Decided Against Tweaking Power Generation on Antimatter Chemistry

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by BrotherGluttony, Apr 13, 2022.

  1. BrotherGluttony

    BrotherGluttony Well-Known Member

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    Okay so im pretty new to this but here we go:

    TLDR: Power gen in this pack sucks if you dont use endergenic, everything else is too expensive for little gain. What to adjust to make power less of a hassle can be hashed out in the comments.

    The Differences in power generation stages in this pack are pretty horrible to be honest, early game its fine with things like thermal dynamos and extra util generators, but once you hit mid game thats when it gets pretty bad.

    You have a few options at this point, an endergenic setup which is a decent sustainable option if you know how to set it up but if you dont then you have to either learn it which some people dont have time for or arent good at following videos in general.

    Then there's your second option, Nuclearcraft fission reactors. Now speaking from experience with the fuel consumption to power gen rate a TBU powered reactor set for max efficiency still consumes fuel faster than a builder with shape card filtering ONLY thorium, 3 laser drills, and me mining for thorium. Which isnt sustainable at all when your consuming a ton of power.

    If you manage to make it past hours of mining for a little freedom to do other non power related things you can try to automate some Extra Utils generators only to quickly realize they dont do much in terms of rf/t and upgrading them to be useful caps our your grid power and you can only produce so much power with the efficiency losses on those items once you have too many. I tested every generator and a ton of mills setups in singleplayer only to quickly exceed grid power every time. and automating them all for the glorious rainbow generator isn't really viable at this point until you get more to late game.

    Then you have fusion reactors. which are super sustainable but for the most basic setups still arent that good in terms of rf/t. A torid 3 helium 2x max efficiency reactor producing only 118k rf/t. When a Extra util quarry with efficiency 5 book consumes 200k+rf/t , you'd be forced to make multiple fusion or fission reactors which would force you to spend hours just farming cadmium to autocraft for hours and making the fuel to sustain these reactors is a hassle in itself, 10 electrolyzers running with 8 fully upgraded consuming almost 3k rf/t EACH for a 21k rf/t loss now you're down to 90K rf/t from the most basic reactor setup or 60k if you make the smallest possible fusion reactor.

    Now aside from these the rainbow generator and draconic reactor seem like the only viable end game power gen but im not sure of the exact numbers but i haven't seen ANYONE use the draconic reactor and dont even know if chaos islands spawn for you to get chaos shards.

    All in All i think we just need adjustments to power gen values like stronger thermal gens so those can be used longer in the game, or stronger fission reactors, my 1500 block HEU-235 oxide fission reactor only produces 159k rf/t but consumes fuel in 15 secs, which is how i powered my first fusion reactor after grinding HEU-235 for a few days, but until you have decent ore gen keeping larger ones fueled is a PAIN. Please help :/
  2. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    Staff doesn't feel strongly about changing packs in ways that'd seriously alter the pack progression. Unless it's related to custom dimensions, in which case those are always banned for a rather good reason.
    So unless people's power gen setups cause lag, they likely won't alter the values.
  3. BrotherGluttony

    BrotherGluttony Well-Known Member

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    My main reason for making this post is because this is a relatively short pack and you hit late game pretty fast, but even the youtubers who play through most of it have quit before actually completing the pack due to how much of a GRIND creative items are. I made a second reactor that ended up blowing up while i was offline just trying to power an upgraded quarry enough to even get anywhere with draconic stuff let alone farm all the items needed. I just feel like people who enjoy the start of this pack shouldnt have to stress so much about things like power late game, but i dont see how changing some values would altar progression in this pack if any items obtainable early game were left as is.
  4. Kronnn

    Kronnn Well-Known Member

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    If you feel like elements within a pack should be tweaked or altered, it would be better to contact the pack creator(s) and pitch your idea to them. MyM hosts pack generally as they are, and generally only makes changes to packs to make sure they run in a multiplayer server environment.
  5. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    Unfortunately trying to get a response from a pack creator has the same bearing as Putin saying "Sorry Ukraine, Ill take care of the problem." It aint gonna happen. I knew that this pack would be grindy when I started it. Anything having to do with Chemistry is. There are few things in Chemistry that are not. I think I can count on one hand, well maybe both, but the fact still remains that there does not seem to be a mid level power generating system.
    This I find is a little irresponsible considering one has to go from coal and oil fired systems directly to Quantum generation with very little in between or perhaps I am reading this wrong, but that is what I am seeing.
  6. Braun_

    Braun_ Patron Tier 1

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    In your post, you state the effective way the pack guides you to use. They might not be popular or easy options like other packs, but that makes ModPacks different. It makes you learn new ways to power your base, and play the pack how the author intended. It's a nice change of pace rather than just going mekanism, or Infinite lava, Solar generation, or Immersive engineering.

    No need to change the power generation in this pack, it has a pretty solid progression from early to late.

    Personally, I opted to make 3 endergenic generator setups and max out at 28-50k rf/t per setup :D trust me it's way overkill for what this pack requires. (making multiple farms--- I have 12 laser drill setups + quantum quarry always going in case you are doing the nuclear craft you can get tons of mats for reactors constantly). for the early game I made a Pineapple pizza farm with culinary gens, ( toast is more efficient but who cares, pizza power)

    But I'm totally with the YouTubers the grind for creative items is not worth the time but playing all the way up to the end game was really fun with chemistry :D
  7. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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  8. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    I used petrified fuel generators and fed them blaze powder... But until you hit fusion generation you're stuck.
  9. harryarne

    harryarne Well-Known Member

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    I didn't have any problems with the pack using petrified fuel generators (burning charcoal-blocks from treefarm), but trying to grind for the creative items it just not on. It seems to me the pack creator included creative items without adding a reasonable way of getting to them. Making a setup to get access to creatives would swamp the server severely.
  10. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Usually this is just how the pack plays. These should be suggested to the pack author. We only tweak if things are causing server issues.

    Decided against.
  11. BrotherGluttony

    BrotherGluttony Well-Known Member

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    Well i appreciate the additional inputs, @Braun_ that was my initial concern. i want to play through the end game not up to it lol but with 3 fusion reactors at 700krf/t, tanked to 300k rf/t cause of 2 enchanted quarries i ve spent a few weeks already and not even close to enough metals for these creative items lmao

    @harryarne Thats what i wanted to avoid lol tanking the server with tons of reactors lol

    @Aidoneus Fully understandable i just wanted to voice the concern to see where i should go from here, ill definitely shoot the pack creator an email

    All in All i guess ill just spend the next few months grinding away slowly lmao just gotta battle the lost of my chunkloader tickets keeping all these reactors alive :D
    Aidoneus likes this.

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