Done Lag and Instantly kicked at my base

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by benlewisss, Jul 11, 2021.

  1. benlewisss

    benlewisss Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    8:55 PM
    Hey, I'll keep this super informal and brief because I'm just copy + pasting my question from the discord support channel:

    JoeLewis9788 — Today at 13:45
    I need some help, every time I log onto Infinity Node 2, I get instantly kicked with "A fatal error has occured, this connection is terminated". I was using the MyM launcher, and this started happening today, but after 3-4 logs I could join the server. Unless I tp'd to my base, then it kicked me. But on the FTB launcher, I cant join at all
    Ok now I can join. Sorry, but it still kicks me when I tp to my base

    BetaPetey — Today at 13:53
    Do other people have the same issue when they go to your base?

    JoeLewis9788 — Today at 13:53
    Oh yeah also, off-topic, but its extremely laggy (My base isnt that big, ive got 12gb ram dedicated, a 1080 and an I7 on FTB launcher), its running at like 20 frames but when i press F3 it's showing 160-200. My ping is also very low, and TPS is 19.33

    BetaPetey — Today at 13:57
    Seems like something at your base could be lagging you out
    If you make a ticket someone can go and look into this for you

    Sorry for the lazy post, but I was having trouble making a ticket and already posted my question elsewhere.
    Thanks in advance!
  2. BetaPetey

    BetaPetey Administrator Booster

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    4:55 PM
    Hello JoeLewis9788,

    As we spoke in game and on discord you should consider expanding your base out more to help resolve some of your fps issues. Regarding the kicking from the server issue it seems that something is causing it but I'm unable to check since I'm having the same issue now even while at spawn. Since this is the case I'll ping the @Senior Moderator team so they can look further into this for you and help resolve whatever may be causing this. Please be patient while they look into this as they tend to be quite busy.

    Kind Regards,
  3. Millerbug1922

    Millerbug1922 Well-Known Member

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    4:55 PM
    i dont know if this is related to his issue but there is ppl having issues logging into the sever
  4. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    1:55 PM
    The Infinity issues have been resolved. Please let us know if you are still having issues.
    Gabezetrainboy4 and BetaPetey like this.
  5. benlewisss

    benlewisss Well-Known Member

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    8:55 PM
    Im afraid it really hasn't been resolved :(. Keeps happening to everyone that comes to my base. I have no idea why, it just suddenly started happening a few days back.
  6. Millerbug1922

    Millerbug1922 Well-Known Member

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    4:55 PM
    also happens to others when going to ppls bases i crashed out at Bens base
  7. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    1:55 PM
    @JoeLewis9788 I checked over your base and had no issues. Did find a tesseract on the ground. Maybe that setup was cause and got removed? I placed it in a chest at your home.

    Try to logon again and if you have issues please post a crash report. It will have the info I need to track this down.
  8. benlewisss

    benlewisss Well-Known Member

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    8:55 PM
    There is no crash - it just kicks you from the server with an error. I'm moving base now anyways, so that should solve it :/.

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