I've looked at the end of the MM pack, as I have most of the items auto-craftable now. The way I see it it's not doable for me (with the current setup) without ruining the server for everyone else. The 5 infinity ingots for the creative tank will take several million items to make and each item need to be crafted/rolled/smelted/crafted again etc... I am sure some people will manage to set up processes that put less strain on the server, as such it might be possible to finish the pack in a server environment. I wish those of you good luck finishing the pack! I admit defeat while at the same time being somewhat miffed that MYM hosts these packs that demands automation on a scale like this, knowing full well the strain end-game will put on a server. Is it possible to download the base and finish it on a standalone server/singleplayer?
That would be nice to know but what about those that has a base situated in 4 chunk block (ie situated at the intersection of four chunks). Would that also be able to be downloaded?
Yeah it's pretty hard to do everything needed for infinity without spreading it across multiple chunks considering since the multiblock machine needed for it takes up a chunk on it's own. I've been talking with Filo (pack author) and he openly admits this pack was never made to be run in a multiplayer environment
Yeah, you can, just make sure the whole base is claimed, download the World Downloader mod and use /wd add claim then /wd dl <downloadName>. More information can be found here. (How to use MyM World Downloader — MyM-Wiki 0.0.1 documentation)
The ammount of items needed for singularities (not because they are so many, but because the require so many crafting steps (and machines to make each crafting-step)) and the size of the reactor you need to make to craft the infinity ingots (needing 3172 casings).
In older packs (before 1.8.0) we never had to worry about that as all packs were designed for servers and if a pack couldn't run on a server,(lag creator, memory hog) they would be flagged so that they would be available on single-player mode ONLY. The pack author was responsible for the warning that this pack could destroy a server farm. Whatever happened to the way that authors report?
Good old times... Nowdays packs seems to be made only for single player or even for MC youtubers, at least i get such feeling.
I lowered the cost of Singularities to 100 items. This change will not show ingame in NEI, but will still only cost 100. Hopefully a 10x reduction in cost helps.