Decided Against ''Nerf'' Infinity expert pack because of banned mods.

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by mauri567, Sep 27, 2021.


Does this sound like a good idea?

  1. Yes! Gladly as i need to afk for about 2 weeks for items.

    0 vote(s)
  2. No, I dont play I:E but it has to be hard

  3. No, I like the challenge!

  1. mauri567

    mauri567 Patron Tier 2

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    3:36 AM

    As ive been playing I:E for quite some time now and had my fair share of expertmode and TPS drops, during this time ive come to a realisation that the modpack was indeed not intended to play with banned and restricted mods, as one of those mods are RF-Tools dimensions.

    This mod might not seem like much, but as u go further down the line in infinity the mod has a purpose of making certain key items easier to acces as you get further down the progressionline, such things would be liquid fuel for reactors, UU-Matter dimensions, powerfull quarry dimensions or eternal day dimensions for powerfull solarsetups, but this is not possible on the MYM network as its banned and is considerably halting the progress of those that play the FTB expert mode, playing this expert modpack on this servernetwork makes it a 2x expert, as u will need to constantly grind for certain materials or do giant setups of diffrent autocrafting since the ''checkpoints'' with RF-Tools does not exist.

    I would like to ask for either ''set'' RF tools dimensions on the server with these certain items, or buff like matter fabricator to only need half the amount of energy+ no scrap etc.

    Now an expert pack is supposed to be hard, but the mod developers did take the RF-Tools dimensions in account so not having it is like a really hard setback!
  2. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    9:36 PM
    Hundreds of people including myself have beaten the pack without the suggestions your asking for plus it's common practice on servers to ban dimension creation mods due to the lag they can cause.
  3. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    3:36 AM
    Only change I would like to see its the SirWilli tank added to pack so no nether pumping.
    Lava generators are limited to Stirling Generators from EnderIO bc magmatic dynamos or lava gens from extra utils are disabled.
    We can enable them but tweak the recipe to be harder - likelava gen need reinforced machine case to make instead the iron block and redstone into signalium gears adn furnace into induction furnace from IC2... as to magmatic dynamos... Invar blocks instead ingots and transmission coil into redstone energy pipe and invar gears into signalium ones.

    And sirwilli tank... maybeender tank with teleporter from IC, ender quarry( recipe is costly enought in I:E) and 2 runic glass(wither-boss proof) and 4 resonant machine cases as frame
  4. Papers

    Papers Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    5:36 AM
    i think you mean buff the items not nerf them?
  5. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    3:36 AM
    i think the most issue is lack of RFTools dimensions - imagine fluid bedrockium or UUmatter world that would speeds up your progress at certain point
  6. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    6:36 PM
    As Hanover had said on discord, and Katie has said, making the pack easier due to no access to RFTools dimensions isn't going to happen. The pack has been completed by many players in its current form that we do not feel the need to make it easier. It is an expert pack, so go in expecting it to be hard, and due to being a server rather than in single-player, some adjustments have to be made, but we try to make minimal changes to a pack.

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