Decided Against MCEternal 1.6.1) MP experience manifesto

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Redshii, Mar 13, 2023.

  1. Redshii

    Redshii Senior Moderator Build Team

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    11:32 PM
    Hi there,

    I have been played the pack for a while and there are a few things from annoying fixes to QoL improvements I'd like to see happen:

    Server side:
    1. Mob spawns have been rough lately, has been going on for past 10 days.
    2. Server TPS gradually drops to around 4-5 tps around the 6-hour mark after a server restart. From what I’ve heard it’s a mem leak and admins are aware.
    3. The Neo Ratlantian will destroy blocks (including some with containers) when spawned in your base. I did not expect this to be the case and nothing too valuable was lost. Not sure if the mob grief is meant to be bypassed.

    The bullets below are caused by the pack being on normal mode:
    4. The Moon seems useless aside from chest farming Rats upgrades. The pack is on normal mode which means the structures that have boss fights don’t work, or well, the items (totems) are unobtainable. This ruins the experience from going to the Moon and makes it a rather useless world.

    5. There are a lot of Mystical Agriculture seeds obtainable from the Moon by chest hunting. The seeds are currently mostly obtainable by building mob farms aka impacting server resources. The seeds do work, but trying to convert the essence into the items won’t work. Maybe a way to decrease mob farms and decrease server resource usage? (honestly no clue how MA crops affect server resources).

    6. Ice dragons are barely spawning making the kill 100 Ice Dragons quest nearly impossible with the current player count to be completed in a few months. The ice dragon (and other dragons) are blacklisted in the mob duplicator and neither can it be used in a powered spawner. Fire dragons are doable since they are found in other dimensions other than the Farmworld.

    Introduction quest line:
    7. Regicide and Desert Quest from the Introduction quest series are not completable. The maps are not working. The quest line does not require them as completed however, so it's mostly an annoyance.

    Bosses quest line:
    8. Priomordial Malevolence does not spawn after looking into the eye and getting teleported to the top of the castle after the bugfix (?). Structure generation rate also seems low as I have not found a 2nd castle after exploring the map for over 60% yet.

    The bullets below are assumptions as I have still to encounter them with 20+ hours of exploring. It also does not help that there is no info about any of the bosses below on the internet. The mod (CQR) is very badly documented:
    9. Taking the issue #4 in mind. The quest King of the Illagers from the Bossing quest line does also not seem completable since the maps don’t work. I have not encountered a single Illager King after exploring 60%+ of the map in the Farmworld, so cannot guarantee if my assumption is true. I’ve roamed in the Farmworld for over 10 hours, so can’t say the experience was a pleasure.
    10. Giant tortoise, Ender King and Nether Dragon from the Chocolate Quest Repoured have a way too low of a spawn/generation rate if they spawn/generate at all. I have searched for both bosses for over 10 hours combined. This is anti-fun and I just gave up on it.

    Challenges quest line:
    11. The Inventory Pet Master! Quest can not be completed, as the following items can not be crafted since they are disabled:
    a. Juggernaut Pet
    b. Slime Pet

    a. Reduce server restart timer to a maximum of 6 hours
    b. Enable currently disabled MA seed recipes if it helps server resources
    c. Add recipes for the Moon Boss Totems
    d. Add Spawn Egg recipes for the CQR and Illager king bosses listed above (unless I'm mistaken and they are somewhere out there, let me know)
    e. Increase border of The Betweenlands to help increase the generation of the Wight Fortress
    f. Farmworld reset to 7 days or ways to improve means of killing ice dragons
    g. A way to complete the Inventory Pet Master quest

    As a money sink late game maybe have the custom crafting recipes use multiple 100.000 coins tokens. I.E. an Ice Dragon Spawn Egg for 1.000.000 coins.

    Kind regards,

    SparedPumpkins likes this.
  2. SparedPumpkins

    SparedPumpkins Senior Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    10:32 PM
    I've gotta admit I've pretty much given up on doing the quests as so many seem to require you to find random items in random chests. I don't mind the occasional one, but there are quite a few.

    The pack started well, but having only played it for a little while and been quite frustrated in a few areas, I don't think it's a keeper for me.
  3. TheeForgotten

    TheeForgotten Senior Moderator Build Team

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    6:32 PM
    1.) Mob rates was dooubled
    2.) Server restarts at 6 hours
    3.) Will talk with the admins on this one
    4.)The moon use to have more we just found out that the mod that was there crashes you so we took it out
    5.)Can look into it
    6.)Look in the colder parts of the Twilight there good for being there (if you can still cant find one come talk with me)
    7.)Yes i found this to be true as well
    8.)Will see what is going on
    9.)See about getting it removed
    10.)I have ran into a few of those you speak of already
    11.)you can get the random pet getter from the shop and hope to get them
    a.) Done
    b.)There not the cause of lag
    c.)the totems are up on the moon you have to really look for them
    d.)Kill the quest (Will talk with admins)
    e.)need to look into it more
    f.)can ask about that
    g.)spoke of how above
  4. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    4:32 PM
    Thanks for the feedback!

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