Denied Modern Skyblock 3: Departed | 1.12 | No

Discussion in 'Modpack Suggestions' started by Jaytuple, Apr 22, 2021.

  1. Jaytuple

    Jaytuple Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    7:17 PM
    Modpack Name:
    Modern Skyblock 3: Departed
    Modpack Description:
    Modern Skyblock 3, as you could have probably guessed, is the sequel to Modern Skyblock 2. Modern Skyblock 2 was unique for that that it used Sky Resources for obtaining resources instead of Ex Nihilo, but since its release, a few other packs have used it, making Modern Skyblock 3 not unique for that. Modern Skyblock 3 is unique for another reason: Unlike almost every other pack that has a progression line, it doesn't have any recipe changes (besides for those fixing exploits and allowing a few mods to work). Instead, it's entire progression line is based around quests, hence it features 1k+ of them.
    Minecraft Version:
    Modpack URL:
    Why Host the Modpack?:
    Let's be honest, it's time for a new skyblock pack. We could go with another classic expert pack, or one that makes recipes harder for the sake of playability, but why not go for a change? This pack already has longevity in mind, but in a way that's different from other skyblock packs: instead of changing recipes to artificially lengthen gameplay, it just adds more to do in the form of quests! This change will help draw more people to the pack, including ones who want the change that skyblock provides without the unnecessary and annoying grind that recipe changes and expert mode brings.
    Any Potential Modpack Issues?:
    Longevity would be the main issue, as many players on MYM know how to make the most out of modpacks in the shortest amount of time. To help with that without ruining the point of the modpack, I would recommend setting it to staged, or even gated mode.
    Should the Modpack be Patron Only?:
  2. ElectricLemonade

    ElectricLemonade Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:17 PM
    Hi there. Apologies for the delay! I have put in this suggestion to our Admin team to review and see if it would be a good fit for the network. I will let you know asap with a response from them. Happy Gaming!
  3. ElectricLemonade

    ElectricLemonade Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:17 PM
    Hi Jaytuple! Thanks again for your suggestion. The Admin team has reviewed this pack and unfortunately there have been no updates to the pack since early 2019. This would leave our admin team to do ongoing update and maintenance on the pack that is unfortunately not practical for our team at the moment. We're going to forego this modpack as of now, but if you have any other suggestions, please let us know! Happy Gaming! EL

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