Decided Against Modpack Suggestions

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Mooomsy, May 8, 2021.

  1. Mooomsy

    Mooomsy Moomsy <3 Booster

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    Local Time:
    12:30 AM
    HeyHey been a few months since i played some modded , but i found a few very interesting packs while looking for new inspiration, maybe somewhat in the future there could be one of those added to MyM ^^

    VolcanoBlock : a very interesting Skyblock experience , very flexible progression and actually a super fun experience :)

    Levitated : End based Modpack which starts out very slow but the progression rapidly gets faster the further you get , working through the different dimensions to progress , so it is something different to the bigger packs which let you access all dimensions as you want to

    Valhelsia2 : my favorite of the new packs ive found , it is a bit similar to the older kitchensink packs but it has some of the newer less known mods mixed with classics everyone loves and played with , which i would love to see on here ^-^/´´

    Maybe we will see on of those on here in the Future :)

    Have a great day , Greetsies Moo ^-^
  2. sp33draft

    sp33draft Member

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    Local Time:
    1:30 AM
    BetaPetey and LordEreh like this.

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