Decided Against Enable 1-hour AFK kick for donors on full servers

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by ABadHaiku_, Dec 5, 2021.

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  1. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Hi Tuff! You are correct things like god, fly and back were all not available to players and weren't to be used by staff unless we were actively working. One did not simply AFK on Nero.

    I like not being kicked if I'm playing and I get up to walk away and make something to eat or let the dog out. I generally won't sit there AFK, but I'm always on the side of slippery slope of tweaking and removing things from tiers that we paid for. As a tier 5, and gifter of many a tier 4 I'm not OK with things being removed unless their is some legitimate reason (plugin doesn't exist yet).
  2. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    wyndman, I understand your reluctance to remove or curtail anything that has been paid for. If I was able, I would have the same, but I live on a full month what most get in a single week. However, please hear me out before passing the final word.
    I understand that to remove something that one has paid for is not technically correct, but also abusing said items is something that all of us; whether paid or free, can understand.
    I have been in the middle of something and have to get up to use the bathroom, then clean a mess left by a CAT and when I get back I am logged out. Most of the time I just log back in, but there have been times where I am completely kicked from the program, necessitating (at times) a full computer reset.
    This is especially bad when the moden is starting to crash (New Modem today).
    All this because I do NOT use chunkloaders (sometimes I need 4 just to keep the base loaded) and for me it is too much to deal with.
    My original idea was to give the free players 5 extra AFK minutes. This would not Drastically upset any server and would allow the average player to use the bathroom in peace and then get a drink. This would not hurt any of the purchased bits and would give a slight respite to the average player.
    It does seem as if I am the only one that is advocating this change and I am sure that others will reap the benefits of someone else's work, but if it alleviates the player in the chat room from going AFK to play Battlefield then I have done my job. BTW This was witnessed by other players as well.Being a free player does not give tenure although I wish it did.
  3. Tinnel

    Tinnel Well-Known Member

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    Perhaps another option could be a command that donators could use to toggle a no afk kick flag.

    I know I have been afk while on a call, then have to step out for hours at a time without being able to log out.

    Having the command would make it so if I chose to leave myself afk for hours I could, Or if I am on call I could set the command when I log in and be kicked if I go afk.

    Just a thought.
    deepcage likes this.
  4. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    It is great that you would do that, but seriously, would you expect any donor to actually do that? I may be surprised, but I don't think so. Like the player that was logged in and AFK playing Battlefield, he/she wouldn't use it because they unfortunately are selfish children, hey want their cake and eat it to.
    And I congregate you on your wisdom. Most people are too caught up in MANY different games and just have to AFK so one more game can be placed in their busy gaming schedule.

    I will repeat. Most of the gamers on now spend way too much time in chat and not enough time actually playing. The problem is not, I repeat NOT the gamer that has a life other than the close circle of friends in game but those that willingly abuse a privilege that they bought. My idea for them: if they are caught in chat or spawn then dock their privilege until they wise up, but I have already been shouted down and I will not even try to help unless I am called on, because I am old and the servers don't work that way.
    Perhaps they should.
  5. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    Personally, I feel that if you're actively playing another game for more than an hour at a time, you should just log yourself out of MC, unless what you're doing absolutely must stay loaded. I admit, I may walk away from the game and completely forget I was logged in still, but usually it's on a low pop server so I don't feel bad. I try not to stay logged in unless I'm doing something on higher pop servers.
  6. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    I agree, and I do not even log in if I have unfinished business on the web, but I do have a sense of respect for others that it seems obvious that many others do not.
  7. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    To be honest, I like this command idea. I bought T5, and would love to have the ability to not afk on dj2. You may be right, that not many would do that, but maybe there are enough people willing to do so that it would make a difference.
    Tinnel likes this.
  8. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    I second third this suggestion (do you even say that)? Good idea Tinnel, lets hope thats something staff can (and hopefully will) actually implement.
    Tinnel likes this.
  9. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    6:17 AM
    What about making it a menu setting?
  10. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    If we the non-paying get bathroom privileges' , thn I am halfway to eliminating AFK gamers in other games. That one idea bugs me more than others, because most (if not all of them) bought the higher tier so they could play other games and never leave Minecraft. The next step will be to add the five minutes to the regular AFK clock. This will assist in allowing non perk purchase players more time that they cando necessary things. Even checking a recipe takes longer than five minutes.
  11. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Lol i just bought it so i could use /fly and then WurgerSD gifted me Tier 5 so i could use /god as well.

    The ability to afk infinitely was very handy. Whenever i afk'd. i did it so i could keep certain chunks loaded for free.

