Your Grief/Theft Stories

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by KoniEneo, Jul 11, 2021.

  1. KoniEneo

    KoniEneo Well Known?

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    So I just had an idea! It happens to me a bit so I was just curious on other's stories on how they got stolen from or griefed.

    The most recent malicious heist used the fact that my claim ended around my chests so they pumped out the items from the side facing the claim limit. All of the stuff was just yoinked just like that. I mean I have the claim blocks available for it now but yeah....
    LadyRen13 and Gabezetrainboy4 like this.
  2. LadyRen13

    LadyRen13 Well-Known Member

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    I claimed my original base:) and my base-mate build outside of the claim:banghead:, she reminded me to claim it:bookworm:, then we both got distracted :blackalien::greyalien:and I didn't extend the claim the day she reminded me to:eek: lol oops. Fast forward a month later when we found time to game again we logged back on and thus we lost a few items. :( She may have been a tiny bit sad/mad :grumpy::cow:because it was items she had made.

    Moral of the story? Build inside your claim and be sure to extend it when you expand.;)
    Gabezetrainboy4 and _Cilo_ like this.
  3. BlazeFTB

    BlazeFTB Well-Known Member

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    Had an autospawner stolen once due to an exploit involving one side not being protected by a claim and the fact that certain auto breakers can break blocks inside a claim if 1 side is exposed or the breaker has a range mode and filter. They placed the breaker outside the claim and then was able to pop the spawner off. And then recovered it with a vacuum hopper
    KoniEneo likes this.
  4. BlazeFTB

    BlazeFTB Well-Known Member

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    Another one I had someone unintentionally harvest my Silverwood tree orchard for me. They thought they were natural spawns because they were on the edge of a magical forest biome. That one I was fine with as I got the wood back and I didn’t have to put the time into chopping all the trees down.
    KoniEneo likes this.
  5. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    2 week inactive claim deleter stole many of my works! What else to say... I miss some of my builds... *crying in the corner*
  6. MaraJade2

    MaraJade2 Moderator

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    I had one where I saw someone in my base, figured it was a visitor or something so I went to say hi, but saw them with some of my stuff in their hand and they instantly tp'd away so it was pretty obvious they were griefing the stuff just outside my claim that I didn't have quite enough blocks for yet. It probably made it easier for the mod who dealt with that ticket as I could tell them exactly who it was lol!
  7. Willfon

    Willfon Well-Known Member

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    I have a base on Regrowth and pretty much everything of 18 chunks has been claimed, but a tiny plot of 4x8 blocks of land in the middle of it was left out because otherwise there would be overlap . And in that little slice of land one wall of my smeltery was sticking outside the claim. just the one block. And Everthing in there was stolen.
  8. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    I actually and totally unwittingly caused a grief issue way back on the Infinity Expert server (before the last 2 resets). I needed (wanted) more draconium, so i took a staff of power, set it to 11x11 and went nuts in the end. Stripped the entire main island, only thing left was the bedrock blocks that were on top of the obsidian pillars and the portal in the center.

    Not much later i got banned for Griefing of the end. Yea... its actually possible to grief the end.

    As for grief happening to me, nothing much. some theft here and there, nothing major or anything i couldnt recover from. Worst kind of was in the same period as that End-Grief thing i mentioned.

    I used to run 4 draconic reactors in my void base controlled by ComputerCraPft and because apparently my base was causing lag, a staff member disabled them, but not by turning them off using the interface... nope... Broke some blocks and they all went critical and that was the end of my base lol. Only thing that had miraculously survived the 4 reactor blasts, was a couple of ender io conduits and my ME terminal randomly floating in the air. Wasnt technically grief, but staff back then could have used their brain lol. Was in the Kronnn/Wyndman period while they were still admin. Not sure who did it though :)
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2021
    LadyRen13 likes this.
  9. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I think I played once with @_Cilo_ and @dragon87tamer. She was trying to steal my heart and he was taking my nerves, but other then that I think I had no major griefs before. I would have to check my old tickets.

