New Antimatter Chemistry Server Launch

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by HanoverFist69, Mar 24, 2022.

  1. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    Local Time:
    2:06 PM
    Server Address
    Curseforge Launcher - MYM Launcher

    Pack Version: 1.2.34

    Launch Times
    Patron tier 3: March 24th, 9am CET
    Patron tier 2: March 25th, 9 am CET
    Others: March 26th, 9 am CET

    Time converter

    Pack Info

    Pack Info Antimatter Chemistry is a questing/progression pack inspired by Anti-Material Energy (1.7.10) by Parcel31u. You find yourself stranded in the Antimatter dimension with nothing but some basic gear, a chemistry set, and the hopes of returning back to your home.

    Coming in at about 100 mods, this pack loads quick and performs well on potato computers, but still remains a unique hand-crafted and engaging experience that can provide dozens of hours of fun.

    Warnings As this pack is a 1.12 server, this pack is still highly experimental
    mrminesheeps likes this.
  2. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    2:06 PM
    I see Avaritia is in this pack. I can already feel the pinwheels of pain -.-
    That being said, being a lighter pack, I might actually play this.
  3. osirisgothra

    osirisgothra Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    5:06 PM
    Never played a chemistry mod other than minechem and rockhounding.
    Should be interesting.
  4. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    10:06 PM
    Nice pack, I played it over the last weeks on another network.

    I already posted it in discord, but maybe again here: I recommend to add a farmworld with antimatter. That way people don't have to mess up their own area. I had to dig up a few double chests worth of white and grey antimatter before I would have been able to get it. The way to get it later is via mobfarm, but mob spawning is disabled in that dimension and only works via cursed earth (or whatever that is called in 1.12)
    And you need a decent amount of antimatter, especially the white one to get there.

    Once per month reset or maybe none at all should be fully sufficient for that farmworld. You might even get away with keeping it relatively small which reduces the time to pregen it (or maybe removes the need to pregen it at all)

    Question: How does the location quest work in the last chapter? Do I have to walk into someones claim now? That might then also be solvable via the farmworld.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2022
  5. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    10:06 PM
    WOW, I suggested it so long ago I lost faith MyM will host it even when i saw every1 staff that respond on suggestion thread very positively!
    It makes me so happy!
    It will be also my 1st time I use the P3 perk of faster whitelist to server! Voting pays off!

    I dont know how it will be solved in this pack, on some packs that spot was claimed on others coordinates were changed (or spawn was set there) so t could be done by going to spawn.
  6. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    2:06 PM
    I haven't played the pack, but if the location is important (IE loot, a structure, etc.) then maybe set an admin claim somewhere and change the coordinates to that?
    Similar to what Crash Landing did perhaps?
  7. Cantiel

    Cantiel Well-Known Member

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    10:06 PM
    i have some stuff to finish before sunday, so for i once i'm actually glad that i'm not a patron XD
  8. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    10:06 PM
    Location is pretty close to spawn, I decided to put my base right next to it (for now at least) and maybe eventually add some nice tower for people to get up there. If I feel like it. Or maybe not.

    Also, about my farmworld rant, turns out there is a farmworld. With nighttime and mobs, not as intended but ok.

    I am a bit surprised that we use normal land claims and not a skyblock grid. I hope we won't end up with holes everywhere.

    Oh yeah and overworld shouldnt get dark. No mobspawn though as intended.
  9. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    10:06 PM
    Since modpack dont have its own subforum to post stuff related to this server i MUST post this here:

    After playing a bit i have few remarks about how server is working:
    1. Why no skyblock plugin - pack in wolrd making is almost the same like Crash Landing and Forever Stranded. Do staff really want have a swiss cheese instead of overwolrd in a week?
    2. Where is the starting gear like in most of modpacks MyM host? I mean if you force players to make their own claims instead the skyblock plugin where is starting wood shovel and book "How to make a claim"?
    3. I hope Pharaohs from Atum 2 are whitelisted in MyM mobcap plugin - those bosses are a requirement in progression of the pack.
    4. I wont even mention that in normal (singleplayer) gameplay there is no night in Overworld at all but since mobs are not(i need to test it on non antimatter blocks) its a little nuisanance in earlygame when crops dont grow in darkness.
  10. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    2:06 PM
    1. It had two options Flat or Pillars. Went with the flat, white expanse. There is a Farmworld. Teleporter in Spawn and /rtp farmworld should work as well. The coffee mug even mentions it :D
    2. Its a barebones pack. No starting gear except what the pack gives. I checked when I setup the claim shovel and trees are within the first few quests. So, getting a wooden shovel shouldn't take too long.
    3. Default template gets updated when we add mobs to the whitelist. So, any new servers should have all the other mobs already whitelisted.
    4. Daylight cycle should be working since last night. Sorry about that. :)
    mrminesheeps likes this.
  11. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    10:06 PM
    1. You talk about 2 option of world gen that determine the diffuculty of the pack. I am talking about using skyblock/island plugin that was used without problems in Crash Landing and Forever Stranded. Not doing skyblock islands type OW is to risk of OW becoming swiss cheese and be serious... Does really farmwolrd 100% protect from just 1% of griefers(yes, lets name them this way) from destroying the OW in ANY server MyM host/hosted/will host?
    2. Ok I can understand that, getting tree is 10 minutes into pack but still theres no book "How to make a claim" for new players who are not familiar with doing so, even if its 0,1% of players, lets not forget about them.
    3. I found no info in MyM Wiki about Entity Whitelist for any server so how could I know theres template of entity whitelist for every mod that is included in pack? Maybe its good thing to add such info page? Best near the AFR's page.
    4. By default theres eternal high noon in OW, no day/night cycle but i saw in #support_patron Sandstroem explained it to you and was fixed.

    Can we get the separate subforum for Antimatter in Community Area/Support Forum?
    This thread became messy...
  12. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    3:06 PM
    I will make it today when I get home
    mrminesheeps likes this.
  13. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    3:06 PM

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