Future of MYM Poll!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by TrashGothAoife, Oct 5, 2021.


What would you like to see more of?

  1. 1.16/1.17 servers (limited support)

    28 vote(s)
  2. Focus on current servers, with more world resets

    11 vote(s)
  3. Revisit older modpacks

    22 vote(s)
  4. Other

    1 vote(s)
  1. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    3:18 PM

    We would like to get some feedback from you, the players of our servers. This can and will affect how we move forward.

    Please, add any further thoughts you have to this thread with anything you would like to add.
  2. OctoberGwen

    OctoberGwen Well-Known Member

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    3:18 PM
    I would really like to see an updated FTB Infinity and add in a Hexxit Server with updated mods for 1.16/.17. I have no idea if this is feasible, but Hexxit is one of my all time favorite modpacks and the ability to go head to head with people again would be absolutely divine.
  3. mauri567

    mauri567 Patron Tier 2

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    11:18 PM
    As im an older player my thoughts might not matter, but i prefer to have servers with lots of playability on, and if possible reduce the amount of servers but allow a greater deal of mods to be used, like trusting the community on diffrent expert mode servers and allow like RFTools dimensions and giant redwood trees just for the base building, maybe even apply whitelist to certain servers as not many people play on them.
    Lets say that we have a normal expert mode server, then we have a second one thats whitelisted and that only longterm mym:ers can play on it and all the mods are allowed (Not dupe or glitched mods ofc, but performence wise as server community can agree to certain rules)

    This would not work with newer modpacks as they already are quite performancedraining, but im not the one to decide that.

    Also upgrade the donationpacks for older servers to make them more relevant in a sense, like a little beepack on FTB Infinity expert that allowes for a alviery or like mutatron producer- mutatron/advanced mutatron.
    I personally feel that the donation packs on the older servers are quite limited, and it goes kind of fast to get ahead of them.
    But one good starterpack would be a cokeoven, small tinkers oven and blastfurnace, as that grind is quite the same on every old expertserver there is.

    As for newer servers they are probably the most important for the servers health as they provide a steady income in the armsrace to infinityingots etc, so il let the ones that play talk about those.

    Also a sidenote for the older servers where people play on LM, there were people that would have prefered if LM was daytime rather than constant night, so maybe it would be a good idea to add a daytime voidworld on old servers not only to make the performance higher with voidworlds, but also attract a greather audience as they would play on expertspacks for longer and not jump over to easier normalpacks just for they day and then quit when they are done. The struggle is done, but it a quality of life change to apply a daytime dimension as it is quite depressing playing in a dark world. It would be much better for the community overall i think. Or just do LM into daytime on old dimensions.
  4. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    11:18 PM
    About RFTools dimensions - everyone know they can cause problems but... how about few (maybe 2-5) RFTools dimensions with cool stuff inside to mine(liquid UU materr/bedrockium, some crazy ore gen made already by staff and accesable via warps/MyM portal?

    Every kitchensink nowdays add few new worlds anyway so why not add few more but that are usefull?

    Also i memebr the... what was it called... Modpacks marathon? That thingy we had new pack every week and most played server stays. How about do it but with retro packs? I dont see many servers allowin playing old packs.
    mauri567 likes this.
  5. mauri567

    mauri567 Patron Tier 2

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    11:18 PM
    I agree to this thought! Make the older server better and add more playability! Like submit a drum of UU-Matter to acces the UU-matter dimension and the like!

    These bans were made all those years ago, when topnotch computers had 4-8 ram, today a medium computer has between 8-16 ram!
  6. McGMic

    McGMic Well-Known Member

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    1:18 AM
    Good time of day. I just want a complete update of the build. Enigmatica 2 Expert. And reset the full server.
  7. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    11:18 PM
    We could bring Regrowth back. Just kidding. But am I?
    misscatlin1951, M4sterOx and wyndman like this.
  8. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    3:18 PM
    Honestly as time goes on if we continue to stick with the 1.12 and older packs, we may fall behind the curve a little bit... So many newer packs are coming out for more recent versions of the game that seem rather interesting... It's understandable that supporting these newer packs may require a skill set we currently may not have Admin's for... Therefore the support for them may be limited... It seems as though 1.16.5 is pretty much the current standard for many of the newer mod packs, many of which sound interesting and fun... I look forward to seeing more of these sorts of packs...

