Denied Compact Claustrophobia | 1.12 | No

Discussion in 'Modpack Suggestions' started by elitefinnthebest, Feb 28, 2021.

  1. elitefinnthebest

    elitefinnthebest Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    9:44 AM
    Modpack Name:
    Compact Claustrophobia
    Modpack Description:
    Compact Claustrophobia is a CurseForge modpack created and maintained by YOUR_HAMSTER. It is an expert, tech-oriented, skyblock-themed modpack with 140 mods and a rich questline. The modpack is heavily based around the Compact Machines mod and finding ways to survive in small, cramped spaces.

    The player expands into larger compact machines over time while being expected to automate tasks along the way. The provided quests help to guide the player and provide information on how to progress. Nuclear power, autoclicker blocks, and scavenging are some common examples of what the player might use in this modpack.
    Minecraft Version:
    Modpack URL:
    Why Host the Modpack?:
    becoars they in the mym dc server say ´´no if you want to make a server and to play it with player from the mym server ,then you have to make this her what i make her
    Any Potential Modpack Issues?:
    if you make the Server the world is generating only with one Tiny Compact Room in a bedrock Meteorit ,bedrock becoars you have to not get out of there only if you have make the bedrock breaker ( small tip you can only fly in creativ if you have the flying coin (in the creativ menu tab under the tab miscellaneous))
    Should the Modpack be Patron Only?:
  2. ElectricLemonade

    ElectricLemonade Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    4:44 AM
    Hi there. Apologies for the delay! I have put in this suggestion to our Admin team to review and see if it would be a good fit for the network. I will let you know asap with a response from them. Happy Gaming!
  3. ElectricLemonade

    ElectricLemonade Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    4:44 AM
    Hi elitefinnthebest! I have had our Admin team review this pack and while it looks like a great pack, unfortunately it will not work well in a multiplayer environment due to the ability to keep the compact machines loaded. We're going to forego this one for now, but if you have any other suggestions for modpacks, please put in your suggestions! Happy Gaming! EL

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