Info Refund Policy

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by cbrozak, Jul 22, 2014.

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  1. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    It IS "fair and equal" because if someone else lost something because of the permissions issue then they won't get a refund either...
    The point is that we don't refund anything regardless of the reason.

    If we refund something that you lost due to one bug then it wouldn't be fair to deny a refund to someone else who lost something to a different bug, then that puts us in the position of having to refund everything that anyone lost due to any bug no matter how big or small, and especially considering how open to fraud that would be if some players with low morals decided to try claiming they lost something they never had to begin with, to a bug that we have no way of verify if they're telling the truth about, frankly it would all get out of hand very quickly and that's not something we have any time or patience for.

    The fairest thing to do, no matter how much we as admins and you as players may not like it, is to say no refunds for anything, so that is the policy we will follow.
    Slind likes this.
  2. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    Due to some mods being buggy, and having to ban items because of these reasons, I think the Policy stands at a fair point,
    if we were to refund every item that everyone had lost, who's to say people aren't going to start crying when their items aren't refunded or when another player loses their items because of 'unfair' occurrences,
    the reason the policy stands, is because item refunds would cause too much drama, and stress, within the community,
    we all know what it's like when you lose an item and you can't get it back because it took you so long, but you end up re-doing the whole process again, because that's how the game is supposed to be.

    (Survival or die trying)

    In single player, you just brush it off and start again, why can't it be the same here?
    Honestly, everyone is going to have their own opinion at the end of the day, but the more you say about this, the more it is going to get ignored, because the server admins+ have made their decision upon the subject, and have decided to keep the policy up and running.

    You would not believe how many players moan in /Modreq asking for their items back, and we have to close the modreq/reply to them saying - Sorry, we stand at a no refund policy.

    If 1 person gets their items back, it's being shown as favoritism, and we don't want that, we want a nice community, where everyone gets along and enjoys the gameplay.
    JacaRoe and Slind like this.
  3. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    sorry we can't make a rollback because 1-2 of 200 players died because of a permission corruption. The majority of ~99% would loose more than the few people, furthermore does it take hours to rollback all servers. Please log out next time instead of staying in game.
  4. phatbhet

    phatbhet Well-Known Member

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    Eh it sucks when you have to restart but you know whatever right
  5. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    I love restarting, nothing better > Who wants to be at one point 24/7?
    Just means you can do something you enjoy again :)
    JacaRoe likes this.
  6. JacaRoe

    JacaRoe Well-Known Member

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    As far as being fair and balanced, I've noticed a large percentage of people on these servers complaining like this is a service they pay for.

    Folks, this is a FREE gig here, run by a bunch of people who VOLUNTEER their time, resources and energy, so that we have a relatively safe and fun place to play. Sure, you can donate if you're so inclined, but you are under no obligation to do so. Nobody should be so arrogant to demand anything be anything than what it is. Simply put, if you don't like the way its run, leave.

    Definitely, do give suggestions. They need them. To know when things aren't working right, to know when things can be improved, or to know when there are conflicts (game and player related).

    But don't start crying injustice when you don't get what you want from a bunch of people who are giving you everything they can already, at no charge to you.

    I've lost items, on several occasions. Sometimes it was a game glitch, sometimes it was lag, sometimes there was no explanation. Granted, I don't have a large amount of progress on this server, and if I were at some point to lose a lot more (which I probably will), I would probably be more upset. To me, losing an amethyst sword with Looting III (and a couple others) was enough to make me feel ill. I can't imagine losing a whole tree or two of supplies. At the same time, I know that the only thing I've lost is time. To ask the administration to also give their time (and for them, time=$. Somebody, somewhere, pays for these servers), is what seems to me to be the unfair request.