    I tend to gravitate more towards Quest based Modpacks, but I don't mind kitchen sink packs now and then... As to "Expert" packs, they are a mixed bag... Sometimes they are done well, and sometimes they just feel like kitchen sink packs geared towards just wasting more of the players time then being put together in a logical and well thought out progression...

    As to the future, I would like to see more moderation of the destruction to the overworld in some packs (as possible depending on shortage of mods)... As an example, I been playing Revelation, and I run into lots of destructive stuff like large patches of fire randomly all over the map (many of which looked like someone purposefully set it ablaze and/or sometimes it was giant patches of Corrupted Earth on fire), trenches scattered around the map where someone gathered resources from the surface of the Overworld rather then doing that in the Farmworld, giant dug out holes in the ground (sometimes going very deep), half destroyed and abandoned bases, and I even ran into someone's base that had a gargantuan wall built around their area with water sources all across the entire top of it with flowing water just going absolutely everywhere (even though it probably looked cool to the player - that much flowing water isn't very server conscience and seemed absolutely unnecessary)...

    Thus far I think the staff has been doing a bang up job... And I thank them all for their service both in the past, currently, and on into the future...

    Last edited: Oct 6, 2021
    SovereignEternal likes this.
  9. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    11:18 PM
    Some modified versions of older packs would be cool. Gimme Regrowth double expert mode.
  10. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    5:18 PM
    Personally I would like to see a couple things:
    • More packs on newer versions of Minecraft.
      • Smaller packs, not everything packs with every mod in it.
    • Whitelisted by playtime packs that have limited banned items.
      • Still ban dimension, as that is a server playability issue
      • Ban items that cause servers to crash.
    • Something in the shop for players to pay to host a pack on MyM.

    It is my understanding that it is not so much lack of staff skill set, but more so lack of actual plugins that have support behind them. Depending on what server side foundation they are using (Paper/Spigot/Sponge-Forge/etc...), plugin support is super limited. We are waiting on the plugins to catch up to these newer versions of Minecraft.
    Zippity_Doodah likes this.
  11. SparedPumpkins

    SparedPumpkins Senior Moderator

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    10:18 PM
    Obviously, I would like to see a Pumpkin Craft mod pack on MYM.
    mauri567 likes this.
  12. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    6:18 PM
    Personally I'd rather the staff focus on support for what we currently have rather then releasing new packs and spreading our already small staff team even thinner DJ2 just got released on the network and judging by the changelog there's been a whole slew of bugs that came with it so far
  13. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    6:18 PM
    Seems like the perfect idea!
  14. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    Hehe, obviously there is a nostalgia for some of these older mod packs, especially the ones that have been on MyM for a while... But if no one is actually playing them with any sort of regularity, I agree in their removal, as they are just wasting server space... But I also believe in adding equivalent replacements if at all possible... This newest pack DJ2, is probably a fun pack for some folks, but it's definitely more in-line with SevTech difficulty, regardless of it's claims to the contrary... Regrowth was more like the middle ground between the difficulty of Sky Block packs, with a befitting theme of progression that befit the overall story behind the pack in the first place, and these more recent "Expert" packs, that tend to just up the difficulty through massive recipe changes and sometimes far too grindy gameplay... I kind of feel DJ2 is more like an excuse pack, where the story aspect is far too simplified and feels more like an excuse for why your working through the pack, rather then a thematic reason behind it's purpose and progression... At least, that is my personal opinion based on my limited time playing around in it... (now I do need to give the pack developer due credit, as the quests are well created in DJ2, with lots of detailed explanations and a somewhat tutorial type feel, so kudo's on that front, but it still feels like any ole expert progression pack but with an excuse as it's goal rather then a well thought out story type theme of pack progression)

