Decided Against Allow for patron teirs to extend when upgrading teirs?

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by mauri567, Oct 5, 2021.


Would you like get extended patron for certain upgrades and is it more likely you would donate?

  1. Yes! I would donate more.

  2. No! I'd still only pay once.

  3. Maybe, but i would have a good choice.

  4. I don't care.

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. mauri567

    mauri567 Patron Tier 2

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    11:20 PM

    As i have played on MyM for many years ive seen changes come and go, as the addition of donations, the removal of permanent perks and the addition of patron, and then once again the addition of permanent perks for a harmony of both providers and 1 time purchasers.

    But as i see as of now the Teir 5 purchase for a whopping 80 euros is not worth what it gives.
    or atleast not if u already are at a lower teir such as teir 1.2.3 or 4.

    The price in itself is quite remarkeble but the fact that you only need teir 3 for a good experience is what makes the teir 5 a bad choice. This is for 2 reasons in my opinion and those would be that firstly!
    When buying a pack for the first time you get included patron for a limited time, but only on your first purchase, if upgrading to teir 5 gave additional months or the like then it would encourage people that had bought lower teirs to invest more as the would ''save'' money doing so.
    Now if u purchased a teir once you lose the extra benefit off patron for the other purchases.

    Then insteed of paying 55 euros from teir 3 to teir 5 (which by all means is not nessesary) you could pay 5 euros for 11 months for teir 1 patron and its benefits or 5 months for teir 2 patron. But then again thats not gonna happen as most people might only play for a month or 2 so they look for the most attractive deals to purchase, and that deal is only the teir 3 purchase and if u even need to play again then u simply play without paying.

    But upgrading so that you get additional patrons would allow first time spenders to reevaluate their plan and might purchase a teir 3 or 4, only to later purchase teir 5 to extend their time if they liked it. Now its more like trying to force people to buy the most expensive deal and then getting the most out of it, the shop is not versatile so to speak.

    Please leave your feedback as to what you think about purchasing and donating for tiers and ranks and how you would like it, this is my prefered way and is a win win for both server and me. The only way the server loses is if i dont buy anything.
  2. mauri567

    mauri567 Patron Tier 2

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    I will write a suggestion i came up with!

    All the purchases still earn their initial rewards for purchases.

    From teir 1-2 No bonus. (5 euro jump)
    From 2-3(15euro) and 3-4(25euro) 1 month teir 1 patron
    From teir 3-5(50euro) 1 month of teir 2 patron
    From teir 4-5(30euro) 1 month of teir 3 patron

    From teir 4-5 it costs remarkably less than from 3-4, but it should be seen as a thanks for someone that already invested 50 euro on the server and then gets like a special bonus, as it give them a feeling of helping out and being special, and if u do upgrade you most likely do it because of the extra month and that you like the server, this would also encourage people to get the teir 4 from the get go and slowly upgrade to teir 5, During this time it might be possible that people has gotten used to the teir 3 patron and cant imagine playing without its benefits and thus donates for that and remains as a teir 3 patron afterwards.

    This plan is aimed at the more high-paying contributors, but will also help people with less economy to be able to rethink the value of playing with patron and might help them to decide if they really wanna make a purchase or not.
    There are certain people who simply will throw money at the screen and this is not to help them, its for the more versatile player.
  3. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Tier 5 is a lifelong perk and absolutely worth its money, I don't see any reason to make it cheaper or give more incentives.
    Zippity_Doodah and BookerTheGeek like this.
  4. mauri567

    mauri567 Patron Tier 2

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    Then why arent you teir 5?
  5. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I am. Since forever.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  6. mauri567

    mauri567 Patron Tier 2

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    Ohh, didnt know, thats why you dont want it then.
  7. gamewiz93

    gamewiz93 Well-Known Member

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    As a Tier 5 myself, I agree with Sandstroem on this.
    Zippity_Doodah and BookerTheGeek like this.
  8. mauri567

    mauri567 Patron Tier 2

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    The point is that you guys have already bought it, and it was indeed worth for you, but im aiming for people that maybe want to buy, not people who bathe in money. The game itself costs around 10-20 bux. It might feel like you guys get cheated if it suddenly got better for more people, but thats not the point, i want it to be more attractive to a wider audience, including myself.
  9. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    While I understand the the appeal of getting more for less, I also need to agree with @Sandstroem & @gamewiz93. I believe I bought tier 5 within a month or two of starting to play on the server, oh so long ago.

    The fact that MyM even has a one time payment for a permanent rank in itself is amazing and very rare. I can count on one hand the amount of sizable modded networks that offer this option out of the hundreds of networks I've been on. Most of them only have the kits and or monthly payments. And this is from before the ban on selling stuff in game came and went.

