Done AE2 Spatial IO; Storage Cell Travelling Issue

Discussion in 'Revelation' started by U92, Apr 2, 2021.

  1. U92

    U92 Well-Known Member

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    9:10 PM
    Hi there! I was wondering if anyone could advise me on this:

    I recently put together a couple of 16° cells, and built pylons 8x6x8 (xyz, as reported the Spatial IO Port block and cell) to start. After successfully sending and retrieving my blocks (just a first layer 8x8 flat oak wood plank platform with torches), I set up a button, and sent myself into the cell on top of my platform.

    When the terrain is built, I can only see a purple/black untexture and without protection I suffocate. I can't move or interact with anything. When I hit F1 for the HUD, the untexture is transparent, but I can only see black and a light grey triangle that changes dimensions as I look around. With F5 looking around myself, I only see black and the triangle.

    If I /home, I can't safely /back. I took a compass in with me, and I can't seem to TP through any walls.

    I saw this bug thread on GitHub concerning 1.12.2, but it seems that player could see blocks with the HUD off, and I'm teleporting in with at least 3 blocks clearance over my head. I couldn't really get enough information to resolve my issue.

    Am I doing it wrong? I'm happy to build a different sized space in a different place to test. Thank you for taking a look at it and letting me know!
  2. Dead_0nArrival

    Dead_0nArrival Well-Known Member

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    Where is your button located? If its located on your platform, can you try to put the button on the lowest point of the structure, because it sounds like you are spawning into a block. Might be the block the button is on. Also, when you teleport out of that dimension, I believe your cell has to be placed back into the correct slot on the IO Port for you to get back into it.
  3. U92

    U92 Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the response! OK, built a new one and gave it another shot!

    It's an 8x7x8, and I used a cobble platform with 4 torches. The first time I teleported myself in, I could only see untexture again, and I couldn't move. After going /home, I tried it a 2nd and 3rd time on the same platform with no changes, and these times it put me into a space that I could move around in (about the right size), but it was black and I couldn't interact with anything. Ultimately, I had to /home again. I attached some pictures of my build and what I saw.

    Given that I got 2 different results from the same thing within a few minutes, more might be at play. You can close this if you don't think there's a solution. I was just wondering if I was doing it wrong!


    This is my build's front (8x7x8).

    The button is on the right side of the polished stone.

    I'm on my cobble platform with 4 torches ready to teleport in.

    Fail #1 (Can't move, and will suffocate if not in /god.)

    Fail #2 (Can move, but can't see or interact with anything. I'm in a black box -- there just may be a cat.)
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2021
  4. Dead_0nArrival

    Dead_0nArrival Well-Known Member

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    The video I watched had the button within the structure being teleported and yours appears to be outside of the structure. They had put it in the cobble floor and that is where they spawned when teleported. Can you give that a try?
  5. TheeForgotten

    TheeForgotten Senior Moderator Build Team

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    9:10 PM
    Hello U92

    I was wondering if you was still needing help on this issue or can we mark it as done as it is now almost 3 months old with no reply.

    Enjoy your gaming
  6. TheeForgotten

    TheeForgotten Senior Moderator Build Team

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    9:10 PM
    Hello U92

    Since there has been no reply I will mark this as done. If you still need help feel free to reply to this or make a ticket.

    Enjoy your gaming

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