Accepted Introduce Food and Foodplus kits

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Sandstroem, Jun 4, 2021.

  1. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    12:36 AM
    So, I was just getting Patron 3 again. And since this comes with a temporary legacy tier 3 I can choose additional kits, so I chose the last normal one I was missing. (And let the other 2 go to waste, since there are only 4 kits)
    That brought me to the idea that we could have a new kit, which is food and foodplus as additional "legacy tier" kits.

    Most modpacks have Pams or some other food mod, so there is a wide variety of cool stuff that could be added to those kits. From simple stuff like Baguettes to more complex food like Beef Wellingtoon etc.
    sp33draft and BetaPetey like this.
  2. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Have suggestions on what you would like to see in the kit?
  3. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Right now there is a bunch of Food in the Mobdrops Kit, so you have to think about whether you want to remove that. Although that is just Steak and Hydra Chops, which is decent food, but doesn't get you far if Spice of Life etc is involved. And technically they are direct (cooked) mobdrops.

    Some thoughts first:
    • I thought about adding Gardens to the food kits, but then that would get you all the seeds pretty fast.
    • I tried to go for different food in both kits, so with Spice of Life players that have both kits get more variety. Exception are the soy stuff, which is mainly meant to be used for further recipes.
    • The idea behind the two kits is that the plus kit includes twice the amount of food and I went for similar strong foods.
    • I haven't checked everything ingame, I went with the following list: Food (Pam's HarvestCraft) - Feed The Beast Wiki
    • I am not sure whether that is too much or not enough and obviously this Kit focuses on packs that have Pams.
    • There might also be the option to make a buyable Pams Kit, but this is not the scope of this suggestion.

    I would go with something like:


    32x Beef Wellington
    16x Onion Soup
    8x Hotdog
    32x Cranberry Juice
    16x Banana Smoothies
    16x Soymilk
    16x Firm Tofu
    16x Silken Tofu

    normal kit:

    16x Epic Bacon
    8x Rainbow Curry
    4x Hot Wings
    16x Blueberry Juice
    8x Blackberry Smoothies
    8x Soymilk
    8x Firm Tofu
    8x Silken Tofu
    sp33draft and Gabezetrainboy4 like this.
  4. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Would the tofu be too much of a leg up on say infinity expert though? If my memory is correct those are needed to make culinary generators which are otherwise heavily gated.
    sp33draft likes this.
  5. Jaytuple

    Jaytuple Well-Known Member

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    I feel like that's not much different than resourceplus kits on skyblock servers. I've deliberately used them to skip hours of playtime.
  6. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Yes I agree. Those Soybeans give you a heavy advantage on Infinity Expert, but so do Resource Kits in Regrowth where it takes a while to get metal seeds. Or Resource or Mobdrop Kits on Skyblocks. There will always be that one pack that benefits from it. Sometimes in cheesy ways. Armourkits in GTNH give you steel armor, which you can macerate for steel dust and then smelt that in Tinkers smeltery, even before you get the blast furnace. For a fast player no big deal, since they have that blast furnace after 2 days anyway and at that point need much more than 24 steel per day, but since I was building my base for a week or two before I started machinery, I was already able to get like 300 steel this way via kits. (Which i still burned through in a few hours)
    It is a nice feature, I wouldn't change those kits in any way either.

    But that is even more true for all the mini, medium etc kits we can buy.
    And then we have god and fly and pretty much every other perk that bypasses pretty much anything. I see no reason to argue about Soybeans.
    dragon87tamer and sp33draft like this.
  7. SparedPumpkins

    SparedPumpkins Senior Moderator

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    Do you want the kits to help with advancements, or just to feed the player?

    If you're after leap frogging achievements and getting ahead in the packs then the above suggestions are okay, but if you are after the kits simply to do their jobs as feeders, then stick with the standard vanilla foodstuffs. Steak, pork chops etc.

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