Decided Against Enable 1-hour AFK kick for donors on full servers

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by ABadHaiku_, Dec 5, 2021.

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  1. ABadHaiku_

    ABadHaiku_ Developer Patron Tier 2

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    4:53 AM
    Hi! I'm a donator, and so I don't get AFK kicked. Thing is, we probably should, at least on servers with low maximum playercounts, or more specifically on full servers.

    On Divine Journey 2 specifically, the server has a maximum of 18 players, but ~5 people are afk at any point in time during peak hours. That's a quarter of the maximum taken up by people not playing the game, and this is a popular server, meaning the server's full most of the time because of this.

    I definitely like not being AFK kicked after five minutes so I can go to the bathroom without worry, but can we please kick donators after 30 if the server's full? I know if I'm gone for over 30 minutes, I'd rather use an offline chunkloader than block people from playing the game.

    The reason I'm making this post is because right now, the server is at 20/18, and there are 5 people AFK. I've also observed that the number usually hovers around 4-5 throughout the day.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2021
  2. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    3:53 AM
    Honestly something like this should be on all the servers once max player count is reached till the next server restart.
  3. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    This one is a bit difficult. Avoiding the AFK-kick is one of the biggest draws of patron/legacy tiers, but the server being at above max capacity with afk'ers does pose an issue... I personally don't think we should make afk'ers leave, as they paid for that perk, not sure about any alternative solutions.
  4. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I would maybe raise it to an hour, but I agree that donators should not just afk on a server all day long. The perk is for convenience, to be able to take a break or go to the toilet or whatever without getting kicked, but not to prevent the use of offline loading.

    At the same time however it is probably not that hard to write a script that auto relogs me after I get kicked
  5. TheeForgotten

    TheeForgotten Senior Moderator Build Team Booster

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    4:53 AM
    As SovereignEternal said the donors did pay for that perk so there is no reason to take and strip them of that perk as they did pay for it. I know how much it can be to deal with a full server and some one be Away From Keyboard and say aka your friend can't get on. But this is one of the biggest reasons they bought that perk and they are AFKing for many reasons. One being that they keep there own base loaded and have things working in the background. Yes I know that is why Mine Your Mind has chunk loaders but even to have those go only work so well. As most of the senior players know a player loads 100% of the chunk there in and then load 8 chunks around them from that chunk at like 10%. A chunk loader will always load that area at a very low percent all the time. So in the end it goes to paying for the perk is what it comes down to is all.

    And yes Sandstorem is also right you have to think about the time it might take to get a script to do that as well so it is more just kind a thing that needs to be left alone. As the servers are not always full and in most cases players are not always coming back online when the server resets for its time frame of a restart.
  6. SparedPumpkins

    SparedPumpkins Senior Moderator

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    9:53 AM
    But there are other paid for perks that donators have paid for and don't get, so why is AFk kicking any different?
  7. ABadHaiku_

    ABadHaiku_ Developer Patron Tier 2

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    I don't think it's fair to bring that up, as ideally that would not be the case, and we don't want to imply that as a standard. Donators should get what they paid for, unless they decide to give up a perk themselves. This is one that I'm willing to give up; I wouldn't ask for it to be nerfed if I didn't have the perk myself.

    The problem isn't that it's one person AFK'ing, the problem is that it's a quarter of the playercount when people are trying to join and can't.

    It's always infuriating to see the server locked at 20 out of 18 players for hours, and then after the restart it drops down to 12/18 and stays there, because that means that the server was locked up at peak hours by players who weren't even playing. Once again, we have offline chunkloading for a reason.

    Also, I'd like to repeat: I am a Tier 4 Donator, so I don't get AFK kicked, and I'm saying that I should be. Please kick me and people like me when we're actively stopping people from actually playing the game while we're being nothing more than human chunkloaders.
  8. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    1:53 AM
    This is an interesting idea, however, I would like to bring up some reasons why it might not be in the best interest.

