Info Project Ozone 3 Server Changes & Mythic Release

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by Aidoneus, Apr 30, 2022.

  1. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    3:14 AM
    Hello Everyone,
    As you know, we had a vote a while ago on where we wanted to keep all of our Project Ozone 3 servers or replace them with Mythic mode. The poll finalized with keeping all of our Project Ozone 3 servers with adding a Mythic mode. This is a pretty big change so I wanted to let everyone know how this is going to work. Below, is why it is happening this way and how these changes are going to happen. We will also let you know exact hourly releases of these servers later next week!



    Current Server Shutdowns: Thursday May 5th
    New Mythic Mode Launch: Thursday May 5th
    New Normal & Kappa Mode Nodes: Saturday May 7th
    Unifying Our Current Servers Right now, if we tried to just release a new Mythic mode server by itself, it would be more up-to-date then our current servers. This includes out-of-date plugins, configurations, etc. This would also use up more resources on our dedicated servers as we would have separate world reset templates. By re-launching these servers together, it will be easier to not only manage, but keep our resource use down to launch other servers in the future.

    Current Servers Both Project Ozone 3 Normal and Kappa will be shutting down and will be replaced with new nodes. To do this though, we need to shutdown these servers for a couple of days while we juggle things in the backend to make room. While annoying, this is to ensure we have plenty of resources in the future.

    Player Data migration & Base Downloads Yes! If you played on Normal/Kappa mode, we will transfer an inventory worth of your progress to the new Normal/Kappa mode node launching. Do not put bags inside bags or AE2 drives in bags! This can include advancements and stats if you so desire. Questbook data cannot be transferred!

    We will not transfer entire bases! This will cause server downtime every time we do this. You can download your current base with the World Downloader. Simply type /wd while on the server for more information.

    New Normal & Kappa Nodes We have to update a bunch of backend stuff, meaning brand new nodes and fresh, new worlds! This will also include updated server plugins!

    Mythic Mode Launch The new Mythic node will release TWO days before Normal and Kappa mode come back online for our Patrons.
    WTN_TE likes this.
  2. PikachuGabe0

    PikachuGabe0 Well-Known Member

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    huh,hope my request gets reviewed before then.
  3. WTN_TE

    WTN_TE Well-Known Member

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  4. YehorYT

    YehorYT Well-Known Member

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    11:14 AM
    There is 1 question, what will be with kappa mode, it will be reset, or inventory and base will be transfered?
  5. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    3:14 AM
    There will be a new Kappa Mode server. We cannot safely transfer a base to the new server. We can transfer an inventory worth from the old Kappa server to the new one though.
  6. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    Dang it I just started doing end game stuff too.. Cancel Mythic if it means loosing my progress on normal xD
  7. PrimalGenius

    PrimalGenius Well-Known Member

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    Nah fam also normal is like super insanely easy you should be back there in like 1 week or less.
  8. Ivanator2

    Ivanator2 Well-Known Member

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    im not a happy camper with this.... 2 years worth of slow progress.

    i thought there was a bug with mythic where the recipes are actually easier in a few instances... things having 2 recipes for the same item.. etc... why are we switching to mythic with bugs in it?
    Last edited: May 2, 2022
  9. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    I'm not the type of person that plays every day for hours on end it took me 6 months to get too where I am. I have this thing called responsibility that gets in the way. Also if it's just plugin updates why can't we just keep the current map there has been no world gen changes or anything that would warrant a world reset in forever
    Sandstroem and Ivanator2 like this.
  10. PrimalGenius

    PrimalGenius Well-Known Member

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    From my understanding they are behind multiple updates. Also I work and play 16 hrs a day :) I been waiting for mythic for 3 months so im ready to dedicate extreme time to it. Most the stuff you can bring over anyways in storage drives so its not really starting over...
  11. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    We are updating to GriefDefender. Which also means we have to change around how the island system works. All world reset templates have to be reset because of this as well as we have default claim protection on most worlds. Overall, it is going to make the process smoother
    PrimalGenius likes this.
  12. PrimalGenius

    PrimalGenius Well-Known Member

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    1:14 AM
    Thank you for all your hard work :)
    Aidoneus likes this.

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