    I bought tier 5 mainly to support the server back in the day, not for the benefits. Do I enjoy, and use, those benefits? Oh of course I do. But I would have donated to the server even if those were not included. (But since the benefits do exist I shall use them. I'm not a saint). And I would love nothing more then for everyone who played on this network to support the network with becoming a Tier 1-5 donator. I would not feel bad for me that they got the benefits (At the same price I paid or a different one), but ecstatic for the network! People who donate are much more likely to become long term players.

    Personally, I feel that you see the appeal of being a tier 5 donator, but just don't want to spend that amount of money. And that is fine! As I said getting more for less is what everyone wants. But that applies to the server to. They need to have a steady source of income to support the servers, pay for upgrades, pay taxes (MyM is an actual business iirc) have a rainy day fund in case nobody donates for a while, and other things I am sure I am not privy to. I think the current system regarding pricing and benefits is more then fair, and tilted to the players a more then the server by a fair margin.

    ... On a side note, this is the first time anyone has brought up that I can recall, any issues about the pricing for either patron or the lifetime ranks. That should say something with as long as the server has been around.
    gamewiz93 and Sandstroem like this.
  10. mauri567

    mauri567 Patron Tier 2

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    I can clearly see in your message that you do care about the server, so where would the problem be to have more people pay? This is a way to market it so there is a payment plan that people can think about and do reoccuring payments simply for the added benefits? i dont see why you say you agree with them when your message clearly states that you agree on expanding the paying playerbase.
    If that is what you mean wouldent this be a golden oppitunity to do so? By allowing the existing payments to be more attractive to a wider audience? I can see why this does not ''benefit'' any of you three as all of you already are teir 5 payers, so there is no win / win for you more than people doing it the same way as you did. But in the bigger picture more people would pay to play and it would contribute to more stable servers and services from MyM as a whole.

    Not everyone will pay 80 bux the first 2 months they play, thats life, but then making it possible for people to slowly upgrade and constantly get better benefits by sticking to the server? thats contributing to. Maybe pay 15 first month? in 1 month pay another 350 since both patron and better rank seems good.
  11. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Their is a payment plan in place, sorta. Players can upgrade one Tier at a time each month (or as often as they see fit). Or they can subscribe to a monthly payment via patron.

    Their is though... More players who donate to the server equals:
    • More players on the server. (I play online for the friends and conversation)
    • More money to the server means more packs and better server, which in turn draw more players.
    • Donators stick around. I don't have access to the stats anymore, but maybe an @_Cilo_ or @Aidoneus could find out the average playtime monthly of donators vs non-donators? Or total playtime for the two categories?
    More people and more $$$ is good for the server. I personally think the pricing, which to my knowledge has been the same since the server opened (For sure since I joined back over 10 years ago), is right on the mark. Either way though it is the final decision for Slind or SirWill, as they own the network and set the pricing.

    Also.... HI _Cilo_ & Aidoneus!!!! You guys never say Hi anymore so I'd thought I'd say hi. :D
    Zippity_Doodah likes this.
  12. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    I do think having 3 players replying who have purchased a full tier 5 rank already does show that many people do feel that it is worth the price it is now. I can't speak for others, but I purchased my tier 5 long before the temporary patron was added.

    Everyone wants more for their money, but at the basics, the permanent ranks are not about the temporary patron rank that is included with the initial purchase. They are just an added bonus. The perks that are listed after that are the real perks of the rank, and that along with how bundles work is why the temporary patron is currently only added to the initial full tier purchase, and not included in the upgrades.

    If the patron was going to be included in the upgrades too, the price of each tier would go up, as it would no longer be a "bundle" bonus, but instead, a fixture of the tiers and the price would be adjusted to reflect that.
    Zippity_Doodah and BookerTheGeek like this.
  13. mauri567

    mauri567 Patron Tier 2

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    Well the thing is that only teir 5 have been noting this post, which means all of you cant benefit from this ''upgrade'', it sure would have been nice with some more people posting that are intrested in spending time and money on the server, as for me i dont see how the server would ''lose'' anything on doing it this way. In a sense we buy virtual worth on a MC server, and my suggestion would simply allow newer players to think about sticking around for a more versatile paymentplan.
    I do agree there is worth in all the packs as they already are, but why not make it more worth for newer people? You did pay for it all that time ago, but that was then, now is now, and i think it wouldent hurt to atleast try changing it up and try?
    I myself is not a new player, ive played since like 7 years ago, but it was just recently i decided to donate, ive stuck around with MyM for quite some time to, even had my fair share of MCfun with sirwill and his tank, but i am a teir 3 and i would benefit from this.
  14. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    In the nicest way possible... Seriously, I've been known to be an donkey butt in the past but I'm trying to be nicer or more sociable....