    First, this only really affects 1 server, since most are usually down enough for anyone to join despite players AFKing. And for new servers, it usually only affects it for the first week or 2 before the population balances to a point where it is no longer an issue.

    Second, we would likely need a large portion of the player base who has a tier that affords them the anti-AFK perk to voice in agreement with this type of change.

    The difference in this case to other perks that may get removed are, we generally will only remove a perk if it isn't feasible to bring it to a new version/pack type
    TheeForgotten and SparedPumpkins like this.
  9. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    10:53 AM
    This so dumb. Who came up with the idea that all perks need to be unchanged for the rest of eternity? Show me where I signed that. I bought my tier 5 in 2015 or so with the perks valid back then. Circumstances can change.
  10. ScarletHamster12

    ScarletHamster12 Tainted Wolf Patron Tier 3 Booster

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    You see the thing about DJ2 in particular is that Alot of stuff is your waiting for it to generate you cant speed it up until like 6-7 chapters later. So alot of people are afk due to how long it can take to make a single item especially when you get higher up in chapters.
  11. Gabezetrainboy4

    Gabezetrainboy4 Well-Known Member

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    One solution might be an AFK allowance - players can only AFK for a set amount of hours (this can vary based on patron/tier status), and once this is up, they lose the perk. This would be renewed weekly.

    Then again as Lirael mentioned, this issue is prevalent only on one server.
  12. Tomuchan

    Tomuchan Well-Known Member

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    Me and a bunch of my friends bought Tier 3 back in 2016 mainly for the No AFK-Kick. The rest of the perks are just a bonus. I would feel a bit cheated if this perk was removed.

    Every few years I get the urge to play some modded minecraft and I'm always pleasantly surprised that my perks are still intact. I have a deep respect for MyM for sticking to their promises. It's probably one of the best investments I ever made.

    On the other hand I agree that it shouldn't be abused on popular servers. If you are preventing active players from joining a server while you AFK for hours that's selfish.

    I'm not sure there is an elegant solution. I would be OK with a 1-hour AFK kick on full servers as long as I get priority when rejoining. That would mean non-patrons or donators would be kicked to make space. But I imagine this will lead to a whole new set of problems if players get kicked in the middle of doing something critical.
    SovereignEternal likes this.
  13. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    It's not so much that there is a rule about making them unchanging, however, I have seen a lot of people push back and get upset when changes are made to perks that they receive. This is why, I think, before implementing something like this, it would be best to get a larger portion of people to have a chance to weigh in on it since it will affect everyone that has the perk.
  14. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    10:53 AM
    Usually it is 4 people in a forum thread that push back. The rest might not even care. Also this isn't Murica where I can sue MyM for 50 million for changing my perk that I got as part of a bundle that cost me 50 bucks 6 years ago.

    I don't mind some kind of poll, but if there are valid reasons to change or remove a perk, then I am all for it. And if someone really is not okay with it, then pull his perks and refund them their money. Reality is that people almost never request a refund anyway in all those offers where people have a 100% refund guarantee.

    Also, all this can be restricted to servers where it is relevant. We have done that before. Nero did not have god mode for example.
  15. ItsDarylMate

    ItsDarylMate Well-Known Member

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    9:53 AM
    I normally won't comment on a post like this.
    There is 2 or 3 people on this post that love going afk for multiple hours at a time, log on and instantly go afk. Even seen a few staff that do the same thing.
    In a way I agree and in another way I disagree, I have kids so I go afk without warning for 10 minutes to an hour. I purchased tier 5 back in 2014 I think it was, just purely for the no afk kick. Even trying to figure something out I go afk to watch a tutorial.

    It wont be long till dj2 quietens down and people can come on and leave as they wish. Most the afkers on dj2 are doing a big craft or some kind of big recipe. Usually the afkers AE numbers appear. I spend many hours a day on dj2 and I can give you a list of people going afk for hours at a time. Then that would cause issues for me.

