Done Invisible Blocks (TM)

Discussion in 'Life in a Village 2' started by SparedPumpkins, Oct 14, 2021.

  1. SparedPumpkins

    SparedPumpkins Senior Moderator

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    9:38 PM
    Hello MYMlings.

    I'm afraid I come with invisible news.

    My news is often transparent and see through, but never before has it been invisible.

    The story starts with my normal routine of running around my base in Life in the Villager 2 to make sure no one is unwell or in need of any tools. At this point I hadn't noticed anything invisible. In fact everything I had noticed so far was indeed, visible.

    I had about my person a perfectly visible blue print from PREFAB for an Ender Gateway. Who'd have thought this was an item?

    Anyway, as you can imagine I decided to place this Ender Gateway. OMG it's an ugly brute! I immediately went about destroying it.

    I got as far as destroying most of the blocks, but then like the late great actor, Marcel Marceau, I ran into an invisible wall.

    Naturally I ran around firing arrows into the sky for a while. Once I realised this was achieving nothing I went back to the invisible blocks. They were hard to find as they were invisible, but luckily they were also stationary.

    They were still there. All of them.

    I can either celebrate their invisibleness by hiding them under some dirt, or I could ask for the help of our great leaders.

    So I am here. Asking for your help. Oh great leaders...

    I am on Life in the Village 2. I'm easy to find as I seem to be the only lifeform on the server.


    Please could you have a look, or more likely a poke?

    Kind regards.

    Spared It's here if you look Pumpkin
  2. TheeForgotten

    TheeForgotten Senior Moderator Build Team

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    5:38 PM
    Hello SparedPumpkin

    I looked for the ghost block around the cords you provide above. I set blocks in the area of it to make sure i didn't find it. You will be glad to know it seems a simple restart of the server got rid of it for you. If you could please remove me as an officer as i had to add myself to check for the ghost block itself.

    Enjoy your gaming
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  3. SparedPumpkins

    SparedPumpkins Senior Moderator

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    Thank you for looking into this. I've just logged on and the problem still seems apparent. Could it be a client side issues? I can't ask anyone else from the server to come over and see if they can see(?) them.

    Kind regards.
  4. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    Dear SpaerdPumpkin, these invisible blocks that you describe are indeed on the client side, however to correct them even an explosion wont do it. These are true phantom blocks and they will stay with you for a very long time. Actually it has to do with the Java count of the actual blocks. When you place blocks in the world, Java adds them and when you break a block in the world, Java takes it away. At least that is what is suppose to happen. As explained by Mojang some years ago, when you decided to destroy the gateway, it could have been possible that you were close yo the top end of JAVA memory, and the physical form disappeared, but there was not enough physical JAVA to also eliminate the form. Now you are stuck.
    I was informed that the only way to remove the phantom blocks would be to have enough Java memory to completely eradicate. them, which is a calculation in JAVA memory. All actual blocks used must be calculated, that includes the phantom face as well because in JAVA it starts with a blank block, then adds the color and texture. Then once the block is completed, all 8 sides then is placed and the memory requirement is deducted from the memory base.
    Try to increase the JAVA memory, and then try to walk back through the blocks. Other than that would be for a staff member to do a surgical delete, though this has happened only on rare circumstances.
  5. TheeForgotten

    TheeForgotten Senior Moderator Build Team

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    Hey SparedPumpkin

    I went in and set blocks at the cords you gave me. If you could take and set blocks around it and or do a short clip of you not being able to go throw it or something it might help. But as I was saying I did set blocks at the cords you gave me and i didn't have any trouble with anything around that area. Please get back with me and i will see what i can do to help you out more.

    Enjoy your gaming
  6. SparedPumpkins

    SparedPumpkins Senior Moderator

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    You are expecting the Pumpkin to have some tech knowledge. I will share some screen shots. Video clips sound a bit to year 2000. Way too modern for me.



    I hope you can se the issue.

    Mr. Zebra hasn't yet upgraded to Mr. Floaty Zebra but it looks like he has. The water in the back ground is hitting the blocks and running off. I will keep the water there.
  7. SparedPumpkins

    SparedPumpkins Senior Moderator

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    On the plus side.

    The server is great. Everyone is missing out by not playing.

  8. TheeForgotten

    TheeForgotten Senior Moderator Build Team

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    5:38 PM
    hey sparedpumpkin

    Finally got the nasty ghost blocks gone. Hope everything is in better shape now.

    Enjoy your gaming
  9. SparedPumpkins

    SparedPumpkins Senior Moderator

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