    This honestly sounds like you want the Tier 5 features, but just don't want to pay (as much as it currently costs) for it?

    No matter who agrees or disagrees with you, or who comments on this post, as I stated it is ultimately up to the owners. I personally don't think it needs changing, and honestly/realistically with inflation it is objectively cheaper today anyways then it was when it first came out. Either way, meh... I've said my piece and I hope you are able to get your tier 5 or top tier patron.

    Also.... Hello @Lirael !!!! How are you doing? Long time no see. :)
  15. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    First of all, I am not arguing that way because I would get cheated or something. I think the main argument about tier 5 is god mode and that alone makes it absolutely worth its money.

    My main point is actually that I do not want to make everything affordable for everyone, you need to have one premium product. (And calling a 80 euro lifetime product a premium product is a bit of a joke by itself)
    But if everyone has Tier 5 and Patron 3 they lose their appeal. A lot of people buy them not for the perks, but to support the community and yes, stand out. That might sound a bit dumb, but that is how it works. If tomorrow a patron 4 got added, that cost 50 per month and added nothing more than some fancy color in the forum, there would be people that buy it. Why? Because they can. And because others can not.
    gamewiz93 likes this.
  16. gamewiz93

    gamewiz93 Well-Known Member

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    In my opinion after you get Tier 5, patron becomes almost moot away. The only reason i get patron when i can is one to support Mym, and two is to show off or stand out like Sandstroem said. If there ever was a tier 6 i would buy it in a heartbeat just for the sake of having it.
    Zippity_Doodah and BookerTheGeek like this.
  17. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    I understand the point you are trying to make... But I still see no reason to change the system from the way it currently stands...

    When I first joined MyM years ago, the Patron system did not exist... You could purchase a Tier of benefits or you could piece mail purchase various benefits... That all changed when it was newly mandated that allowing players to purchase Perks on non-private servers would from that point forward be a violation of the End User License Agreement (EULA)... To adapt, the Patron system was introduced, as one of the few possible ways to bring in donation funds to keep the servers afloat... Initially the Patron system was purely for the newly added private servers available only to those who subscribed to one of the Patron Tiers... The only other way that MyM could make money to cover costs, was through generous no-strings-attached donations...

    Obviously as time went on, those restrictions went away... So now, MyM has all three systems in place... And as far as I can tell, the prices for the Tier Lifetime Perks has not changed in all that time, and neither have the perks associated with those Tiers... The Patron system was left in place, for the perks it entails, along with the private Patron only server/s still remaining...

    What I see now are Choices, more choices then what used to exist those years ago when I first ran into MyM... No one has to pay for anything if they don't want to...

    There are two types of players out there when it comes to Minecraft servers and Donations... Those who just want perks for their money, which makes it seem more like a purchase then a donation (at least in those players minds)... And then there are those who want to give back to the Server Hosts for running such a well supported and smooth running Minecraft Server Network, by donating some money... The Perks are more or less there as both an incentive to donate, as well as a reward for donating... Donations are what helps divert the costs of keeping the servers running, increases the number of servers made available, and ensures higher end physical servers are used to run them in the first place... MyM isn't a business trying to make a profit, and should not be treated as such... They are a comradery of like-minded gamers, just trying to make a friendly place to call home for others who might be interested in joining along for some Minecraft fun...

    We should feel lucky perks are made available at all... And although I do see where you're coming from, and understand what you're saying... I just don't see an issue that needs to be fixed... No one is putting a gun to the players heads and saying they have to donate for any of the Lifetime Tiers or for the right to join the Patron Tiered system... Additional perks were never needed for the Lifetime Perks before the Patron system existed, why should they need more now... Heck, I don't even use some of the perks hardly ever, if at all... I was more interested in helping keep MyM alive so I could keep playing here and having fun when I need that Minecraft fix... Yes, if MyM decided to add more to the perks then what exist now, that would probably be cool... But I just don't see it as a necessity, at least not for the moment...

    But hey, don't think just because I don't agree, that you shouldn't keep suggesting stuff... By all means, suggestions and discussion are healthy things...

    gamewiz93 likes this.
  18. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Sorta correct. The price has not changed, nor the perks. But the kits have expanded quite recently.

    Do you mean like how Samsung has the Note series phone and the S series phone? ;)
    gamewiz93 likes this.

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