Done Just a couple things I want to know if are ok or not (NC-PVP and Courtesy?)

Discussion in 'Antimatter Chemistry' started by osirisgothra, Apr 10, 2022.

  1. osirisgothra

    osirisgothra Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    3:11 AM
    Is non-consensual PVP really allowed here? It's pretty annoying going to the deep dark just to get attacked by people and not go back in fear of being looted. Was under the impression that the server was generally non-PVP unless it was mutually agreed upon prior to doing it, and that stealing/looting was not ok. Am I wrong about this?
    Then there's the to-the-bedrock hole around spawn in the deep dark that was made just after the reset, and destruction of the bridge afterwards is also very annoying even with a glider, slime string, boots. It was just a mean thing to do, and I can't think of any reason to do it all around spawn right on the no-build border when it would have been just as easy to do it in a different direction.
    I am thinking about new players because deep dark starts very early in this pack. They are coming into the DD, having to deal with falling to their death then have to go down and find their grave with all their stuff in it, in the dark. Oh sure, they can build a little bridge, but I bet they probably don't expect there to be a giant ring around the spawn in the first place. I generally don't even bring extra blocks with me (because there are tons blocks in the DD), and if you are on the no-build side (which you are), you can't even mine any blocks in which to build a bridge with in the first place. You would have to go BACK to your base, get blocks and come back. Ant this is just because someone didn't like people to have a normal experience or because they liked hearing a complaint like this one and get a kick out of seeing people get mad. It's like it's their way of making new rules for the server making themselves somehow feel like they are admins. I've seen stuff like this so many times, but this is just getting ridiculously annoying.
    So, after all that, you get across, then you start to mine blocks for replacing the broken bridge you made that got taken out (seriously, its cobblestone, no other reason but to be a "you-know-what"), get attacked by someone, nice right? I would have made this a ticket, but I knew it could be a while since it's not an immediate priority. Plus, I wanted to raise a little awareness on how annoying this is, though I worry that I am feeding the troll here a little. I'd like to think we are not all that way, but maybe this is all okay, if it is and I am in the wrong, and this kind of behavior is a-o-k, then I can at least find out, that would be great to know.
  2. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    12:11 AM
    I've reset the Deep Dark to fix the world destruction and ensured the admin claim was in place so it cant happen again.

    We also tested PvP and it is disabled. Do you know how you were killed? I am thinking someone is bypassing PvP.
    HelloKittyPhone and LadyRen13 like this.
  3. Cantiel

    Cantiel Well-Known Member

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    8:11 AM
    no, normally there shouldn't be non consentual pvp, unless it's a specific modpack designed around pvp chaos (which Antimatter chemistry isn't) you'd normally have to enable pvp per command before others could attack you. sounds more like someone found a way to bypass it.

    and do remove everything right around spawn sounds unusual too. the worst i have witnessed on any pack so far were players being too excessive with the builder, turning parts of the nether & end into dirt. normally people here are way more considerate of others.

    but then again, i did see a lot of new player joining for the first time on antimatter chemistry this week. large influx of players sadly often comes with trolls & idiots not reading/caring about the rules
  4. MaulwurfRitter

    MaulwurfRitter Well-Known Member

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    8:11 AM
    One solution I could think of to prevent this would be to enable /rtp in deep dark.
    Especially since some players have lost their quarry through the reset.
  5. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    Local Time:
    12:11 AM
    Closing, issue is solved.

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