    Joking aside, I could tell you of the worst thing I have seen in a non-grief case as a staff member, but I am pretty sure that post might get deleted.
    LadyRen13, dragon87tamer and _Cilo_ like this.
  10. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    Had a tier 5 blood altar (plus the build I made to house it) stolen on the Enigmatica 2 Expert server Twice first time was due to the altar not being claimed and second time was due to someone who lived not to far from me on the server that had permissions in my claim (This was a friend of mine I met on the server) He thought I had stopped playing on the server so he "rescued" my tier 5 altar to keep it from being deleted when I came back he gave it back and all was forgiven
  11. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    Use to, the claiming system wasn't as advanced as it is today. I had started playing with dom other programmers on the server we created. We didn't know the claiming system was bugged and used it. I came back after a weekend off and found my base totally griefed. I reset the boundaries and tried again. Next night total grief. We set a trap for the griefer with TNT from the walls of my claim out 3 blocks and protected my claim so it wouldn't be destroyed and waited for the results.
    None of the admins or staff were on duty when the butt actually filled out a ticket because he had lost all of his items when he tried to grief me and set off the TNT. This was a programmer that didn't like me and wasn't associated with the server staff. This guy wound up having to refund all the items he had stolen from me and even had to rebuild my claim. Once he was done to my satisfaction, I permabanned him.
    BTW... Minecraft has always had a problem with blocks that sit directly on a claim line. At one point to prove that we could do it, we removed the blocks on the edge and walked directly into the claim, and removed an alloy furnace and something else I forget now, and put the blocks back into place. After the dude resized his claim, we refunded his items. I now have a habit of building one block inside the claim line no matter what.
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  12. pundee

    pundee Well-Known Member

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    Used to have a bread farm in infinity evolved and someone stole the whole setup. I sent a ticket and the culprit got punished . I never got the components back since it went missing. I didnt claimed it so its my bad
  13. caniplayzz

    caniplayzz Well-Known Member

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    I used to not claim my bases and back in Enigmatica 2 while i was sleeping / offline someone stumbled apon my base and claimed the area that had my ME system
  14. pundee

    pundee Well-Known Member

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  15. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    Even after all of this, I found an unclaimed auto miner, with a power pack connected. I went back the next day and the power pack was gone. The auto miner had been claimed. This is a case of possibly not having enough claim blocks for the claim. Always be careful of your claim size.
  16. LordFungi

    LordFungi Patron Tier 1

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    One time on a Magic World 2 server I was using an illegal Ars Magicka spell to grief a guy's claim because we had been fighting, and during the mod's investigation they found an area I had overlooked where he was using Blood Magic to duplicate items. He got banned and they dropped the matter. :)
  17. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    Not too sure if I can technically talk about this, but there was one particularly colorful grief story that comes to mind.
    For context, I needed more space for some stuff I was working on (Was gonna toy with Blood Magic and also wanted a bigger ME system) so I dug out a 3x3 chunk basement. Long story short, I set my new ME system up, and hopped offline after doing some BM.
    I came online the next day... whole system griefed. Everything griefed. Naturally, I complain about it in public chat and go to write up a ticket. Turns out, the culprit was still online.
    Now for this part, I could be mis-remembering some stuff, but the way I remember it goes like this: He proceeds to call me out for not claiming stuff after he tp's back, mocks me, says I'm never gonna get that stuff back, etc. etc... So I'm getting ahold of Staff, mentioning there's now a degree of urgency because he was getting rowdy. And get this: He went under my basement (I think it was dug down to a flat bedrock layer) and proceeded to build himself a mediocre cobblestone "castle" and eventually, just... lots of swastikas. I'm frustrated, the staff member (I can't remember who it was, if you know who you are feel free to chime in :p) the guy talks crap about the staff member, presumably while they're writing up their ban report, before we finally get the sweet release of his removal from the server. Permanently. I did get (To my knowledge) all the items returned, and while I've had a few other noteworthy griefs, they'd all pale in comparison to this steel-balled individual with brain cells that'd be dwarfed by the intellect of a stone brick.
    LadyRen13 likes this.
  18. BlazeFTB

    BlazeFTB Well-Known Member

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    Lol glad that nazi poc got permanently removed from the network. This network has no tolerance for racism especially since its a germin hosted server and I believe Germany actually has laws against nazi stuff.
  19. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Yes, you cant use nazi symbols in many forms of media but you can see those laws are becoming less stricter than it was be, you couldn't see any swastika in any game in Germany but now it happening. Red Cross otherhand is veri strict about using "red cross" symbol in games and just look around - you dont see red cross as "health" anymore(it became white cross on red background or like in overwatch it its tilted). I heard author of Prison rchitect was accused of WAR CRIME by using red cross on in-game ambulance.

    And back to grief stories - spoling the game for someone is grief, right? So i griefed the RaptorPea, he was afking many times and very long, he basically was my free chunkloader on my island in AS2, sometimes I enclose him in obsidian and also /is home was also surrounded by obs or kill him with gravel or sand. Sorry bruh...
    Also feirly recently on GTNH - I was spreading my warp effects around - no1 wants dozens of bats in base right? I even griefed the spawn with wither(dirt/grass into sand/gravel, stone to cobble that kind of wither) idk if its still there.
    Also few times i took few items from abandoned bases too, i even got banned for that ;p it was just 1 sirwilli tank and 1 x64 in completely demolished base!
  20. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    And this is why we don't touch stuff in bases that aren't ours :p

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