad reason for everything you see, when you don't seem to want to play here.

    Purely economically, the operation of MineYourMind is not worthwhile with the cost and time it takes to operate it. If you wanted to run this purely with a commercial goal then it is in the wrong industry and far too little payment optimized.

    I don't know how the tax system works in the US but in Germany you require bookkeeping even if you make losses.

    You are playing with others on the same server and are not competing against them, if you think this is an advantage than you are creating your own competition against them. You started playing on a server which has been online for months, do all the players who started playing before you have an unfair advantage too?
    A lot of players played through tons of packs and mods, if they switch to a different modpack they want to skip some steps in mods they played through hundreds of times and focus on the other mods they like more.

    Think about it in a other way, the sever didn't have an issue since a while which is why it didn't require a staff member to be online on that server for that long.
    The staff are volunteers, we don't force them to play on specific modpacks to have good-looking stats. They can play on any modpack they want and players can create a ticket if there is an issue. The staff will then switch to that server to resolve the ticket.

    Where is this coming from? The launcher hasn't been touched since 4 years, and we provided it for 7 years.
    The launcher saves a lot of time for staff members because they don't have to manage multiple launchers and modpack versions for all the modpacks we host.
    Recently some time has been put into it again to support 1.13+ and microsoft login.

    Do you prefer to look around for hours and end up building a base in the ocean because you can't find a free spot and have inactive bases cause you to have a bad experience because they are causing lag and server crashes?

    I'm curious. As a new player, why spend the time to write all this if you are moving on to a different server anyways?
    Is this your first time playing on a modded minecraft network?
  6. Willfon

    Willfon Well-Known Member

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    This looks to be the Day of the Trolls. I just had to swat away a person hobby-DOSing an off-topic emailing list at the student society I fell into sometimes during the nineties and never managed to get out of, even though I promise I will by the time my kids join it ;)

    But they are right in one aspect. I'll make sure to do a sweep of the servers to show some staff presence.
    harryarne and BookerTheGeek like this.
  7. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    if you do that just once, its not going to do anything and all you are doing now is giving the false idea that staff play on servers if all you do is log-on for a few minutes.

    Wouldnt it be better if admins were also detected by that Watchdog thing so it would accurately show when staff actually were on a server? Then there would be no need for a mod to load all packs in sequence just to make people give the false idea that servers are visited by staff?
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  8. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    2:30 PM
    It comes down to HOW admins login. The plugin that handles perms doesn't log us in the same way as other players. We aren't sent to the Scoreboard, etc for display. We only appear on the list for other Mods/OPs. We're "special" players. This is why we don't appear on Watchdog (and other things). We would have to modify the plugin.. and them modify it every time it got updated. So, in the end, it's probably just too much hassle for a minor benefit.

    It's the same in the US. Here it's quite common to get a Tax ID for a hobby that has money involved simply to keep it separate from your personal taxes. I know several people that have tax ids, and basically small businesses, for things like this. And it's purely to keep the money from the hobby away from their personal taxes at the end of the year. No one wants their little hobby throwing them out of their tax bracket, or ruining their chance at tax breaks, or getting them audited. So this type business setup is quite common in the US.
    BookerTheGeek and LadyRen13 like this.
  9. JessTheGreat

    JessTheGreat Well-Known Member

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    Quite frankly, this reminds me of a 5 year old who doesn't like the rules of a game so kicks the board across the room and stomps away declaring "I'm not playing anymore!"

    The rules, practices & policies of MYM are very clear from the get-go. You don't like them and want to play elsewhere, Kudos to you. That's your right. Feel free. But go rant somewhere else. If you'd played here for more than a week, then maybe your opinion would hold some weight.

    I've been playing on MYM for YEARS as have a great many others in this community. I think that says a lot about the server as a whole. Certainly says a lot more then the rant of someone who's played here for like all of 5 minutes.

    Good luck where ever you choose to play. Can't say I'll miss you.
  10. dailypeanut

    dailypeanut Well-Known Member

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    That is the case on all servers (there are ways to increase the 2 weeks) and honestly, that's even the case on the ARK server network i play at as well. A different minecraft network i played at before had a different system, it would remove protection after 2 weeks allowing others to raid your base. But in general, this is not new or weird at all.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  11. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    Not sure of the intention behind this one, are you expecting staff to stay on servers they have n0 interest in? For one thing, staffing is on a volunteer basis, and we use our time to help.

    If it at all alleviates some concern, I know that many staff keep an eye on all the server channels (via discord), and are almost always willing to help.
    _Cilo_ and BookerTheGeek like this.
  12. Willfon

    Willfon Well-Known Member

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    <!--Insert Beavis and Butthead meme of Butthead screaming "You're always arouuuund"-->
  13. Mindcrash1990

    Mindcrash1990 Well-Known Member

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    What's up with those kids these days ?? Not even able to enjoy themselves but instead they need to bash a well organized and clear in policy server community ? Isn't the world already bad enough??... just enjoy/appreciate what you get and what you have, and support each other.
    ScarletHamster12 likes this.
  14. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    2:30 PM
    The poster got their response and this is quickly becoming a player bashing thread. So I'll lock it to prevent any trouble.
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