Done Forever Stranded Support

Discussion in 'Forever Stranded' started by Junovay, May 8, 2022.

  1. Junovay

    Junovay Member

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    Local Time:
    7:23 AM
    Hey so I've been playing on Forever Stranded for a week now and enjoy it. But being the only one on with a server where I can't loot structures or loot any chests from dungeons, I have to ask why is it this way now. I was looking at the forums and way back you could loot these structures but now it's all locked all you get is your ship and maybe 45 blocks out in all directions. Am I able to ask for the server to be opened up to how it functions in SP where I can loot chests and structures in the world? I think it would be beneficial to the few souls who play the server. I ran the dungeon today and was not able to loot any of the chests inside, aswell as I died and for a lengthy period of time it would not let me grab my grave due to the administraor has claimed this area.

    Posted in discord as was asked to post a thread here so the administration team can look into it.
  2. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    12:23 PM
    Since Forever Stranded have normal nether MyM coulnt utiize it as "farm world" for ruins like it was done in Crash Landing!

    But dont fret!

    Go to spawn and find sign that will teleport you to special dungeon at its end special chest with smeltery(i think it about this you need to progress right?)

    Or... use command /warp list - theres warp for entrance of dungeon or 2nd(/warp dungeonObjecite iirc) just nearby that reward chest that have smeltery kit inside
    Willfon likes this.

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