Info Network Status Update 2023

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Aidoneus, Apr 16, 2023.

  1. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    3:37 PM
    Hello Everyone!
    Lately, a lot of people have asked questions on where MineYourMind is headed and why we haven't really progressed any further since Minecraft 1.12. Hopefully, with all the information I will provide, I will explain and answer any questions.

    Updates to Minecraft 1.12 Servers

    This topic is the first thing we should talk about. As you have seen in the last couple weeks, we have been updating many of our plugins across the network. This is mostly targeted to our Minecraft 1.12 servers. The plugin we are really focusing on is GriefDefender. We are in the process of migrating from GriefPrevention to GriefDefender. This is talked about here. The overall idea behind this is to have all the 1.12 servers run the same exact plugin versions and move this version of Minecraft to LTS or Long Term Support so we can focus on newer things.

    New Proxy

    For the longest time, this is what kept us from really moving forward in Minecraft versions. To be more specific, the entire Modded Minecraft community lost the ability to connect to servers using a proxy since Minecraft 1.13. Long story short, we now have a semi-stable way of doing this and we are pushing forward testing this plugin on our proxy. The entire process of updating and using this new proxy is complex but the admin team and I have had a lot of success using it in our testing. While a proxy isn't exactly needed to run newer Minecraft versions, it is an incredibly nice to to have at a network's disposal.

    New Hub

    Yay! A new Hub! After how many years? Too many to count. Since we are using a new proxy, we are going to be using a new hub! I am not exactly sure what this will look like as of yet but we have a good idea of what it will be. Once we get this amazingly awesome hub, we can start doing more min-games, events and more! Stay tuned!

    New Forge Servers

    So, this is the most exciting part of the entire process. Right now, we will be sticking to Minecraft versions 1.18 and 1.19 with essentially skipping anything in-between 1.13-1.17. We are going to stick to a more "kitchen sink" pack as our first modern forge server as this will be the easiest to test and work out any bugs.

    Now, this is going to be a pretty big change from any servers that we have hosted before. It is pretty difficult to host and maintain any modded server after 1.12 due there being no stable plugin platform. We will NOT, as of right now, be using any hybrid servers. This includes Magma, Mohist or Arclight. What does this mean? No plugins! This has a wide array of disadvantages unfortunately. A lot of core features that our currently plugins provide will not be on the server. Things include menus, perks and a lot of other commands that MYM provides. This doesn't mean that they will never happen but this requires re-writing many of our plugins to Forge rather than a plugin platform like Bukkit or Sponge. You will probably see MYM experimenting with new things.

    These will be very experimental servers and you probably will expect more frequent resets, data wipes and many testings of new features on these newer servers. Please do note that the MYM staff team will try be accommodating to what we can regarding these resets or bugs we may encounter but as everyone know, things can just happen where something may not be recoverable.

    Closing Thoughts

    Overall, This is a major step forward for MineYourMind! Hopefully, this answers some of the questions that everyone has had recently. If you have any questions regarding any of these changes, you can respond here and we will do our best to answer them. Lastly, I want to thank every one of our players that have been supporting the network recently. MineYourMind wouldn't be here without you!

    Thank You,
    MineYourMind Staff Team
  2. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    5:37 PM
    So will the new "Modern" 1.18 and 1.19 servers be patron only or will they be open too the public since I feel like packs might stick around longer if they were open too the public rather then Patrons and the people they give their friendpass too
  3. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    3:37 PM
    They will be public servers
    SovereignEternal likes this.
  4. osirisgothra

    osirisgothra Well-Known Member

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    So happy to hear about exactly this, sounds awesome! Thanks to all the staff for all of your hard work behind the scenes!
    SovereignEternal likes this.
  5. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    10:37 PM
    Yay! MyM finally stopped dying! After how many years? Too many to count.

    Now I lost so many things I could complain about! I can finally play on best network I ever seen and not worry about it's future?
  6. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    This is excellent news! I have been on the search for new packs that I could play and passing these down to MYM staff. I do hope that some of them are implemented into the greater scheme of the server. Unfortunately, my graphics card will not run most of the newer packs because it is already 11 years old and I can't afford a new one, so what I am finding is that are packs that barely run on smp. These packs' I am kicking up to staff for evaluation. I have found that most will run on my machine in server mode. Like this I have the best of both worlds.
    More power to the admins! Perhaps I may not have to go looking for something else.
  7. MaulwurfRitter

    MaulwurfRitter Well-Known Member

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    10:37 PM
    Holly Potato, it is so awesome to Login from time to time and read every think what Happen it is awesome:)

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