    At the end of the day, you're fortunate to get more than what you pay for. This is a free service here that we all enjoy, that I believe is safe enough to justify allowing my two little kids to enjoy. There you go, it's mom-approved. :) For these reasons, I have to agree with, and defend, this particular policy, even if it works against me sometimes. And it has. And it will. For everyone, at some point or another. That's life. Deal with it. Suck it up, Cupcake. Et al.
  7. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    I love hearing this. Thank you for this compliment, it's probably my favorite one for me to hear :D
  8. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    After my third loss of my XP tipped Ichor tipped Wrapped wand. Which takes about an hour to make even when you have the materials at hand. Then getting the too bad so sad, reason for not restoring. I am putting this down as just lazyness on the mods side to not want to spend time on legitimate claims.

    The last time, I lost the wand with only half my pack full of items and it was only thing that did not make the transition. I would put this is a big problem with world transfer.
  9. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    Who's claim is legitimate and who's isn't? I agree, if there was an easy way to sort it out and have it done fast then there would be no question to this rule being over the top. But there is no real way to know 100% which is legitimate or not. Would you rather everyone run around with that wand illegitimately while yours is legit, because we did start picking and choosing which is real or not? Honest question. I'm not pointing any finger at you, I believe you, but you also have to see my side as well right?
    JacaRoe and julio1237878 like this.
  10. JacaRoe

    JacaRoe Well-Known Member

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    Another thing I've been thinking of: I used to have a mod position in a game (Everquest) where item loss (and a bunch of other things) was logged, and the admins could, more often than not, see from the logs exactly where/when/how each item disappeared, thus relieving them of the judgement call. They could see if the item was destroyed, if another player took it, if it was dropped on the ground to poof (and at the exact coordinates). If at some point, that system became available to Minecraft admins, it would be only at that time that I could see this policy being altered, provided there was someone willing to spend the time to examine said logs. Until that happens, there's just too many people who would abuse an honor system, unfortunately.
  11. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    I will say they did spend quite a bit of time and effort investigating my claim. To I have to withdraw the lazy charge and apologize. They did not however return the wand, but I will say they spent more time investigating it than it took me just to make another one.

    Be careful with overloading inventory when transfering, something have pack size footprints, like safari nets. ( I had 5 well traded villagers in nets), likely that was the cause of the bad transfer, this time.

    I do recommened filling lost item reports, hopefully they will get that working better in future. but don't expect reimbursement.
  12. KisshuTheStein

    KisshuTheStein Well-Known Member

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    90% because mod issues?
    Everyday, when i'm playing b-team at PVE1 with just 5 other Players, the Server Crashs About 2-3 Times per hours. I lost so many items but i'm still there.
    Just yesterday i lost tons of stuff, because of 3 crashs.

    I want to move to pve2 but i dont have enough claims there.. I invested all at pve1.
    Is there a way to get my claims at pve 2?

    Well i dont want to playing anylonger on unstable pve1, but without claims i dont want to play pve2 too.
  13. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    If you go to spawn and speak to 'Kai' he will let you buy claimblocks.
    You can sell claimblocks with '/sellclaimblocks <amount>
    Each claimblock =1 mym
    JacaRoe likes this.
  14. KisshuTheStein

    KisshuTheStein Well-Known Member

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    Oh i didnt know. Thank you
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2014
  15. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    No worries, don't hesitate to send me a message if anything else is needed :)
  16. rasgriz34

    rasgriz34 New Member

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    Yeah, it's gotten pretty bad. The maps are old and have been brutalized, but I can understand not wanting to upset people by resetting progress. There are a ton of amazing builds on B-Team, and a lot of them have made me feel, well, inadequate :p

    I can't even log-in due to a crash in my base and haven't yet put in the effort to rectify the situation.
    JacaRoe likes this.
  17. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    What crashes you in the base?
    Send me a message please so we can get this sorted ^^
    JacaRoe likes this.
  18. Rioghan_2

    Rioghan_2 Well-Known Member

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    the TPPI-Server is restartet after a crash and then i lost my full resonant energy cell.
  19. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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  20. ShadowWolf_Beast

    ShadowWolf_Beast New Member

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    What if the server voids my items?
    ie after voting and making a island its voided all my reward bags I bought
    Last edited: May 4, 2015
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