    Personally I think you will need over 90% tier 5 and patron holders over the whole network to agree to be kicked or something along those lines. As I know many people that have these tiers just for the afk.
    I can also add most the people that try and join are coming in the last hour before restart. Saying that, can we request a restart early? Just so the afkers can be kicked.
    Also its mainly the weekends where it is maxed out all the time, with many being afk.

    MultiBlock was the same for the first few weeks that server was running, many people gave up once they noticed it was a difficult pack.

    Many won't agree with what I say, but everyone is entitled to opions, like this is mine opinion!
    Tomuchan likes this.
  16. Tuffnoodle

    Tuffnoodle Well-Known Member

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    I'm an old Tier 5 myself, and I've often wondered about this as well. On low pop servers it's not a big deal, but I remember the frustration of not being able to get into servers before I started investing in Tiers!
    The mention of Nero is interesting though, if I remember correctly God Mode wasn't available because it was a PVP server and that particular perk would give Tier 5 players an obvious advantage over everyone else. One could argue the Anti-AFK could be an advantage, but we'd have to specify and discuss what that advantage actually is! Like this thread, it would give Tier players a chance to understand the concerns of non-Tier players, as well as voice their concerns over changing their perks.

    Personally I wouldn't mind a 30min or 1 hour cap indefinitely, but maybe a compromise would be having temporary cap on new servers for the first week/two weeks while the server is being overrun with excited players. That's easier said than done, I know how busy Admins get and that's something you really don't want to rush!

    But I also understand not wanting the change, cause hey, that's what we paid for! People use themselves as chunkloaders, which I can understand if they're broke on chunkloader tickets. It's a touchy subject that seems more clear cut to some more than others. I'm interested to see where a discussion might go though!
  17. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    I'd say an elegant approach to this is to propose an extended AFK Kick timer that's applied during "peak times" IE weekends and holidays. Make an announcement to those logging in (Similar to ones that already exist) stating that during Peak Times on relevant servers (In this case, DJ2), players who have the no-afk-kick perk will be given a 1-2 hour no-afk-kick period before being booted, and during low times, this is turned off, naturally.
  18. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    Or perhaps, instead of specific times, something to detect when the server is full.
  19. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    In DJ2, I have limited my play to the odd hour or so either early in the morning (1:00 AM to 3:00 AM). I know that this is not an optimal time for most players from the US and it seems to fall in the work schedule for EU. Because of a medical problem I normally not on at that time. But this is a problem for most of the GT or upper tier type games. My input which Lirael wont like: Raise the AFK clock by five minuets only, then raise the AFK clock for the patrons. This allows the gentry to handle going to the bathroom and getting a drink. Not much else can be done in 10 minuets.
    Now about the patrons that load in and then go AFK? If they are not using chunk loader then why. Yes they are slow but still the work is getting done while they are in chat or even worse playing another game while still logged in. Don't say it doesn't happen, because it does. It happened years ago when most games would not consume a lot of memory and then have plenty of room for even the most modded Minecraft.
    Yes I probably am the oldest continuous player that is on ANY server, and there is something in to the P2W statement that I here being batted around ALL Minecraft servers. Most people make more in a week than I get all month. I cant afford luxuries of a game and if I hadn't bought Minecraft years ago, I damned well couldn't afford it now.
    If I bought a tier 5 patron rank this week I would die of old age next week. That's my luck so I just deal with it. The suggestion has merit, and actually it wouldn't cause a bottleneck like the tier 5 patron that leaves machines running then go off to play Battlefield!
  20. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    10:53 AM
    As a pay-to-win'er donator, i agree with this idea. I dont like to be afk-kicked, but i can agree that this should be a thing on popular servers where theres just a bunch of AFK people who dont get kicked. They can always just re-join since they have donator/patron status, but at least this will give non-donator players a chance to get in for as long as they dont go afk or leave again. Missing the poll in this topic, but i would vote in favor of a 30 min kick timer on full/busy servers.
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