Accepted Achievement titles

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by AmeliaFireFox, May 19, 2021.



  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    1:37 AM
    So we all know about the achievements in /shop, that ask you to like vote 50 times, or turn in rare items to unlock those achievements. Each one also has a cool name, like if you voted 50 times, you're a Voter, vote 1000 times you're a champion.

    So, my suggestion; make it so we can use these rare achievements as titles. It'd offer some variety, because finally you can show off your dedication to voting everyday for the past 3 years. You know who you are.
  2. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Im waiting for promised New playtime title(s)

    Also your idea kinda need more work.
    New modpacks dont have item needed to submit to get the same achievement like older versions or getting them is harder/easier So... Same title need different amount of dedication

    Imho, if this is Such good idea why it wasnt implemented earlier?
  3. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    That's not the point of this suggestion; but the ability to use the achievements as a title. IF fairness is your issue just switch modpacks. People aren't forced to only play a single modpack, they can play whatever they want. If they are upset because they can't do the achievement, they can just change modpacks to get it like everyone else.

    As to why it wasn't implemented earlier; who knows. Maybe our benevolent overlords didn't think about it because they're so busy fixing everything else; or they have a reason they can't.

    And about my idea having flaws; well that's why I posted a suggestion forum, we get to talk and discuss it! :)
    BetaPetey likes this.
  4. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    We had released 1 new playtime title, and we will be looking at adding more. It isn't fair to other ideas to jump in and comment about something only slightly related.

    Regarding the time spent varying per pack, sure, a few might be easier on some packs, but the MYM achievements are harder to make sure that the same achievement takes the same effort without limiting the ability to submit it to a specific pack, but then we would end up with several achievements being unable to be obtained if that pack ends up shutting down. It is better to offer the widest range of packs that they can be obtained on, without worrying about difficulty, than limiting and potentially making 1 pack being easier for it.

    As for your last opinion, there are lots of times where good ideas get missed because things get overlooked, or maybe everyone just assumed that it would have been suggested already. Best thing to do, just search on the forum to see if someone has suggested it in the past, and if you don't see anything, just make a post for it.
    AmeliaFireFox likes this.
  5. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    I recall adding achievements as titles in "post immortal titles" thread, gonna dig it out and im aware that thread was create long ago and "overlooked".
  6. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    I literally just looked and the post was from 2018 when it suggested. I'm not really sorry for suggesting it again when it was literally 3 years ago, and overlooked.

    But really, besides the work the staff would have to do to get them to work, is there really any downside to not doing? Like seriously, what is your argument to say we shouldn't be able to have achievements as titles. I get the feeling you don't like it, correct me if I'm wrong, and I want to understand it from your PoV on why it shouldn't be added. (Besides the extra work on the already overworked and lovely staff)

    Edit: The original suggestion wasn't even matching my suggestion, it was just for more ranks. Someone said they would like achievements as titles, but it wasn't pushed like the original suggestion: More ranks in general.
  7. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    1st new title thread was made 3 years ago, 2nd made by HanoverFist69 himself was made Jul 30, 2020. Also even in that thread was mentioned to add achievement based titles so you havent suggested something 3 years old. We finally get new title at December of 2020.

    If you are so worried about "already overworked and lovely staff" why you want to add them even MORE work? Prove me wrong, would adding achievement based titles is really harder than redoing whole playtime rank system? If staff would really listen to community could as well add achievement based titles before Ascendant.

    You said:
    Hey, you literally force them to play X modpack to get achievement for Y!
    Lets say, im maybe not boomer but "experienced" gamer, i remeber times before PS, Xbox, Steam or even any achievment thingy(not including the in-game ones, but no1 sees them, only you). At first they were nice, like reward for completing them but later they also developed bad habits in gamers about "must do the platinum" or "grinding achivs to flex on my steam page" etc. In my opinion achievements should be completed naturally as we play the game than doing specific actions to complete them and being the your own, personal experience than something to "brag" about.

    So you are want just "voting" titles? Forum label is not enough? Maybe few years back I'd vote yes for that but now... I am not such certain.
  8. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    Maybe let's all calm down a bit, it's getting a bit heated in here.
    As for the idea, I personally have no preference, but I could see many players enjoying these achievements as titles.
    AmeliaFireFox likes this.
  9. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    It'd be fun to be able to be "Terror Of The Cosmos"
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  10. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    ughhhhhhhhh... but did you realise how that would like on chat?

    I will take soveregin for example bc he has the longest nickname i known
    Even without spaces in Terror of, its friggin' 36 characters....

    Also idk if theres space between title and nick so it could be 37 and with spaces in title that would be 40 characters
  11. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    Just because some are a bit longer isn't a reason to deny this outright. Look at my rank for one. Community Coordinator is longer as a whole, but can be shortened. IE Terror of the Cosmos could just be Terror, which I think would work quite well.

    Instead of trying to find reasons to make this fail, why not work on ways to make it succeed.
    BetaPetey likes this.
  12. Willshaper

    Willshaper Well-Known Member

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    A long long time ago now, i actually made a suggestion for Achievement titles as well, with examples of what they could be.

    Here they are: Feedback - New rank suggestions ( ranks after Immortal) "god tier MYM players" | Page 2 | MineYourMind Community

    Molten Core: Liquefied
    Electrified Suited: Energetic
    Transcendent: Transcendent
    Trip to Outer Lands: Primordial
    Thermal End: Ender
    Death's Friend Binky: Deathless
    Lazy Builder: Creator (Might not work, sounds like "Owner"?)
    Gaia Slayer: Butcher
    Logistician: Rational
    Dungeon Master: Master
    Green Energy: Environmentalist
    Overpowered: Strongman
    Infinity: Boundless
    EMC-Millionaire: ILikeEasyMode (Sorry)
    Tainted: Tainted
    Eldritch: Eldritch
    Nether Power: Star-man/Lady
    Infinite Ores: Laserman
    Well-Fed: Hungry
    Minicio: Compactor
    Downgrade: Downer
    Mass Voltage: Volta
    Clutterer: Automaton
    Terror of the Cosmos: Cosmic
  13. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    I like this, providing ideas to turn achievements into titles. I do know when I suggested the Tainted and Eldritch achievements I was at the time also hoping for titles, but hey, it may yet come.

    As noted, the lazy builder idea does sound a bit too close to being owner/founder so it would probably need to be changed too. But perhaps something like Architect would be better.
  14. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    Obviously things will need to be changed for it to work. A suggestion isn't a "You can only do it this way", the whole purpose of this thread is for discussing how it could work and what people will like.
  15. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Yea but i pointed that out bc you said nothing about lenght of the title+nickname.

    See? Negative opinion matter!
  16. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    Let's move past this and just continue to what this thread is about. I want to see constructive comments on it. Also, suggestions on how to implement it.
  17. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    I love being talked about :D

    But in all seriousness, I like will's suggestions.

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