i got all the stuff to make an unobtainium bee, but it looks like its bugged, it tells me the parents but in the bee gui there is no breeding guide. I have all the mats and the parent bees, if its a bug can i be given one as it was the last bee i needed
thanks soverign, it gives you the parent in the gui but on the breeding tab that shows you what they need to pollenate, thats blank. its a shame because its my last bee
This is a known problem in ATM 6. According to dev logs, you should be able to still breed it, but the recipe just doesn't show in JEI Edit: currently at work and unable to look further into it on the server
hi i have tried breeding with nuggets, ingots and blocks because it doesnt tell u what they need to breed and no combo is working. No rush to look into it Jaytuple its just wrapping up the last bit of the bee mod lol, annoying not to be able to finish