Implemented Missing structures in farmworld

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by hamster2464, Feb 19, 2023.

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  1. hamster2464

    hamster2464 Well-Known Member

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    8:51 AM
    I have noticed that during my exploration in the farmworlf there was certain structures and biomes which were missing. The structures from chocolate quest repoured mod, Quark, Fossil and Archeology, and inventory pets, and mowize mobs, ancient spellcraft are missing and they have necessary drops in order to complete certain quests. Biomes of plenty don't spawn either.
    Mowize mobs and chocolate quest: good source of early game coins and loot boxes. Bosses from the dungeons generated from this mod are part of a quest.

    Inventory pets: Some crafts you need non craftable pets and you need to collect one of each pet for quest. Nether can provide them, but having the farmworld for an early game alternative is nice.
    Ancient spellcraft: The structures with the unbreakable barriers that contain stone tablets and materials which quests need. Etc, warlock/sage armor, collect all artifacts/spells, imbuement alter(requires essence extraction spell).
    Biomes of plenty: Certain mobs only spawn in biomes of plenty biome for some reason.

    Modpack is mceternal.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2023
  2. Willfon

    Willfon Well-Known Member

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    The farmworld is mainly there for us to mine in. On some packs it has some mobs and dungeons needed for progression, but it depends on the pack.

    Which pack does this request relate to?
  3. PhishTahkoh

    PhishTahkoh Patron Tier 3

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    Pretty sure they're talking about McEternal
  4. Willfon

    Willfon Well-Known Member

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    Guessing from the mods they mention I'd guess the same, but I've had my middle behind handed to me on a platter in here (not by hamster, obviously) before for assuming too much, so I'd rather ask ;)

    In some packs, like SevTech, some structures won't spawn unless you are in the specific overworld. Eternal is so immensely structure heavy that some of these structures could in theory be a lag liability and if you reset the farmworld every month you run a real risk that someone would get some serious amount of loot from sacking those structures. So the lack of structures could be intentional.

    Anyhow, that sort of decision would have been on @Administrator level, so that was a ping to get their attention. Hopefully they can give an answer as to whether or not it is intentional.

  5. JessTheGreat

    JessTheGreat Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
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    10:51 AM is eternal.
  6. Redshii

    Redshii Senior Moderator Build Team

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    4:51 PM
    Dropping in some extra cents from my experience.

    From what I've seen it's only the Farmworld being affected missing custom structures. I've seen the Nether and the End for example generate how I would expect. The Nether has Chocolate Quest Repoured structures and Biomes O' Plenty biomes. The End has extra mod-added biomes, while it doesn't have CQR structures. The latter would be explained as there are no CQR structures for the End dimension afaik looking on their wiki for 1.12.2.

    So it's most likely the Farmworld has different map generation rules, being a vanilla generated world and not BoP and CQR disabled.

    In terms of OP'ness of CQR, personally I haven't gotten any good stuff from CQR, especially compared to simple custom structures chests who do spawn in the Farmworld, so don't think it's about being OP.

    The End is most likely the most OP world to farm chests in looking at end game items. Does take more time to do so, so it balances sort of out.
  7. Jaytuple

    Jaytuple Well-Known Member

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    8:51 AM
    My concern is it's against the rules to grief structures in the over world. So by looting dungeons, you're technically breaking a rule.

    Either the rule should be modified, or farmworld should have structures
    JessTheGreat likes this.
  8. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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