Done Questbook got reset?

Discussion in 'Divine Journey 2' started by Ganyjko, Feb 23, 2023.

  1. Ganyjko

    Ganyjko Well-Known Member

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    10:52 PM
    Hello I was taking a break from divine journey 2 and came back and my quest book got reseted.. I don't know why but I had Nearly completed chapt 13, is there any way to restore it at least for the exploration block? I dont want to go through that again. :D

    I still have the stuff in my claim to proof that I've done the quests.
  2. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    5:52 PM
    DJ2 has done that before. One time I left on a weekend and came back and the quest book had gotten stupid. It took three days to recover it. Maybe they keep better records now.
  3. TheeForgotten

    TheeForgotten Senior Moderator Build Team

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    5:52 PM
    Hello Ganyjko

    I will send this to the @Administrator to see if they can find anything about your quest book if not we might have to go throw and manually complete it again.
  4. Ganyjko

    Ganyjko Well-Known Member

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    10:52 PM
    Allright, let me know if there are any updates. :)
  5. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Looking at this, I cannot find any errors of when it possible reset. I looked through what I could and didn't see anything. Unfortunately, there isn't a whole lot I can do as far as restoring the data even if I did manage to find it. All quest data gets saved into 1 big quest progression json file and any corruption will reset big chunks of it.

    I apologize if this isn't what you wanted to hear but this is sometimes the risk of playing with mods which can cause data like this to be unstable.

    At this time, I am not able to restore this.

    -Admin Aidoneus
  6. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    5:52 PM
    thanks for trying anyway. I would attempt to learn the language, but at my age it isn't worth it.

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