    Heck i'd even AFK, go to bed, wake up 8 hours later and still be logged in. I had a little macro setup to automatically reconnect me after a server restart. So even while i was sleeping, i would still log back in, just to keep them damned farms running.

    But this is exactly the issue you guys are describing. Its a player not playing the game, just keeping stuff loaded, and whilst doing so keeping 1/18 reserved slots occupied indefinitely.

    Thats also how i managed to get 239 days of realtime playtime in a total of 365 days... i just left things running while i slept or while i was at work.
    BetaPetey likes this.
  12. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    I don't know about this. Plenty of players, myself included, just didn't want to be kicked when stepping away for extended periods. For me personally, I don't even have a good enough pc to run multiple games at once. I'm broke though, so maybe just me there.
  13. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    For me personally, I don't even have a good enough pc to run multiple games at once. I'm broke though, so maybe just me there.

    That was me till the first of last year when I had had enough of the 8G quad banger I had and upped to a not so shabby 6 core with the last Stim check we got. But that is not what bothers me. I have personally been on a game only have someone say "Well I'm off to play battlefield." Then without ever signing out started playing another game. Ill just use Battlefield because that is what he started playing. I watched in awe at first as he dropped the game he was playing, ( I will not mention which MYM product he was in) and switched his Discorde to Battlefield, while he was still logged in. If anyone has ever played one of the MMOFPS games, there is a lot of voice chat.
    This was a true gamer because with the assistance of his noafk kick he could play two games at the same time hogging a spot that could have been filled by another player.
    It was so NOT right, that I got disgusted and left.
    This is what I am trying to eliminate from the mix. The super rich kid that has everything he wants including several games at the same time. This just makes me sick because the world chat reflects what happens in game and if that person logged out it was not so anyone else knew.
  14. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Lol i feel so privileged right now... i bought a new gaming pc just before the chipset shortages raised prices. I could (and have already) run multiple games at once and did just that. But not with minecraft recently. I used to run a dedicated satisfactory server on my own machine. Then host this over the internet for others and play on it myself. On the same machine. CPU never got above 50% and neither did RAM or GPU. Then i went AFK in said game and played World of Warcraft for a couple of hours with friends, with Satisfactory still running in the background :D But it does describe the issue quite aptly. If people can do that with other games, so can they with minecraft. There should really be some kind of way to disable the afk timer circumvention from patrons/donators on the newer/busier servers so everyone can have a fair chance of entering and actually playing.

    Except im far from a rich kid. Well... i mean... i like to think of myself as a kid sometimes even though im 38 years old already. But i dont have a wife, nor boy/girlfiend, so all my money is my own. No need to pay for food for others, or clothes, school, insurance, whatever else, just for myself. so i got some wiggle-room. Hence why i sponsored @misscatlin1951 a tier upgrade to tier 3 a few days back. He can now circumvent the afk kick as well :D
  15. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    Thanks for telling the entire world, but I got hit by this DDOS harder than you may think. I kid you not. I am having a real hard time trying to get back into the clutches so to speak, because I am still having problems that, it seems, most others have not. I am able to at least get back on the forum. Now to actually get the MYM launcher downloaded, because it seems that even changing it to the or .org or whatever is not working. Reason? I also had a hd crash which means that I now HAVE to completely redownload a launcher and I have already tried. Everything points to
    I am getting terribly upset with the idiots that propagated the DDOS and I wish I had then all lined up in front of me with their rear end in the air. I am sure my leg and foot would be tired but at least they would know what PAIN actually is by the time I got through.
    For now, I just need a link that I can follow to begin to redownload the programs.
  16. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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  17. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    Seriously, it never crossed your desk? This is something that happened the evening I got the T3. The system started going down, and there was no stopping it. I was able to get back in the next day but I didn't have long. It was only later when I tried to log in that I found out about the attack. By then the servers were all down. I tried to do the staff recommended correction, and that is when I found out that I had a HD crash. So I am waiting to hear back from staff as to how to redownload all of it again.
    Oh well.
  18. TheeForgotten

    TheeForgotten Senior Moderator Build Team

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    I agree it should be a menu setting that people can op for if they want to be so nice as many paid for there rank it should be a choice if they get kicked by the hour or by the crashes and or restarts
    SovereignEternal and BetaPetey like this.
  19. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    After thinking about this for a long while. I am deciding that I am going to reject this.

    I am not very interested in, by default, changing server's afk timer. It is just hard to manage individual settings per server like this or track when this isn't no longer needed. I also am not going to change how this perk works for donors. I was thinking that I could make a menu setting but just not really worth it for the select few who would actually use it. Maybe if someone comes up with a better suggestion on how to actually implement something like this or wants to come up with a solution, I am willing to hear it.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2022
    Sandstroem likes this.
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