Accepted Vanilla PVP Zones

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by SovereignEternal, Apr 1, 2021.


What do you think of player-created pvp zones on the vanilla server?

  1. That sounds great!

  2. Ew gross, why would anybody enjoy pvp?

  3. I don't even play vanilla...

  4. Potato

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    6:19 PM
    Hiya everybody,

    I recently brought this idea up in staff, but thought I'd bring it to the community. I personally am partial to the idea of pvp in claims, as to be decided by claim owners. I'd love to make some sort of arena or something in which people can hash it out for fun. This isn't realistic on modded servers, but I think it could be quite fun on vanilla! Thoughts?
  2. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    2:19 AM
    April fools?
  3. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    6:19 PM
    Nope, I filled this out before april fools, at least for me it was before. I'm genuinely a fan of the idea and wanted to know what you guys think.
  4. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    2:19 AM
    If ya wanna build arena on spawn then ok.

    I dont enjoy Such activites - like whats the fun when every1 have nwtherite stuff and prolly mcmmo skill could have much inpact on fight.
    *Goes training unarmed to disarm opponents*
    KevinTheFox likes this.
  5. KevinTheFox

    KevinTheFox Well-Known Member

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    9:19 PM
    I'd say you could do an arena for those interested in pvp if you wanna host something like that privately, maybe near spawn or near your base, but having a proper spot dedicated to pvp at spawn might not be entirely feasable or fair because of perks / MCMMO (as LordEreh noted), and also because of low interest in that matter (most of our players are PVE).
  6. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    6:19 PM
    Well yes, maybe I didn't clarify in my original post, this was the idea. Players can create pvp areas for themselves and anybody interested.
  7. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    6:19 PM
    I would like to bring this back to attention. For PVP, would you want just the ability to toggle PVP inside claims, perhaps a separate dimension set up that PVP is on by default. If we did the dimension route, what would be a good idea regarding resetting?

    If you have any other ideas, please let us know.
  8. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    6:19 PM
    The ideas I've been tossing around...
    • WarWorld - New Overworld with PvP enabled. Live there at own risk.
    • WarFarm - Farmworld with increased oregen but PvP and harder mobs maybe so players cant cheese it and avoid PvP?
    • Arena zone - Region of Overworld dedicated to PvP. Easy to do and could be used for a lot of things/events.
    • Just allow toggling of PvP in claims.
  9. Jaytuple

    Jaytuple Well-Known Member

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    6:19 PM
    These two would be the best fit IMO, they seem pretty balanced and everyone knows what they're getting into.

    Also seems like a good idea, and it opens opportunity for both staff and community member organized events.

    This one is the one I would personally avoid, simply because it's opening a can of worms where you can stumble upon someone's claim, then get killed and nothing can be done about it. We'd likely have to implement a couple of rules regarding this.

    That being said, my biggest concern with the entire idea of PvP being allowed is the same thing. Godmode breaks all of the ideas presented here, so we'd have to find some way to balance that without completely getting rid of the perk for those who have purchased it. My idea is just disabling PvP for those who have godmode turned off, and hoping people don't find a way to abuse that. I would love to see PvP options for those that want it though, so I'd personally love to hear more ideas on how PvP could be addressed.

    I'm sorry han don't fire me, i swear i'm not picking on you. you just happened to summarize every idea presented
  10. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    6:19 PM
    It's fairly easy to disable god/fly/etc for specific worlds. :)
  11. BlazeFTB

    BlazeFTB Well-Known Member

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    9:19 PM
    War world and warfarm as extra dimensions accessible via warps. Pvp on by default, claims enabled as usual but with PVP enabled inside, God and fly disabled on those worlds.

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