Decided Against A PvP Oriented Server

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by LordFungi, Apr 3, 2017.

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  1. Slowfeed

    Slowfeed Well-Known Member

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    1:35 PM
    Something like this feels like what y'all want.


    From my very limited knowledge, the way I see this modpack working is one of two ways players will group up with other people with similar interests and cause "fights" with the other players. Such as witches going against the mechanics/scientists OR players will get an affinity for all of the mods and become demi-gods which groups of players will want to challenge and take resources. I definitely have ideas for this but from what modern modpacks I found this looks like the best one for all around modpack we can add a pvp server for. As in one server is pvp while another is pve.

    I would love to see something like this play out. Get us a lore for players whom care and to make it that much more dedicated, we have plenty of players and staff who play D&D so they can come up with a beautiful story I'm sure of it. At the beginning have players chose their lives: Mechanic? Witch/Wizard? Lost soul?
    You chose mechanic, someone who was born on a mineral rich hill surrounded by plains. You must now decide your path: Railroad worker? Automation? Energy provider? Tactician?
    A wise decision to become a Witch/Wizard someone born within a forest blooming with trees, around you is hard to maneuver but you feel a voice calling out to you. Who's voice is that? A wand? A branch with an aura around it?
    You were born by a nomad in between both the people with magic and those who are always covered in grease. Both disgust you but you know you must live somehow so you band together with other nomads to try to survive. How do you plan to survive? Farming? Building the town's protections? or do you become the hero of the town and make a rocket ship to take everyone off the planet to be safe on another?
    It would be cool if we can limit how many people can do what role and on the pvp server if possible limit what players can make based on their role so a witch can't make a nuclear reactor while a railroad worker can't use a magic wand but a lost soul can use one side or the other so they can be powerful and can defend themself from the lands. I'd like to think of this as similar to Naruto lands where the mainlands are massive with powerful families or factions within them. I believe that we should have expanding borders where each faction can send settlers into a zone to make new territories to expand their powers but to prevent too much expansion implement loyalty where if a new town is too far from the capital. The capital has to either make an outpost for themself near the new town, maybe 200 blocks. Yet a subset of the main factions can separate from itself and call it their own faction state, such as thaumcraft can separate themself from the main witchery and either stay on good terms or outright leave the faction entirely.
    Spying could be implemented where the morph o tool mod is used and have a "fake" wand or tool to "work" inside the other teams land to gain insight. Players can make joint faction states to combine witchery and mechanics but the main factions should have an incentive to take them out as the joint factions should be able to quickly ascend to end game and become very powerful. New faction states should be broadcast in global chat with a name and their affiliation to notify players of a new threat or a new ally. I think we should also make sure as staff that the new factions would be realisitc as in someone cannot make a witch in an impossible area such as on the opposite side of the mechanics faction unless there is a reasonable way to get there. I would also want to see no teleportation commands as players will be able to avoid and bypass many things because someone made an alt account in the opposite faction or made friends with someone in another faction.

    Seperate players in three or more groups one mechanics, one witches/wizards, one that's neither and let them fight

    Just let players play with all mods and become demi gods

    If this is too confusing I'll do my best to explain.
  2. Scorpin7

    Scorpin7 Active Member

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    I think that can be "a mode" inside this kind of modpack/server/proyect, but.. I think this can start with an "all demigods mode with factions", and just let them use all the items and make their own factions/war sides, just making the balance and performance changes so the server can afford the maximum simultaneos number of players as possible.. To make it the easily as possible too for the players and the owners in the start, I think, but curious ideas anyway :)
  3. Tntdestroyd

    Tntdestroyd Well-Known Member

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    12:35 PM
    Now thats an interesting idea, take this to grounds that nobody has gone to really so far, other than standalone mods themselves perhaps, by creating an mmorpg type of game play / server thats MYM exclusive. Which would have things like, quest lines, lore, mob fights, dungeons, guilds to form communities and to control the map territories, pvp perhaps in it, etc. This reminds me of the vanilla variant known as wynncraft, but i dont believe anybody has attempted to do something in that scale using all the mods from the modded world, which in my opinion, would be epic. Since mym I believe has the ability to develop as it is, would make things even easier for this type of challenge. If that were to ever become a possibility, I wouldnt mind helping with builds or game lore or anything requested to make it happen.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2020
  4. Emeror_Gawain

    Emeror_Gawain Member

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    10:35 AM
    Don't forget genetics
  5. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    5:35 PM
    Your suggestions of a class system could probably be achieved using game stages, maybe in combination with the vanilla teams system? Individual players could maybe be limited to only master a single mod or type of content at a time, maybe being able to access up to the mid tiers of some other content from their faction. That could even allow the 'end-game' to effectively be simply allowing players to branch out further.

    An example player experience might therefore go:

    Join mages - access basics of all magic content - choose warlock route - unlocks midgame of blood magic and thaumcraft - chooses thaumcraft route - unlocks lategame thaumcraft.

    This player could then "cross-specialise" to either master blood magic, take another magic path partway i.e. natural magics with botania and witchery or learn the basics of tech mods like some basic machines. Each phase could be completed by reaching a number of goals, so maybe a botania user would need to collect all of the relics or fill a rainbow mana pool in order to access this cross-specialisation, where a thaumcraft user might complete a particularly difficult infusion or use a complex focus.
  6. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    What it does require is someone who really understands stages, and I would like to meet that person because I've not had a lot of success implementing them properly.
  7. LordFungi

    LordFungi Patron Tier 1

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    10:35 AM
    I am once again resurrecting this thread in the vain hope that 1.18 provides the solution I desperately seek. DISCOURSE SHALL ONCE AGAIN COMMENCE.
  8. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    10:35 AM
    Necromancy! Time to be a lich!
  9. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    We ran a 1.16 pvp server. Know how many pvp'd? Absolutely zero. Nadda. Waste of my effort - and money. Sorry but when it comes to PvP this community is all talk and no follow-through. Doubt we will ever pursue it again.

    Locking this thread.
    mrminesheeps and TrashGothAoife like this.
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