    Regrowth was a pack unlike many packs that have come after it... Sure, there have been some attempts, such as that Liquid Blood based pack MyM once had, or some others (wish I could remember the names) I've seen over the years... I can only assume that the reason/s Regrowth never kept updating was that it either lost support from the pack maker and/or the mods themselves just never updated as newer versions of Minecraft rolled out... In any case, it was a fun pack, but again, if no one was playing it... c'est la vie...

    Last edited: Oct 8, 2021
  15. Willfon

    Willfon Well-Known Member

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    11:18 PM
    It is called Hypovolemia. It is an interesting pack but it is a bit tough tedious to start up and has a few issues server side (or does when I am running it on my server at home). Major issue with the pack from a server standpoint is that it relies on you to to harvest a limited liquid resource which makes a million flowing blocks that ticks the server right into oblivion.

    But it would be fun to see more of the old story based quest packs.

    From a CPU standpoint we should perhaps have explored options to let users turn on a server and let it time out when no-one plays it, allowing us to have more packs available than we were actually running, but unfortunately, today CPU for old packs is relatively cheap and storage is not. We store just as much on an old pack as on a new since its the world size that determines how much space it takes. But perhaps some packs would not need us to pregenerate a 10Kx10K world, but possibly make use of smaller, separate worlds. This would of course require a bit of development and all of that is completely out of the scope of this thread anyways.

    Personally I just don't bother with kitchen sink packs, but keep to the quest driven ones and there just aren't too many good quest packs around these days. Its all just make 1K spinning doodads, and craft this random 12x12 super extreme crafting infusion compressor. Which of course why I am mod - because you guys make it fun to play again :D
    Zippity_Doodah likes this.
  16. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    My favorite quest packs are the ones that require you to play through the quests to progress in some way or fashion, and that progression needs to make logical sense and it's always best when it sticks to the theme of the pack... Problem these days, there are many quest packs where the quests are optional and/or are used just as tutorials for certain mods within a kitchen sink pack... That or the quest are just added to mask the insanely grindy nature of the massive recipe changes of an "expert" pack, rather then keep to a theme or make sense during progression... Of course, everyone is different, and what makes one person happy, may just annoy the next player...

  17. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    11:18 PM
    The reason regrowth wasn't updated was because it was pretty much done. What is there to update?

    Hypovolemia on the other hand is a story full of screwups and I blame myself for most of it. The rest goes to caithleen, slind and a bunch of people who are mostly perma banned on mym, lol.
  18. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    I think it would be cool to see newer packs, most likely 1.16 since it's considerably more matured than 1.17, even though both are rather immature in terms of their modding environments. 1.16 packs would be interesting, but I'd certainly be interested in seeing modpacks for 1.18 when it comes out.

    That being said; While I think maintaining 1.12 is a good idea, I also believe that working towards 1.16 servers would be a good idea once there's more plugin support, and then eventually 1.18 once the modding environment there matures a bit. 1.16 will most likely be the new standard for modpacks moving forward, until 1.18 inevitably takes the cake.

    So to simplify my point: Definitely continue to maintain 1.12, but work towards 1.16 packs when plugin support is more available, and eventually look into 1.18 when its' modding environment starts to mature a bit (Like when some of the major mods have stable releases).
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  19. BlazeFTB

    BlazeFTB Well-Known Member

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    6:18 PM
    in order for 1.16 and later servers to be available on the modded side we still need a plug-in API like sponge. As far as I know no one has made a version of sponge for 1.16, even the official builds are not updated past 1.12.2
  20. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    3:18 PM
    That's kind of what I was saying when I was talking generally about plugin support; Both plugins and their API's lol

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