Credit to make warps

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Jaytuple, Feb 6, 2023.

  1. Jaytuple

    Jaytuple Well-Known Member

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    So this is similar to my other recent post. I'd like to make a shop, one that's a bit more interactive than the market. The market command is handy and works as well as needed, but it misses a certain part of humanization and show. I do acknowledge that the use of warps is a bit limited, but provide and they shall be used.

    My suggestion is to make setting warps public access, possibly with a fee of xconomy balance or mym tokens.
    Masqueeraded likes this.
  2. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    As to shops, most of the mod packs will allow it, however a shop requires almost constant attention to keep it from being burdensome to the server. Warps can and will be abused if it is a portable warp and if it is static then it requires staff intervention, something that most staff do not even know how to do and requires an update . Unfortunately the most popular is a player shop which is in one dimension only. I have been on servers that have shops that sell everything from sand to second gen solar generators, and from a potato to large scale farming systems. When I got to this server I was quite surprised that there were NO shops.
    Although I haven't ask the reason I wouldn't be surprised to find that staff just does not want to bother with them.Even the Kia shop does not get the use to keep it stocked and open.
  3. Jaytuple

    Jaytuple Well-Known Member

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    The good thing about warps is that you can look into who made them, giving protection to the players. Using tokens/MYM coins will also lower the possibility of it being abused since they have to pay. The warps also aren't shop exclusive, they can be used for community stuff (city warps, arenas, etc).

    For reference, i played on a large server (100+ people) with player warps being a hugely important part of the player-ran economy.
  4. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    I know the types of servers. I still think that the problem is that staff just does not want to be bothered with a market economy on any of its servers. I ran the market on a server, but I was able to pull from a base that was set aside for the market only. We are talking of having a storage with 10k stacks of everything that could be used on the server. I have run a simple sand for credit shop and I have set up chest shops which I rewired a portal for.
    Since the advent of the Portal gun in 1.whatever, really admins have had to limit portals which may explain why Staff does not care for player or server shops. Sorry for getting tangles in a web of the web looking for the corresponding items..
  5. Cantiel

    Cantiel Well-Known Member

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    i think the biggest issue with market is the balancing. i've played enough modpacks here on this network where players sold late game/hard to obtain items, so it was easy for starters to skip large parts of the progression steps. on divine journey 2 for example, peo0ple sold full stacks of some ingots that required 8 or so steps to make (icluding pink slime, lots of alloying, actually additions empowerer, etc) for less than 1 day of votes. so there was no need to create all that machinery yourself
  6. Jaytuple

    Jaytuple Well-Known Member

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    So I want to restate, this is not meant to be for just shops. Showing off builds, making towns, etc. There's more use for warps than just shops.
    SparedPumpkins likes this.
  7. SparedPumpkins

    SparedPumpkins Senior Moderator

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    I've played on many servers with public warps, mostly vanilla but some modded servers as well.
    Every time there has always been at least one example of where someone has used a warp for a nefarious reason. I imagine this is the reason that MYM have chosen not to include these in their mod packs.
    I'd also add that I've been playing on MYM for a while now and it's not something that I have ever thought lacking in any of the packs I've played.
  8. Jaytuple

