Done Chunkloader cost randomly nearly triples

Discussion in 'Enigmatica 2 Expert' started by ItsTyrone, Nov 1, 2022.

  1. ItsTyrone

    ItsTyrone Patron Tier 2

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    11:37 PM
    I've been running into a really strange issue on E2E. I usually run an iron chunkloader in a 3x3, which at my tech level/number of machine sits around 250 tickets. This is about what I would expect based on my experience on other servers, so nothing unusual there. Periodically, however, the cost will rise dramatically when I check it. It will then fall later, sometimes after a reset but sometimes for no discernable reason at all.

    For instance:
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot

    We can see that right now, as I am typing this, my chunkloader cost is up to 670 for one chunk. It is my central chunk, however there isn't enough going on to really warrant this level of cost in my base.

    I am going to go level-by level on the chunk that seems to be having a problem, please let me know if you see anything that could indicate an issue or something that I have missed.

    A word of warning before I continue, this is not a build showcase. I am firmly in the very early stages of mid-game for this pack, and my base is not exactly super refined/presentable.

    Top floor - there are a fair number of machines here, however nothing that I would consider an egregious number. The metal press has a 1 space gap from the chunk boundary.
    Screenshot by Lightshot

    Next floor - basic auto-crafting, the AE2 system is not yet to the point where there is much going on with it, especially compared with mid/late game bases. No loops in the AE2 network, not that at this point there is really enough AE2 cabling to loop anyway.
    Screenshot by Lightshot

    Next floor - Reactor with some cloches and a witchwater farm that I temporarily set up for wither skeleton farming.
    Screenshot by Lightshot

    Finally, bedrock with a void ore miner. Not much to say on this one.
    Screenshot by Lightshot

    I really can't figure out what could be causing this. There are a few bats on the bottom, but the mob farm and most of my heavy machinery from IE2 are in separate chunks from the problem one. My AE2 system and power generation are in this chunk, but neither are very developed yet. One odd thing that I've noticed from adjacent chunks - sometimes when I'm doing thaumcraft, the aura in the area will show as 0 in the arcane workbench, while the thaumameter will show it does have aura. I'm not sure if that's at all related, however.
  2. ItsTyrone

    ItsTyrone Patron Tier 2

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    Local Time:
    11:37 PM
    Following the latest reset, this is what the same 3x3 area's chunkload cost is:
    Screenshot by Lightshot

    The issue is that I don't realize when the cost suddenly (and seemingly randomly) jumps up until I go to check the chunkloader.

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