Info Infinity Server Reset

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by Aidoneus, Nov 12, 2021.

  1. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Local Time:
    2:13 PM

    Server Address

    Launch Times

    Everyone: NOW!
    Yes! We have been listening and just in-time for the weekend! We know that a lot of the overworld is in ruins or is unusable on the old server and here is our solution. The server reset also comes with a included bonus of the world border being even larger than before. You are getting a world border increase of more than a 3rd of the size of the old server

    The old Infinity Evolved Normal Mode server will shut down on the 19th of November.

    Pack Description Now Includes Quests! Infinity Evolved adds game modes! Two modes are currently included; 'normal' and 'expert'. New and existing worlds are automatically in 'normal' mode, to switch to the all-new game mode type the following command (without quotes): "/ftb_mode set expert" At any time you can return to 'normal' to typing the command: "/ftb_mode set normal" These same commands can be executed by server ops either in game or from console. Players joining a server will be switched to the server's game mode upon login automatically. World resets are not required with the update to 2.0.0 but highly suggested if you are planning to play 'expert' mode due to the massive amount of progression changes.

    The pack for all people. Infinity is the general all-purpose pack from the FTB team that is designed for solo play as well as small and medium population servers.
    Hard-Reset With some internal changes happening, nothing can be carried over from the old Infinity Evolved server.
    If you redeemed kits, server upgrades or claim blocks within the last 2 weeks on the old server, we are happy to refund those on request.
    Base Download Those that would like to continue on their bases in single player or on their own server are welcome to use the /wd command in-game to get a download of your base.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2021
  2. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    9:13 PM
    So... when staff have a hearing test? Because you clearly misheard something...

    We asked for MAP ONLY reset, not Exterminatus/hard reset...(most of us)


    Seems like we got our house razed to the ground when we asked for new wallpaper...

    But... at least its proof staff hear anything from players... and it's something.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2021
    The42ndDruid likes this.
  3. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    1:13 PM
    Due to being a pack update, it's a good idea to reset the world, you know why. Also, why complain? If they only reset the map, people would drag their endgame stuff over and it'd be no different. In order to keep some degree of interest in an old pack, you have to keep it fresh, and resetting the world and data helps with that.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  4. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    1:13 PM
    This is why there was a section added to the main post regarding it being a hard reset. While yes, people would prefer just map reset, that can't always happen. And while you are looking at 1 post about it, it isn't the only place we have heard feedback on stuff like this.
  5. Papers

    Papers Well-Known Member

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    11:13 PM
    Hold on but what update I thought infinity doesn't get updates anymore.
  6. Papers

    Papers Well-Known Member

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    11:13 PM
    Yeah I'm kinda new to this quotes thing lol
  7. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    1:13 PM
  8. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    1:13 PM
    That is just the description of the pack. We are running version 3.1.0 which has been around since 2019. So, while it wasn't a pack update, which would have been mentioned at the top along with start date and IP, other things were done that required a hard reset.
    mrminesheeps likes this.
  9. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    1:13 PM
    Ah, gotcha! I wasn't entirely certain but I saw the version and assumed it was new, which surprised me lol.
  10. Alinston

    Alinston Well-Known Member

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    5:43 PM
    I'm not understanding how player data couldn't have been ported over.

    I now have no intentions further of playing this pack now, as the entirety of the two years of time I've placed in getting things and maxing out everything has basically been removed in terms of an online multiplayer experience, and also considering the fact that none of the other packs offer an experience that is the same or similar-enough to this pack then at this point I won't be playing any.

    Thanks guys. Enjoy your new reset.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2021
  11. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    1:13 PM
    If you want to have another pack similar to Infinity, then you should 100% suggest one. That being said, while I understand two whole years is a lot, it was an inevitability you had to recognize, no?
    Also, again, the main reason I see for not porting player data is so that the pack is refreshed for a lot of people, instead of that one endgame player hopping over and immediately listing endgame stuff on the market for example. It's all about keeping an interesting pack interesting.
  12. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    9:13 PM
    Like Infinity is so popular right now.
    It had steady player base of players who max out the pack like @Alinston , we asked for map reset because time to time new player comes and leaves right after they see how map was devastated.
    Whole point of making reset was to clean the map for them and leave the end-game players keep the items so they can rebuild their bases, not THIS.
    I wasnt endgame player, I just wanted to have new map to settle the base bc i wasnt playing normal bc map was so destroyed so I am annoyed for other ppl i meet before i leave normal.
    Also your argument about listing endgame stuff in the market... call me crazy but marekt is not so often used... bc once again most of player base were endgame players.

    it's my 1024th post! 1 MEGA POST!
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2021
    ElectricPoof likes this.
  13. ElectricPoof

    ElectricPoof Well-Known Member

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    3:13 PM
    @Aidoneus I joined after the reset to start a new base & it seems like we are missing a bunch of biomes. Was that a choice or maybe a mistake? I found vanilla ones plus magical forest, and a ton of mooshroom with one west of spawn thats at least 3k blocks north to south. In fact, every 3rd /rt was in or near mooshroom. I was really hoping to find the mystical grove like I had last time, is there a chance this can be fixed?
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2021
    LordEreh and dailypeanut like this.
  14. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    9:13 PM
    #ResetInfinityButNotLikeThis - i told you guys... Why im right when its about disaster?

    Epic fail.

    Until Poof mentioned it (i made base near other player so i didnt rtp'ed much) i didnt realised there is NO BIOMES'O'PLENTY biomes at all, you can say theres PLENTYN'T of biomes...

    So what now? Reset 3.0? I dont think theres any non-invasive way to fix broken world gen (i think BoP bugged and there should be other biomes instead ambundance of mushroom islands everywhere).

    And I have question - how many members of staff was working on reset? Even builder didnt noticed anything? No1 checked the world if it generated properly?


    After discussing on discord on #general and on #infinity1 there are generally 3 options:
    1. Staff will make BoP biomes manually(or some crazy scripts that will re-generate worls but leave the claims untouched)
    2. Make new OW with BoP and ask players to move out.
    3. Make new OW with BoP but staff will copy-paste player claims.

    *instert "Think Mark, think" meme here but replace Mark with staff*
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2021
    ElectricPoof likes this.

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