Done Enemies won't spawn

Discussion in 'Project Ozone 3' started by Xehala23, Aug 29, 2022.

  1. Xehala23

    Xehala23 Well-Known Member

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    10:38 AM
    Ello . Enemies won't spawn on my island , or when they do its only in very small ammount , struggling to make a mob farm :c any ideas whats up ?
  2. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    7:38 AM
    First though is to press F7 to show the light map and see if there are any invisible light sources (bugged lights). Thats a fairly common issue. Also check what biome your island is. Ocean is default and spawns are minimal there. Try changing to forest with /is biome
  3. Xehala23

    Xehala23 Well-Known Member

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    10:38 AM
    yeah checked all of that already and tried multiple biomes over the span of the last 3 days ... can't get cursed earth either , not there yet :c
  4. Xehala23

    Xehala23 Well-Known Member

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    10:38 AM
    so for fun I tried checking the inside of the mob farm ... and the lighting is broken ...

    link for an understanding of the problem :p
  5. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    10:38 AM
    Fill the area with sand, dirt something easy to dig out. Also 1.12 has a change with slabs, if your roof is a slab it will let light leak in so you'll need to use solid blocks everywhere.
  6. Xehala23

    Xehala23 Well-Known Member

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    10:38 AM
    yeah I tried the sand and stuff , tried to add torches and remove them too trying to reset. also there isn't any slabs. but like my whole island is like that , the lighting is weird
  7. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    3:38 PM
    There are a couple of other things to consider. In general, unless you are using Cursed Earth to spawn the mobs, it's recommended to make your mobfarm at least 20 blocks away from your main working area. That's apparently the "safe zone" they wont spawn in. Go out a few more blocks just to be sure. It also helps a lot if you chunkload the mobfarm with an iron chunkloader.

    As for what @HanoverFist69 and @wyndman said before, the lighting inside "dark rooms" sometimes bugs. You need to fill it with standard unmodded minecraft blocks to eradicate any light sources. Do not use blocks from other mods, not even for the outside walls. Because some of them also allow light to get through. So use stuff like Dirt, Sand or (Cobble)Stone. Then of course dig it out again.

    Avoid using vector plates. I have used these myself and they also seem to cause lighting issues. Use the Mob Fans instead. They do not create light and they let anything spawn without issue.

    Also, the default biome for the entire world is ocean. It is recommended to change it to one of the following biomes:

    Command example:  /is setbiome minecraft:forest
    If you only want a specific biome in the chunk you are currently in, run the same command, but with the word chunk at the end.
    /is setbiome minecraft:forest chunk
    Minecraft:Ocean (if you need guardian's to spawn for guardian spikes and scales).
    Hell (nether)
    Sky (end)
    Because there are other forest and plains biomes, you need to put minecraft: in front of the biome name or it will change to either abyssalcraft, erebus, nuclearcraft or other modpack versions of those biomes.

    If you do NOT want ANY mob or passive animal spawns, set it to:
    Appliedenergistics:storage_cell (this will lower the temperate to -273c, so your water sources will freeze. keep that in mind). This is good for cooling machines as well.

    Later on, especially for Pneumaticcraft and the use of machines which require heat. It is recommended to set the biome in that specific chunk to Hell (nether), because it will raise the chunk's temperature a lot and your machines will require less heating.

    If you need a lot of fast and easy Blaze, Blizz, Blitz and Basalz rods, then it is recommended you set the biome of your mobfarm to: Abyssalcraft:abyssal_wasteland. You will obviously also get a lot of useful Abyssalcraft stuff that way without having to go there yourself.

    Slimes only spawn properly if you create and place a Slime Cube from Extra Utilities Random Things. They wont even spawn with modified spawners, unless you have access to a mob duplicator. For slimes to spawn it is also recommended to change the biome back to the Ocean biome.

    Tell me if any of this helped :)
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2022
    Willfon, wyndman and SovereignEternal like this.
  8. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Helpful and educational!
    SovereignEternal likes this.
  9. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    3:38 PM
    i have my moments :D

    Made some tiny changes to correct incorrectness :D would help if you could remove my quote @wyndman since that still contains the errors.
  10. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    7:38 AM
    I'll be closing this due to inactivity. If you have tried all of the listed solutions, and still come up with nothing, feel free to reopen.
  11. Xehala23

    Xehala23 Well-Known Member

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    10:38 AM
    Yes reopening it since its still not fixed, enemies will not spawn altogether for some reason :I I even have spawners and they won't work ... please fix, even cursed earth won't spawn anything
  12. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    I'm not able to investigate right now, but I'll ping the rest of the @Senior Moderator team to see if they have time to check it out.

    Edit: I've made some time, hopping on right now.
  13. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    7:38 AM
    I'm not entirely sure what to do here, I saw dozens of mobs per minute in your spawner room. If the issue remains when next you log on, could you include a screen recording of at least 30 seconds while standing inside the spawner room?

    Awaiting your reply,

  14. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    7:38 AM
    This appears to be solved, so I'll close out the thread. Happy gaming!

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