    Jaytuple Well-Known Member

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    I've played on many servers with players, there's at least one example where someone griefed someone else. Same sorta logic as this. We can't control what everyone does, which is why rules and consequences exist. Paying with tokens would make it less likely anything nefarious would happen, and there can be rules set for warps.
    SparedPumpkins likes this.
  9. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    Just to answer: Builds A staff an create a portal for each one. Towns: The Mayor or the designated representative are the only ones that can create a port. The one that has a lot of grief is the one with no control over who comes in. But now I understated that you want to go back to the days of the portal gun, where any JOE could go where ever they want to with no respect to the server. No... Not NO but H... NO.
    Allow me to explain. Each portal requires a certain amount of memory. On a small server of the 1 Gig ram variety that would support a total of 2 people only because the rest of the resources are used up with addresses of the random portals that these 2 people have created. Invariable someone will forget to delete a portal and that is a random access memory hit. If these are not cleared by the next round of the program then it is entered as a temporary location which can become permanent. A good example : You use the server on a very populates server and you come out in a base? Or so close to a base it isn't funny? It is because Blow when he used the random portal he made it a permanent one by placing a base there at the end of it. The server on the next go around will drop a player into Blows bedroom. He either didn't realize that that is what would happen, or didn't care. The worst part is what hurts the most. Not caring. Now if everyone ties a base to the end of a server drop soon the server will stop.
    Also those are stock servers. Each server at MYM goes through a revamp to slim and shape the server to be as effective as possible, and also use as little memory as possible. This includes custom code to eliminate the wasted byte. Now sometimes this code reduction will not play nice with the rest of the code packs and have to be reworked many times to get the lead out.Your portals, even being a MYM paid project would give a lot of people a way to use a lot of server resources that really font need to be used and add a lot of "Lead".
    Some of the Mine Craft servers out there are definitely Pay to Play servers. Mojang frowned on these servers, but since Microsoft took over some of these servers have prospered. These servers work like you are suggesting. MYM does not.
    Yes I agree that having the portals paid for by tokens is a good idea. I once had an idea to use tokens to assist in the construction of the base. If you are familiar with the construable base it is a base that you can have in your backpack and can use at any one location you choose.I suggested that if you lost your base due to hardware problems that a ,new case could be purchased using tokens. Shortly after that my system crashed. To my knowledge this still has not been implemented. The use of tokens on an item is not allowed and goes against Mojang directives.
    So the use of tokens is not allowed by the directives which MYM follow.
  10. Jaytuple

    Jaytuple Well-Known Member

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    The leader of a town would still need warp perms. Anyone could then become a mayor or whatever and get the perms, negating need for status.

    Ae2 systems cause lag. If someone wanted to maliciously affect server performance, Ae2 would do it a heck of a lot better, yet we don't see anyone doing that.

    This isn't anymore pay to play then chunk loaders. They use tokens, the same as my idea for warps.

    Want to further limit who can do warps? Add it to a donor perk, or patron perk, same way as multiple /homes. Furthering my point, a warp is just a public home, so it's no more pay to play than multiple homes are.
  11. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    I am sorry. I have run servers and I watched as the tps dropped after the portal guns were introduced. Servers today are much more powerful than they used to be granted but a server will still take a hit if everyone has free access to any warp they wanted to. I just have a hard time trying to understand why you need a permanent warp. You have already said the main warps, most player warps would be to friends bases, which I see as a possible problem of trespass while the owner is gone. There are ways to do that now and it is traceable for griefing purposes.
    Please enlighten probably the oldest player on the sever. What is so important that you have to have a permanent portal at your base. I see this as a very possible GRIEF starting to take place.
    I will comment no more on this subject and I will allow staff to do what they will. Portals are set up at server expense for people to move from one place to another without it coating the player. I just don't understand the need that you describe. Staff will place a portal where necessary.
  12. Jaytuple

    Jaytuple Well-Known Member

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    Warps don't affect tps anymore than homes do. And if homes affect tps, well then my couple dozen homes per server sure would make a difference.

    I did not say free warps. Setting one could cost tokens, as could traveling to one. This can even be an extra incentive to vote if people make good use of them.

    The idea it would be used to grief is an argument that can be applied to quite a lot of things in the game. I bet I could find more than a dozen ways in each pack to grief. Some people don't claim all their land, that can cause griefing! That's what rules are for.

    Warps are not the same as portals. Warps are basically public homes that people can TP to.

    Which brings the next point, why would anyone want to make one? Refer to my previous replies. For starters, they make a great way to start public towns, making an easy way to access the area for people to join regardless of who's online. They can be used to show off builds. They can be used to setup public spawners, or other similar helpful areas. I imagine there's more ideas that others will come up with.
    Or maybe nobody will use it, then oh well at least it's still an option for people.

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