New Minecraft 1.19.1, new banning system, new threat.

Discussion in 'Offtopic' started by LordEreh, Jun 24, 2022.

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  1. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    7:12 PM
    As an update, THIS mod will solve the issue either way.

    Hopefully MyM will install this on any server 1.19.1+
    BetaPetey and mrminesheeps like this.
  2. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    That's beautiful. One step closer to not worrying about overreaching moderation.
  3. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    MyM dont have any 1.16.5+ modpacks... So your concerns are irrelevant.
    Blame outadated plugins.
  4. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    Dude, why are you so combative all the time? Like, every post I've seen from you always feels like you're annoyed.
    Even so, Microsoft's getting blasted for it, maybe they'll do something about it, maybe not, but at least a solution exists for the future.
    SovereignEternal likes this.
  5. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Anyway... do we really want to trust some mod that will help with this "feature"? Mojang can make changes in their banning system to make such mods not working anymore or even someone can make mod to check your game if you have "no report" mod to prevent you from joing too like websites have sripts to check if you have adblockers running.
    It is treating the symptoms, not the cause.

    Whats worse Mojang dont have any official response about this drama, some more toxic people start harrasing the developers who are not resposible for this "feature". I cant belive Mojang who was bought for 2,5B$ cant afford proper PR team to communitace with community about this issue but instead remain silent.
    Also some of MC creators are not saying about this thing publicly too bc they are afraid of being not wanted by Mojang on their events. It is really fine people are afraid of speaking what they want because Mojang may take measures against them just because creators are against this system or speak negatively about it?
    This is not the Minecraft I bought 12 years ago, there is no freedom left since Microsoft bought it.

    From what i heard/read Mojang/Microsoft wont remove this feature in close future, maybe long boycott of Minecraft will make huge enough hole in Mojang(and eventually MS) pocket, they will reconsider changing or even removing it.

    Also about me being "annoyed" - I always have been like that, always imagine the worst possible scenario and finding all possible cons. Dont tell me the constructive but negative feedback is bad. Someone have to say their concers or doubts because maybe there is someone who is shy/afraid to express them themself, I took the role of being grumpy dude on MyM. I am first to complain and grumble about stuff I dont like, its not my fault most stuff around recently I dont like.

    Last edited: Aug 9, 2022
  6. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    If you dont want to watch video - Chat player report system will have something to detect if you have mods that block the chat report system inside. @BookerTheGeek nice try but mods wont help us.

    And last video below is about hilarious mojang attempts to recover from chat report issue

  7. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    I think the biggest point here, regardless of how poorly the feature is being implemented, is, as both of these videos said, that Mojang is not listening to their customers. If the entirety of your playerbase is against this change, then don't do it.
  8. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    But big bad corporation that bought you for 2,5B$ is forcing you to do the change, what you gonna do?
    Also Mojant during those years had some bad moments, very, very bad.
    Like last Wild update where they show that changed birch forest, they dont add it, backlash and Mojang said - Its just concept art so we didnt commitment to do it. It was another point where trust in Mojant was lost.
    Last thing they did good was the Nether Update and later? Much worse and worse, updates coming in parts but i think worst part is even so huge backlash Mojang "try" to go on with their work like nothing happened, even joke about #SaveMinecraft movement by quote: "feature of saving minecraft world was added in 20.." which is very sad and frustrating how they respond to the majority of community that is against the chat report.

    I dont even start how poor state is Bedrock Edition which i found very stoopid bc Bedrock is majority of MC playerbase BUT most biggest MC creators are Java players(maybe bc how bad bedrock is in 1st place?)

  9. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    "majority of community"

    There is your problem. Loud minority on Twitter, yes. But not the majority. Not even close.
  10. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    I dont even have Twitter(lmao) but I am somewhat active in Reddit so I saw some creators making polls on their channels asking stuff about this matter. Like will you trust mojang in future or is that MS to take blame for that feature and such stuff.

    Like 80+% of any of those creators viewers(or at least those who voted in polls) said they are not happy about this feature.
    You dont need to be loud to be heard, sheer numbers will do. If people will boycott the Realms, the marketplace and Legends or even ask to refund Dungeons, it will make big hole in MS pocket so they will need to take actions.

  11. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Twitter. Reddit. Same story.

    You are missing my point. The vast majority of mc players does not care or even know about these changes.
  12. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    And that is sad to be honest. We must spread info about this and danger that is involved in.
    Member EULA changes in 2014 and more recent ones? Imagine they could change EULA so you need to use that chat report otherwise you cant run server anymore. Microsoft/Mojang can do that legimitely banning servers for good.
    Its more dangerous than EULA changes about from what you can/can't earn money on servers.

  13. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Still missing my point. The vast majority doesn't know or care because there is nothing to know or care about. The system may have a few initial design flaws and there is always room for abuse, but for the most part your focus is just on things that are not there.

    Touch some grass my friend.
  14. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Maybe it you that missing the point here. Toose changes could lead to already mentioned by me EULA changes, because all those changes leads. Previous EULA changes about earning money by 3rd party servers had big impact on every server, did you forgot how staff in those times asked MyM playerbase how to deal with it. MC community also give backlash about those changes and Mojang thankfully changes EULA a to be more friendly for servers. Dont you see 1 EULA change forcing servers to use flawed chat report system will lead to all server being controlled by Microsoft/Mojang? Didnt you played MC for years because freedom it gives? There will be no freedom in Minecraft if this will not be removed or changed.

    I do not understand why you are trying to offend me with this statement,maybe that wasn't your goal but I found that highly offensive. I'm 100% we don't know each other personally so you don't know anything about my life and I don't think you have right to say something like that.
  15. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    Several of you need to realize that you frequently take things too far. Combative and hostile behaviour is unhealthy, in real life and online, and will not be tolerated on this network. This was a discussion of the effects of Mojang's decision to add this banning system to Minecraft. There was no need to begin throwing around insults like paper airplanes. If you're saying something only to get a negative reaction out of someone, just don't say it. I'll be closing this thread to further replies.

    Read before you post, don't harass people.
  16. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    For the official record: This has zero impact on our end. Our servers run in offline mode and we enforce bans on our own. They have no access to our chat logs or anything. If you are banned by MS you wont be able to login to your account and won't be able to join any servers. That's the entirety of it. Going to close this thread now.
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