Extra mobs added to spawn changer perk

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by dragon87tamer, Oct 2, 2021.


Is this a good idea?

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  1. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    2:01 AM
    Wondering if we could get Mobs like ghasts and wither skeles to the spawn change perk. Due to the fact Playing On Divine journey 2. Mobs are rather scarse. Finding these mobs can be near on impossible currently due to the fact that there are Tons more mobs due to the Divine RPG mod. This is not just for asthetics. This is solely for the purpose of progression.

    I am currently looking for Ghasts to make the End crystal. Requires a total of 4 ghast blocks to make all 4 end crystals to resummon the ender dragon. Now each ghast block requires 9 ghast tears. Yes there is Mobdrops/MobdropsPlus kits, but they give a total of 3 ghast tears. which is 33 short of what is needed. I was in the nether for around 30 mins go around looking for any sign of ghasts. i found a total of 0.

    Mob spawning is way off for any1 in the pack currently so even if i found 1 ghast, i wouldnt be able to auto spawn it for a while. which is going to be a pain. I know the dragon egg isnt needed for anything major at my stage, But they are needed for a lot of recipes later on. And ghast tears are required for a lot of recipes also.

    If this cannot be achieved anytime soon? can we have something implemented either On the market, or spawn? for purchase?

    Please kindly consider this
    sp33draft likes this.
  2. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    7:01 PM
    The one issue I see with this, is that if say your running around in the Overworld, and you run into a vanilla spawner in a cave system, abandoned mine, etc. And you change it to one of the more dangerous mobs, especially The Wither or Ghast, then run off to continue your adventures, now that spawner has become a very dangerous location to deal with for any follow up players. Even if you did this in other dim's, that would, again, make it very dangerous for other players. Then the question is, how do you best police this from becoming an issue? The current system just allows changing to a vanilla mob which spawn naturally any how, so not a big deal, with no need for additional policing by mods/admins. The Mid and High range mobs are a bit more dangerous, and in some cases destructive (i.e. Wither and Ghasts). And I definitely do not believe the Ender Dragon should ever be added to it. Other methods could be implemented for resummoning the End Dragon (if this is truly becoming an issue)...

    Perhaps some other solution could be taken? Is there no Mod in the pack for spawning captured mobs (besides the dragon)? Does the pack have items, such as Cursed Earth, for increasing mob spawning within a controlled environment? Does adding Luck to your weapons not have an increased drop chance for the items being sought from mid to end game mobs? If this is a real issue, perhaps some recipes could be added for crafting such items (but it should be a difficult recipe - if it's too easy then no one will ever bother going after the mobs in question in the first place)?

    It's understandable that mobs are a scarcity, but I don't really see adding more mob types to the Spawner Change Perk as a workable solution... There are just to many opportunities for it to be either abused, used for griefing, or creating headaches for players not ready to face such mobs (i can see it now, digging around looking for resources, then suddenly I come upon a spawner that someone changed to Ghasts and now the area is filled with multiple Ghasts flying around blasting away as I try to escape - then I begin to wonder why these fellas are in the Overworld and why are there so many? Ahhhh, the spawner is spawning them)...

    Last edited: Oct 2, 2021
  3. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    3:01 AM

    BTW, theres no other way to spawn mobs? IIRC DJ2 have enderIO and RFTools so use those mods to spawn desired mobs?
    Or you just want to "skip" some progression by using the mob type changer?
  4. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    2:01 AM
    yeah has!! no where near the quest levels im at, And im one of the ppl who have progressed the most

    Also Zippidy, i agree having those 2 specific mobs allowed in the overworld would be not such a good idea. Could just limit spawners (mainly vanilla) to allow only ghast and wither skeles to spawn in the nether. As previously u could just turn blaze into skeleton, and it would spawn wither skeles, this is no longer the case. And yes. u can use cursed earth. As stated with Divine RPG involved. The different type of mobs that can spawn in the nether is stupidly high. Along with Abyssal craft which also has mobs in the nether. The vanilla spawning mobs are really low. Even more so with the mob caps.

    Like i said. If having the Spawner idea a No go. Allow either it be in the shop, or at spawn for a reasonable trade!
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2021

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