Done i am Going away for longer than two weeks i dont want my claim reset!

Discussion in 'Multiblock Madness' started by slightlytwisted, Aug 23, 2021.

  1. slightlytwisted

    slightlytwisted Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    5:29 AM
    I am going away for a few weeks maybe a month is there a way to keep my claim in multiblock madness active for longer than two weeks (i have had a look on the forums and cannot find any info about this) I am keen not to loose my claim as i have worked really hard on it and i would be sad to have to restart.
    thank you
  2. slightlytwisted

    slightlytwisted Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    5:29 AM
    I got answered in discord and the command is / absence and it extends the claim time to one month, but resets to two weeks if you log in in that time
    cheers anyway

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