Info Sevtech Ages Reset & Pack Update

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by Aidoneus, Dec 13, 2019.

  1. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    12:34 AM

    Server Address

    Modpack Version

    3.1.2 Hotfix 1
    Twitch Launcher - MyM-Launcher

    Launch Times

    Patron Tier 3: Friday, 13th December 9am CEST
    Patron Tier 2: Saturday, 14th December at 9am CEST
    Everyone: Sunday, 15th December at 9pm CEST
    Time Converter
    Reset & Update Information General Information:
    Hey MyMers! We are launching a new Sevtech server! This modpack really needed the love. The server was heavily outdated. The modpack went through massive changes and we couldn't update because of the significant changes that we would have to do with the modpack plus, all of the backend server updates. We have also been getting reports of significant lag on the server. At the time, we really couldn't do much to fix this as the server software was severely outdated and had many bugs. With the huge server update, this should really help with these issues as well.
    Old Server Shutdown Date:
    Friday, 20th December
    Other Reset Information:
    As this is just such a big update, we cannot carry over inventories from the old server to the new server. You can however use the /wd command to download your base to play in a singleplayer instance.
    Additional Notes World Resets:
    The Dreadlands
    The Dark Realm
    The Beneath
    Twilight Forest
    Hunting Dim
    Between Lands
    The End
    The Abyssal Wasteland

    New Protection Information:
    The overworld wilderness USED to be set to build and break deny to keep the world fresh for longer times. This is not the case anymore. Please still use the farmworld to gather supplies. To start claiming in the overworld, use the Flint Shovel instead of the Golden Shovel as the claiming tool. We had to change this as players cannot use the Golden Shovel in the early stages of the pack.

    Pack Fixes:
    I was able to fix the advancements unlock! Meaning you no longer need the sign at spawn to give you the Age Zero advancement. With this said, the sign has been removed.
    Pack Description SevTech: Ages is a massive modpack packed with content and progression. This pack focuses on providing the player a long term progression experience with purpose. SevTech introduces a number of mechanics never before done such as: hiding ore until unlocked, dynamically hidden items and recipes based on progress, new mobs appear as you progress further and much more! The modpack uses the vanilla advancement system to guide the player along while still allowing an open, sandbox experience. As you progress through the hundreds of custom advancements you will unlock new "ages" which will show you new mods to work through.

    SevTech aims to introduce many mods not frequently used while altering some more widely known mods. The pack also features a ton of custom mods for the best player experience.

    You'll start your first world with nothing. No map or HWYLA and only a handful of items and recipes. As you progress, you will unlock those features, thousands of items and blocks, and much more. Your goal is to follow through the advancement system from the stone age all the way into space!

    Every feature in SevTech: Ages can be done in Multiplayer, too! Every progression point is player based and not server based. This means you can play on a large server and not be left behind if you start after every one else. The pack also provides the mod "Together Forever" to let players form teams and sync progression. The World Type is suggested to be "quark_realistic".
    Warning Please be aware that this is a highly experimental server and not a normal modpack.
    profrags and _Cilo_ like this.
  2. Crazypinecone

    Crazypinecone Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    1:34 AM
    having trouble finding the darklands, the compass always points to regular areas.
  3. AtPMonster

    AtPMonster Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    7:34 AM
    Its getting fixed :)
  4. Its_Micheal

    Its_Micheal Patron Tier 3

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    2:34 AM
    the modpack version needs to be updated.
  5. Willshaper

    Willshaper Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    7:34 AM
    We are running the latest version of the pack 3.2.1.

    The pack announcement posts are not updated with new packs versions etc.

    You can always see the current version of the pack here: Server Ip’s 1.12.2 — MyM-Wiki 0.0.1 documentation

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