Decided Against Vanilla 1.18.2 Server Suggestions

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Aidoneus, Mar 1, 2022.

  1. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    1:13 PM
    We just released a new modpack, Antimatter Chemistry. Also, a vanilla server doesn't take away from a modded server because a vanilla server is a lot easier to host, so having vanilla isn't preventing us from hosting another modded server.

    Also, not everyone is interested in all servers, and vanilla got quite a few people interested. If you have any other suggestions for a server we should host, please post them in our suggestion forum.
  2. PrimalGenius

    PrimalGenius Well-Known Member

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    12:13 PM
    Lets turn on pvp with towny and make them vote to get enough upkeep and allow raiding ;)
  3. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    9:13 PM
    Of course I want! That way i wont need to make sand/gravel/concrete powder duper!
    Also others will love this too bc instead making loong and tediou tipt to find and gather resources/blocks - bam! just buy them from shop.

    Also i hope we will get seperate OW's for pvp and pve
  4. PrimalGenius

    PrimalGenius Well-Known Member

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    I hope we don't have separate overworlds, forget hand holding you either fight or die Let the best teams win. Let the glorious towns be built and fall when they forgot to vote and now part of it's unprotected and i timed perfectly when they went to sleep to raid them :)
  5. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    Most people, that I know prefer not to PVP, so If we do it, it will either be an Opt-in with a toggle or in a separate world. We will NOT have pvp as the default.
  6. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    Not sure if its updated to 1.18 but I'd love to see the BlazeandCave's Advancements pack added to the server it readds a lot of the old pre 1.12 achievements as advancements plus a whole bunch of new ones plus the ability to add your own.

    Edit: It is updated for 1.18 I completely forgot its the advancement Data Pack my friend runs on his realm
  7. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    9:13 PM
    Now we wait, also pray we get 1.19 veri soon.

    Wonder if 1.18 datapacks will work on 1.19? There is not that many changes.
  8. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    1:13 PM
    IIRC I heard that if/when we get a Vanilla server, it's gonna be 1.19.
  9. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    It's actually on the first page of this thread:
    mrminesheeps likes this.
  10. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    I know that. I was just sharing my hopes about getting 1.19 server asap.
    Staff prolly waits for some plugins and updated datapacks that was planned to add to server.
    Also new spawn - i dont hope for some underground cave spawn build but who knows?
    I want to be PROUD of the staff who will quickly prepare a brand new server for us!
  11. IWantToHugYou

    IWantToHugYou Well-Known Member

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    I wonder if this is still a thing that's gonna happen
  12. osirisgothra

    osirisgothra Well-Known Member

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    Like to see one with an updated version of the Create Mod in it in an overworld setting. Loved SB3 to death, but never had the chance to do Create in the overworld, think it would be pretty cool. I guess that would mean not vanilla, but there are already so many darn vanilla/PVP networks and fewer (active) modded networks.

    This is kind of a grey area as far as being on topic, if it is specifically vanilla, then I think it should be something that other server networks DONT already have. Not sure what that something would be, but ...something new?
  13. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    9:13 PM
    Since our Community Coordinator told me vanilla is still a thing, I came up with some more suggestions!
    1. Changing the title of thread to "Vanilla 1.19.4 server suggestions" bc its the most propably the version of vanilla server because we dont talk about ver. 1.20, right?
    2. Shopkeepers! Maybe instead the boring /shop or /market command lets do some NPC's on server spawn to run the shops? (For convenience /shop or /market still be avaiable). It can be positive input in building spawn area because it would make demand in making more buildings in spawn, like themed house for librarian, blacksmith etc. I myself were making special building for every Villager traders on previous vanilla. Also it can modify the Traeveling Merchant to make him usefull other than supplying the 2 leads.
    3. Minigames or PvP events with some prizes? In previous vanilla i saw some interest in it but as always sfter 2 weeks palyer base shrink,so how bout making some events to spice it up with leaderboard on spawn showing whos the boss win last time? For prizes how about some amount of tokens or custom items like stick with knockback X ;p Maybe building events where some staff members coordinate us what we should build or split into teams and compete withother?
    4. Could we get the list of things that will be 99,9% included on server? Like list of datapacks and plugins to have general look what server be like?
    5. Poll/s to get answer if players want certain datapacks, plugins and type of server - i mean if we want some gamerules like keepInv, mobGrief or type of server PvE, PvP or special "farmworld" for PvP events, anarchy etc?
    Or maybe it's time to close this thread and make new one with more information how it would look like based on suggestions in this thread and then gather more suggestions?
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2023
    GoddessXXX and IWantToHugYou like this.
  14. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    2:13 PM
    For the time being, this is will be on indefinite hold but we will keep this for future reference if we decide to have a vanilla server in the future.

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